Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 871 Ye Qiu’s Treasure

Through the Five Elements Ring, Xiao Mian tried to contact Jing Chu and Kong Yuanren, but failed to do so.

Obviously, Yin Jiansheng and the other three encountered some changes at the same time.

Fortunately, judging from the fact that the Five Elements Ring was not broken, the lives of the three people were not injured yet.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Mian put away the Five Elements Ring, set up the Escape Light, and galloped all the way.

That day at the foot of Mulan Mountain, Xiao Mian and his entourage headed north, while Yin Jiansheng and others headed east. However, water from afar could not quench the thirst of those nearby. The two sides were separated for several days, and the distance between them was probably not tens of thousands of miles.

What's more, Xiao Mian didn't know the specific location of the three people.

Now, we can only take one step at a time...

Just galloping all the way, when tired, he rushed into the ice-glass flying boat to meditate and rest to recover his true energy. After recovering, Xiao Mian flew away with all his strength again.

Along the way, Xiao Mian saw many dilapidated ruins. Judging from their condition, they were clearly destroyed today. Fortunately, he did not see any remains of monks.

Obviously, Yin Jiansheng and others who traveled east followed the same strategy as Xiao Mian and others who traveled north. They just destroyed the village and scared away the villagers.

However, Xiao Mian unexpectedly discovered traces of many monks on the remains of certain villages.

Although the cultivation level of those monks is not too high, most of them are foundation-building monks, but they all wear uniform clothes. Obviously, they are from the same lineage.

It can be seen from this that these people must be monks from Panlong City...

Out of curiosity, Xiao Mian asked Guitou to check it out for him.

A human-shaped puppet floated out from the ice-glass flying boat, and then returned gracefully after a moment.

"Treasure hunting?"

"That's what I said, but I don't know what kind of treasure it is specifically..."

"As long as these foundation-building monks are allowed to come forward, even if there is anything, I'm afraid it is just a spiritual material at the golden elixir level. It is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to throw it away!"

After saying this, Xiao Mian used the ice-glass flying boat and flew away.

Not to mention that the treasure is useless, even if it is really a secret treasure of the Nascent Soul Realm, Xiao Mian can still get his hands on it flawlessly - firstly, how can he easily get his hands on the secret treasure of the Nascent Soul Realm, and secondly, Yin Jiansheng and the other three have lost contact, Xiao Mian Mian didn't care about him at all.

Three days later, Xiao Mian relied on the ghost's spiritual knowledge to find a village.

The village has long been in ruins. It is unknown whether it was destroyed by Yin Jiansheng and others, or whether it was caused by accidents that happened to Yin Jiansheng and others later.

Standing among the ruins of the village, Xiao Mian asked Guitou to look for clues.

Suddenly something moved in his heart, Xiao Mian glanced around and saw a figure flashing past.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Mian secretly used the universal flywheel. His figure had disappeared from the spot, and the next moment, he appeared in front of a young man.

The young man was obviously frightened, his face changed drastically and his whole body was trembling.

Seeing that the young man was just a foundation-building monk, Xiao Mian felt slightly relieved.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I...I am originally from Yeqiu Village. Who are you? But you are the same as those bandits who destroyed my Yeqiu Village before!?"

"Yeqiu Village?"

As he muttered softly, Xiao Mian smiled bitterly in his heart.

Lishan Patriarch and Panlongcheng said that they were hunting down the remnants of the Mu family, but this young man said that Panlongcheng was a bandit, and everyone in the world only insisted on their own opinions.

"I am not the same as those monks from Panlong City!" Xiao Mian shook his head and asked nicely: "Did anything happen in your Yeqiu Village three days ago?"

"Three days ago? Then I don't know! As early as ten days ago, after I heard that Panlong City planned to raid our Yeqiu Village, the elders of the village told me to go out to avoid trouble. I also just came back today, who would have thought ...Who would have thought that Yeqiu Village could actually be..."


Just when Xiao Mian was speechless, Guitou's consciousness responded.

Leaving the young man behind, Xiao Mian followed Guitou's guidance and found the foot of a big tree. There were faint mottled blood stains at the roots of the tree, which had already formed blood clots.

"It should be the blood of that boy Yin Jiansheng!"

Guitou's words made Xiao Mian feel even heavier.

Yin Jiansheng, the one with the highest combat power among the three, now that even he has been injured, one can imagine the plight of the three.

Although he was anxious, Xiao Mian had to force himself to calm down.

But at this moment, Guitou's warning sounded again.

In a flash, Xiao Mian came to the foundation-building monk from before.

Before the young man could scream in surprise, Xiao Mian dragged the man to his side, then wrapped the man with his true energy and quickly sank into the ground.

As for Guitou, he was driving a human puppet and lurking in the big tree - with Guitou's current level of cultivation, it would be difficult for an ordinary Yuanying first-level ancestor to find him!

The next moment, a stream of light struck from the western sky.

The stream of light condensed, and a flying boat suddenly appeared.

Xiao Mian, who was sinking into the ground, turned his spiritual eyes, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

The flying boat has carved beams and painted buildings in the middle, and the Pearl Palace in the middle. The two ends are curved and upturned, shaped like a crescent moon, and the end is magnificent and high-end...

