Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1185: Tianhu hybrid VS Tianhu hybrid (middle)

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The battle fell to Yunsheng's side all of a sudden, and the fox did not expect that he would plant a big heel in the hands of a woman.

In the blink of an eye, the King of Ghosts devoured three or four half-orcs, and the King of Ghosts was a bit stronger again.

"Brother, what can I do? This woman is too powerful," the orc doctor only felt sweaty.

Fox blood is too lazy to routinely hear the words of the orc doctor, his eyes staring at Yun Sheng in the sky.

"It's all that woman. As soon as you kill the woman, the monster will disappear," the fox gnawed his teeth, and the fighting on his body swept frantically.

His fox tail and fox ears stood up together, and there was a little red light under his eyes, and the man had appeared strangely beside Yunsheng.

"I don't care who you are, I will give you another chance to choose, to be my woman or die!" The blood of the fox has been half-beasted.

In his body, the blood of Tianhu was about to move.

The otherwise handsome face had an inverted triangle, pointed canine teeth, and the face was full of fierceness.

"Thanks to you, it is not worthy to mention the word "death" with me." Yun Sheng has no fear, and a few words are spit out in his lips: "The first inheritance of Tianhu, Tianhu is wrapped."

The wind rose sharply.

Yun Sheng's long hair, along with the wind, has amazing toughness. They are like countless sharp flying thorns, and they are entangled in the blood of the fox.

"It's not easy, you can force my fox blood to this step. I originally thought that I don't need to use my inheritance," fox Yi blood took a few steps back, but he was still scratched by his hair. Wiping the blood at the corners of the mouth, the eyes are cold, and the inch freezes.

Sky Fox Heritage?

Yun Sheng bounced heavily.

Could it be said that the blood of Fox also awakened the heritage.

It's no wonder that as Yunsheng, one of the hybrids of the Sky Fox, can awaken the inheritance of the Sky Fox, it is also not impossible for the blood of the same fox to have some kind of Sky Fox heritage.

I just don't know what kind of Sky Fox heritage he has.

"You really are a Sky Fox, but it's a pity that you are only a Sky Fox. I'll show you that even if they are a Sky Fox, there is a big difference. Wake up, Wuhu is born." Huyi Xue Bao smiled, and he made a sharp whistle toward the sky.

As the whistle pierced into the clouds, the clouds changed, and a fiery red witch beckoning array appeared.

"This is!" Yun Sheng was forced to take a few steps back suddenly due to the strange power of the fox's blood.

In the fiery red witch beast summoning circle, the magic power burned like a flame, and a fiery red witch fox appeared in the summoning circle.

I saw a low whistle of fox, and clawed towards Yunsheng.

Yun Sheng was shocked, and he didn't know what this strange witch beast was.

The magic bracelet in his hand suddenly lighted up.

"Shield of Earth, Defense!"

"Wings of the wind, accelerate!"

Yun Sheng dodges the attack of that fox.

The power of the Wuhu's claws was extremely violent, and he arrived instantly.


After being strengthened by the magic **** bracelet, the earth shield was torn to pieces at once, and yellow earth magic elements filled the air.

With a thunderous sound, the fox claws slashed a **** arc of light, swept out, and cut towards Yunsheng.

Yun Sheng's figure passed away, only to be hit by the Wuhu Fox.

The arc fell to the ground, and there was a wave of shaking on the ground. On the plain, there was a ditch-like crack at once. That terrible power turned a piece of plain into two at once.

So strong!

Yun Sheng and Biao Biao were both startled. I didn't expect the inheritance of the Tianhu of the blood of the fox to be so strong.

Seeing Yun Sheng forced to retreat, the fox gave a **** laughter.

"Great Wuhu, please give me supreme power," the snarled fox roared through the plain.

The fiery red Fox sage, turned into a red shadow and merged with the blood of the fox.

As a result, a fox in the shape of a half-orc turned into a sky fox in the early hours.

After being transformed into a Sky Fox, the defensive power and attack power of Fox's blood increased greatly. His violent power of Sky Fox turned into countless cold attacks and rushed to Yunsheng.

"Sky Thunder Thorns!" Yun Sheng stepped back, and beside him, many days of Thunder struck the fox with blood.

How do you know that the fox laughed a few times in blood, even ignoring the sky thorn completely, and held a sky thorn in his hand with his bare hands.

"Huh, I really underestimate you, and you still have such brilliant dark magic. Unfortunately, you met my blood of fox," spitting blood of fox into scarlet tongue, sounded the "bite" in his hand. The thorns swallowed it all at once.

Yun Sheng didn't know what to do, she retreated hundreds of meters, barely stabilizing her figure.

"It's very fast, bang, what's the fox calling out, and why is it so powerful?" Yun Sheng gasped slightly.

Rao is that she possessed the power of the dharma god, and she suddenly fell in the face of the blood of the fox.

"Dear Master, Wuhu is an ancient witch beast. This witch beast has very special attributes and high immunity to magic. You are not afraid of any magic attacks. You don’t waste your magic power," Piao Yang’s There are also taboos in the voice.

Unexpectedly, among today's sky foxes, there are still people who can summon witch foxes.

"This is tricky. Your master is not a warrior," Yun Sheng smiled bitterly.

Between the words, the fox tail flicked and the figure suddenly appeared behind Yun Sheng.

His sharp fox claws rushed towards Yunsheng's throat.

"Huh," Yun Sheng only felt a fierce pain in her throat, and the fox claw was already on her throat, breaking a half-inch long mouth.

After the blood of the fox merged with the fox, the body was as agile as a fox, and his skill was even stranger.

"If you go on like this, it's not right, you must find a way to restrain Wuhu," Yun Sheng thought, and a thought came up.

Wuhu is not afraid of magic, so what exactly is he afraid of?

"Master, please let Xiaohei come. The Wuhu clan and Tengu are dead enemies. Heihe should have a way to deal with it," just as Yun Sheng hesitated, Xiaohei suddenly said out loudly in the beast language ring.

The summoning gleam shined, and the sturdy Tengu Xiaohei rushed out.

The little black looks like a wolf-mastiff, and when he smells the smell of Wuhu, his whole body is like black needles, standing upright. Witnessing the sudden appearance of Xiao Hei, a trace of confusion flashed in Wu Hu Fox's **** eyes.

The natural enemy of Wuhu, Tengu.

It’s Tengu. In addition to being able to call out the monster, this woman can also call out the long-extinct Tengu family.

It was only after the blood of the fox that he knew that he kicked the iron plate completely today.

"Xiaohei, kill him!" Yun Sheng shouted sharply, and Xiaohei was wrestling with Wuhu.

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