Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

Sold as a slave?

The human girl, who had been beaten and bruised, shivered with shock when she heard this sentence.

Although she was born in poverty, she was a freeman.

If you become a slave, it is equivalent to becoming a slave of a half-orc or orc, and it is better to die than life.

"No, I beg you not to sell me. My mother is very sick. If I can't go back, she will die," the little girl broke away from those half-orcs without knowing where she came from. hand.

Sent like hard, rushed into the crowd.

Fortunately, she was too young, and she was beaten all over with injuries just now. Without running a few steps, she fell softly and fell out.

Unexpectedly, instead of falling to the ground, she fell into the arms of a man.

There was no smell on the man's body, but there was a faint scent.

"This can't help you, let you be a thief." The orc doctor was not angry, he saw the celebrity girl, fell into the arms of an onlooker, and he was about to catch someone.

"Please, don't hand me over, I don't want to be a slave," the little girl seemed to grab the last life-saving straw, and she would not let go when she died.

"Relax, I won't hand you over," a nice voice floated above my head.

The girl's eyes were dizzy and she looked up.

She saw a smiley face, that was the face of a human woman.

"Unpretentious, I dare to take care of the medical office's idle business, you know, this doctor and the mayor of the town are at the time of the eighth worship. Hurry up and hand over the thief in your arms. What exactly does this group of guards do? Put it in," the half-orc doctor saw that the other party was also a human race, and his eyes were full of disdain.

"If my eyes are not blind, the little girl hasn't stolen your things, why did you sell her to pay off?" Yun Sheng gave the orc doctor a glance.

Yun Sheng sighed secretly in his heart, really bad luck, would choke on drooling, didn't want to do much business, but everyone had already ran into it, she couldn't bear it, looking at such a sensible little girl, was sold Then the slave hugged the girl in her arms a bit.

Listening to what the girl said, Yun Sheng reminded her of what she was when she was six or seven years old. When it was, she was helpless and dependent on her father in Jiaoye Village.

It is just that she is more fortunate than this poor human girl. At least most of the villagers and village chiefs in Jiaoye Village take care of her, and there is no human race discrimination on the Promise Continent.

"Then you sold it together! Come here, tie the two women together and send them to the slave market," the orc doctor relied on himself to have some blood with the mayor Fox, and he was even more fearless.

Behind him, several ferocious orcs rushed up.

"Hey, you asked for it, little girl, close your eyes," Yun Sheng sighed softly.

Her voice seemed to have an invisible magic power, and the girl, who had been terrified by trembling, closed her eyes subconsciously.

The girl only felt that a gust of wind roared in her ears, and the whole person seemed to fly.

Then again, there are bursts of screams.

The half-orc doctor was also dumbfounded at what he saw.

The figure of the human race who looked at the weak and unbearable wind suddenly disappeared.

Soon, she appeared in front of others again, just screaming endlessly.

The half-orcs who tried to catch Yun Sheng and the celebrity girl only felt a flash of blood flash in front of them, almost at the same time, their arms hurt so much that when they recovered, their arms had been severed and their broken arms rolled off On the ground.

The scene was horrible and bloody.

When she heard the screams, the girl in Yun Sheng couldn't help shivering.

The people who were still besieging the celebrity woman were quiet all at once, and they stared at Yunsheng with their fears.

The woman was already standing on the spot. If it weren't for a broken arm on the ground, everyone would think that she hadn't moved at all.

"You! Are you a Sky Fox or a human race?" The half-orc doctor was also shocked. He saw a ghost and pointed at Yunsheng.

From the appearance, this woman is clearly a human race, but her skill is so terrible.

Such power fluctuations can only be seen on those very powerful pure breeds of Tianhu.

Being able to enter and leave the town freely has such strong strength, but whether it is from the appearance or the smell judgment, this is a human race.

"To see that you are a healer, leave your hands first," Yun Sheng hugged the girl without looking at the half-orc doctor and left.

"Look and see, dare to hurt people in the medical hall, see how I clean up you," the half-orc doctor grinned.

Among the herbs stolen by the girl just now, there is a special kind of herb. The smell of that herb will not dissipate for seven days and nights. As long as you find the smell, you will be able to find the woman who hurt you.

Immediately, the orc doctor rushed to the mayor's mansion and went to seek blood for help.

"What? You mean, a human race woman who shot and injured the man in the hospital?" Fox has been sending people to stare closely at Yunsheng for a few days.

However, Yun Sheng's words and deeds were cautious. The dark guards of Fox's blood did not hear any news, and could not tell whether Yun Sheng was a pure breed of Tianhu or a human race.

This incident has been dragged down.

Unexpectedly, today, the woman actually moved with the people in the hospital.

Everyone in the town of Crescent Lake knows that the orc doctor and the blood of the fox are worshiping brothers, and no one dares to provoke the medical hall.

"It turns out that your eldest brother also knows this woman, huh, that woman is clearly a human race, and she doesn't have the purebred breath of Tianhu."

"Oh, are you sure?" Hu Yixue listened, still a little bit suspicious.

If it were only a human race, how could it hurt several orc warriors at once.

"Brother, you still can't believe me or not. My nose is a well-known magical experience. Even if I cover my eyes, I can recognize the race just by sniffing. And, I found the woman's body The breath is very strange, maybe she is not a person in the Eight Continents," the half-orc doctor was afraid that the fox would not believe it, and added another sentence.

Isn't it the people of the Eight Continents? I heard that the master of the Promise Continent is comparable to the purebred orcs of the Eight Wild Orcs.

If the other party is really a spy on the Promise Continent, then he grabbed the other party, wouldn't it be a great achievement?

"In any case, it is a death sentence to dare to shot the Orc in Crescent Lake Town. It is a crime of death. To check the identity of the celebrity girl, I want to smash all the humble clan," Fox said with a flash of blood. , A bloodthirsty killing machine full of eyes.

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