Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 655: Retreat and form a network

""The Wonderful Appearance of Heavenly Demons" is a kind of charm technique!"

"No wonder! But...men can also practice the art of charm?"

"Isn't that boy Ou Qingtan accomplished?"

"...You are already so beautiful that you are causing trouble to the country and the people, and you are still practicing the art of charm. Do you think this will allow a primitive monk like me to survive?

"If you need it, I can pass it on to you too!"

"Better save it!"

With a wry smile, Xiao Mian cut off the connection with the magic seal.

Since Mo Yin had promised to let Liu Suyi go, he would naturally not break his promise - how could an emperor of the Demon Sect like Mo Yin, whose mission was to achieve the path of the devil, break his promise?

When a monk practices Taoism, he must first cultivate his mind. If his heart is not straight, the Tao will be crooked!

This point is the same regardless of whether it is the righteous path, the evil path, the demonic path, or the ghost path.

The reason why Xiao Mian asked Moyin to release Liu Suyi was because he saw that Moyin had no intention of Liu Suyi. Moyin captured Liu Suyi that day, but Yu Wushuang took advantage of the situation and took advantage of Moyin. After that, Yu Wushuang intended to expel all the three monks and one demon from Zulongju, which directly offended Moyin. With Xiao Mian and Tianmo Fingerbone's mediation, Moyin naturally didn't mind letting Liu Suyi go and letting her go find trouble for Yu Wushuang. .

Although both Xiao Mian and Moyin knew that Liu Suyi was no match for Yu Wushuang!

All Xiao Mian cares about is the seventh-level poison mentioned by Liu Suyi!

If Liu Suyi has been controlled by the magic seal, how to obtain the seventh-level poison?

Only when Liu Suyi jumped out and fought Yu Wushuang for 300 rounds could things turn around.

At that time, whether Liu Suyi is defeated or both sides suffer, Xiao Mian can take advantage of the situation, or take advantage of it, or take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it!

Of course, those are all things for later. What Xiao Mian has to do now is to break through in cultivation.

This time Xiao Mian decided: If he doesn’t break through to the high level of Jindan, he will never leave the barrier!

Xiao Mian's retreat is no different to most monks who enter Zulong Residence, but for some people, it is very stressful!

Because just after the day Xiao Mian rescued Hemerocallis, many monks died unexpectedly one after another. The murderer was a mysterious monk at the middle level of Golden Core!

First, the Ji family locked the suspect on Xiao Mian. After all, Xiao Mian is one of the well-known monks with the ability to kill people beyond the ranks. Then, the eldest ladies of the Wang family, Wang Yun and Ou Qingtan, also said that they were ambushed by Xiao Mian. Then, Lu Qinggu from the Lu family hoped that Xiao Mian could show up in public to prove himself; finally, Yu Wushuang from the Perfect Sect also welcomed Xiao Mian's appearance and explained the misunderstanding.

For a time, the huge ancestral dragon was in the center, and Xiao Mian's evil reputation was spread everywhere.

At this time, Xiao Mian was hiding in the Five Elements Secret Realm, working hard to break through to the high level of Jindan...

How about intrigue?

So what if you are a cunning person?

When I break through to the high level of Golden Core, I will see if any of you dare to say that I am suspicious!

The so-called Lin Yuan envy fish, it is better to retreat and build a net. Xiao Mian plans to make the net strong this time and go to Zulongju to catch a big fish in the muddy water!

With this mentality, Xiao Mian concentrated on practicing.

A few days later, the Five Elements Secret Realm.

Hemerocallis looked dumbfounded at Xiao Mian sitting cross-legged on the five-color boulder.

Five-color cyclones were seen gathering from all directions, slowly rotating, and integrated into the body of Xiao Mian who was sitting on the top of the five-color boulder.

No one knows better than Hemerocallis, who has personally experienced the power of cyclones, what those five-color cyclones mean. They are the product of the extremely pure five-element spiritual energy turning into reality. It is better than the Xutu Divine Light that she tried her best to emit. Much more powerful.

But these five-element cyclones that Hemerocallis need to be careful about are now being poured into Xiao Mian's body spontaneously. How can Hemerocallis not be stunned?

Hemerocallis had originally wanted to wake Xiao Mian up, but when she saw that Xiao Mian had no other discomfort except for a slight tremor in his body, she gave up the idea.

This Brother Xiao is indeed no ordinary person!

Shaking his head, Hemerocallis looked at Xiao Mian curiously, secretly in a daze.

Let's talk about Xiao Mian, he is at the critical moment of breakthrough.

Relying on the five-color boulder and the surrounding five-element cyclones, Xiao Mian not only broke through the bottleneck easily, but his cultivation level also improved rapidly.

The strange thing is that Xiao Mian had long thought that he had reached the limit of the intermediate level of the golden elixir, but he did not expect that as the true energy in his body increased and condensed, he was still the intermediate level of the golden elixir.

Time and time again I thought I was on the verge of a breakthrough, but time and again I broke the limit I thought I had.