Xiao Mian's pupils condensed. The quality of this flying boat was definitely the best that Xiao Mian had ever seen in his life!

Although Xiao Mian also has a Xuan-class treasure ship named "Nan Zhao" on hand, treasure ship and flying boat are two different concepts after all.

For a moment, Xiao Mian was not without greed.

But when Xiao Mian saw the people filing out of the flying boat, this greed disappeared.

The person in charge is a Nascent Soul Ancestor!

Xiao Mian quickly cut off his spirit-peeping eyes, and even closed his eyes to avoid being noticed by the spirit of the Yuan Ying Ancestor. Even though it was just a quick glance, Xiao Mian already remembered that this Yuan Ying Ancestor was... It was the ancestor who had led Yin Jiansheng and others before.

If Xiao Mian remembers correctly, he seems to be the Fengyue Patriarch of Shenfeng Hall!

When Xiao Mian contacted Yin Jiansheng a few days ago, Xiao Mian clearly learned from Yin Jiansheng that the Fengyue Patriarch abandoned everyone and left alone for some reason.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Fengyue would return here again today.

Besides, Patriarch Fengyue did not come alone. There were many Jindan monks accompanying him. A rough count showed that there were more than ten people.

"You guys should search carefully here. If the information is correct, that thing should be in Yeqiu Village!" As he spoke, Patriarch Fengyue scanned the ruins of Yeqiu Village with his profound eyes, word by word. Senran said: "Even if we dig a thousand feet in the ground, we still have to find that thing for my ancestor. If not, you don't have to come back!"


There was a person in front of him who respectfully accepted the promise.

The next moment, Patriarch Fengyue said no more, slipped into the crescent-moon-like flying boat, set up the escape light, and disappeared.

As soon as Patriarch Fengyue walked away, the monk who had been respectful in front of Patriarch Fengyue suddenly straightened his back and commanded everyone.

"You have all heard the order from Ancestor Fengyue! Be smart! If you can't find what Ancestor Fengyue wants, before he takes action, I, Zhu Shaohong, will make you regret coming to this world. ! Do you understand?"


After respectfully answering the promise, under Zhu Shaohong's wave, a group of more than ten Jindan monks spread out and searched around the ruins of Yeqiu Village.

As for Zhu Shaohong himself, he came to the big tree and meditated with his eyes closed.

It's no wonder that Zhu Shaohong is so trusting. In fact, among this group of people, Zhu Shaohong, who is a quasi-Nascent Soul monk, is a veritable leader.

Most of the Jindan monks who were searching for Yeqiu Village were only at the beginning level of Jindan cultivation. Naturally, they dared not speak out in anger at Zhu Shaohong's instructions.

It's just that Zhu Shaohong was so unlucky that he chose to be lazy under that big tree, but he didn't expect that there was a murderous god hidden in the big tree...

In fact, when it comes to talking about it, Zhu Shaohong is quite cautious.

Ancestor Fengyue had already scanned the entire Yeqiu Village with his spiritual consciousness before. After Ancestor Fengyue left, Zhu Shaohong was still uneasy and still scanned it with his own spiritual consciousness.

Unexpectedly, God's will plays a trick on people. How can he see through the existence of Guitou?

As for Xiao Mian, with the defense of the Divine Mirror, it is not the ordinary Yuanying junior monks who can discover Xingzang - this is because the Divine Mirror gradually merges with the spirituality of the phantom that protects the temple in the Phantom Temple. The specific manifestations that can increase day by day.

Zhu Shaohong was not hurt, but in a daze, he seemed to have had a dream...

This is very rare for Zhu Shaohong who has already condensed his spiritual consciousness.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't find anything wrong, so Zhu Shaohong threw it away and regarded it as an illusion caused by his high mental stress these days.

However, in Huang Liang's dream, Guitou had already glimpsed some memory fragments in Zhu Shaohong's mind through a secret technique he mastered.

Seizing an opportunity, he sneaked underground quietly. The human puppet and Xiao Mian met thousands of feet underground.

"Did Old Ghost gain anything?"

"If I could swallow that person's consciousness, I would have a way to search for specific information. Now I am tied up and can only capture some very vague memory fragments using the 'Soul Detection Technique', but it is obvious that they are looking for something. thing……"

"..., can we say something useful?"

"Useful? Okay! If what I expected is correct, that thing should be buried deep underground..."

"..., can we say something more useful?"

"More useful ones? None!"


"You don't know! There are some dirty things in that bastard's mind. He's either scheming with this one or deceiving that one. There are also some obscene plots in there. I'll take a walk in his mind. I almost vomited!"


When Xiao Miancai didn't know what to say, the foundation-building monk who had been led deep underground by him suddenly changed his expression.

After a moment of silence, the foundation-building monk finally couldn't help but speak.

"Senior... are you looking for the relic of my Yeqiu lineage?"

"Ye Qiu's legacy?"

"Is not it?"

"Boy! You should have seen that: I and those people above are not on the same side. They may have come for your Ye Qiu treasure, but I came to save my three friends - three days ago, they Lost contact in Yeqiu Village!”

"If this is the case, they may have already entered the ruins of our Yeqiu clan one step ahead of our predecessors!"

"Oh? Boy! You might as well tell me..."

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