Don't look at the five elements spiritual energy and five element cyclones that are pouring into Xiao Mian's body crazily, but in fact Xiao Mian is just an intermediary. Those huge five elements spiritual energy are finally transmitted to the five-color boulder through Xiao Mian's intermediary and disappear.

We have clearly touched the threshold of breakthrough, but still can't take the last step. Could this be the legendary--Inner Demon Tribulation?

Xiao Mian stopped practicing and opened his eyes.

I didn't want to open my eyes, but I happened to see that girl Hemerocallis staring at me intently with her big eyes flashing.

Their eyes met, so awkward.

"You girl! If you don't practice hard, are you lazy again?"

"Where...where is there? They are just resting! Resting!"


Seeing Hemerocallis' pink face blushing with embarrassment, Xiao Mian's heart skipped a beat for no reason. After calming down, Xiao Mian frowned - these days, something was not quite right with his usual calm state of mind! Could it be that it was because of this little girl?

Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, there are three disasters and nine disasters.

Love is one of the nine difficulties!

Xiao Mian was thinking contentedly, his eyes were deep and distant, but he was looking at Hemerocallis unicorn, which made Xiao Mian look at him more and more uncomfortable.

After a long time, Xiao Mian sighed softly.

Regardless of whether it is a calamity of inner demons or not, it seems that his wish to break through to the high level of Jindan in a short period of time is destined to fail!

However, leaving these huge and pure five-element spiritual powers unusable is really a waste. This is not Xiao Mian's usual style.

It should be noted that Xiao Mian has been determined not to take pills before Ning Ying since he started practicing Taoism. Although Xiao Mian has always thought of himself as having a long life of true energy, this is after all compared to monks of the same level. Nowadays, Xiao Mian's opponents are almost all high-level Jindan, and they are often at the top level of Jindan.

No matter how long Xiao Mian's true energy is, it is nothing more than that under the level of transcendence.

Unfavorable enemies can take pills. Take Wang Yong that day. By taking the top-grade Yuan Yuan Pill, Wang Yong was able to suppress Xiao Mian in terms of true energy.

Of course, Xiao Mian would not have no way to restore his true energy if there was a leak in his body, but the leak was so precious that even Xiao Mian was not willing to waste it.

If one could collect the pure Five Elements spiritual energy in the Five Elements Secret Realm and release it for oneself to inhale when necessary, it would be a way to replenish spiritual energy.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mian thought of the fairy stone.

Stretching out his five fingers, the five-element cyclone floating in the air turned into a five-color dragon, flew over, followed Xiao Mian's fingers and penetrated into Xiao Mian's body, and then merged into the fairy stone.

As soon as the five elements spiritual energy enters the immortal stone, it becomes solidified.

Now, in Xiao Mian's immortal stone, there are twelve black threads condensed with soul-eating sinister poison, chaotic energy, five elements of spiritual energy, and it is full of splendor...

Seeing that the five elements spiritual energy was extremely stable, Xiao Mian breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, like a whale swallowing a dragon, Xiao Mian absorbed the five elements of spiritual energy.

For three days and three nights, with continuous absorption, the five-element cyclone near the five-color boulder was completely emptied. The five elements of spiritual energy in the fairy stone are not very numerous.

Seeing this, Xiao Mian couldn't laugh or cry.

It should be noted that those five elements of spiritual energy only entered the fairy stone through Xiao Mian's hands. Xiao Mian naturally knew very well that the number of five elements of spiritual energy that seemed to be just this was extremely huge. It is conservatively estimated that these five elements of spiritual energy are enough for Xiao Mian to use for a long time.

After thinking like this, Xiao Mian stopped absorbing the five elements of spiritual energy.

Counting the days, I have spent another ten days practicing, and there is only less than a month left before the three-month period of Ancestral Dragon Residence.

It stands to reason that as time goes by, the number of surviving monks will become smaller and smaller, and accordingly, the probability of conflict will also decrease.

But those who can survive safely in the Ancestral Dragon Palace until now are either strong or as shrewd as ghosts, otherwise they would have been killed long ago!

It is precisely because of this that the current Ancestral Dragon Residence seems to be calm, but in fact it is the last calm before the storm - this is the case in all previous Ancestral Dragon Residence trials. The closer the day when the Ancestral Dragon Residence closes, the more intense the tension between the monks. The fight became more intense.

Maybe it's time to go out and meet those old friends for a while...

Just when Xiao Mian thought like this, Beidou Division's Nanpan trembled silently.

"Brother Xiao! Save me!"

"Girl in plain clothes? What's wrong with you?"

"Quick! Save..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly.

Xiao Mian was startled and stood up.

If Liu Suyi had not been in a life-or-death situation, she would never have contacted her so rashly.

From this point of view, if Liu Suyi hadn't set up a trap to lure her into a trap, or she had really encountered some kind of life-and-death crisis.

Even with the seventh-level poison, Xiao Mian couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

"Brother Xiao! Are you going to save people?"


"Then go quickly! Hemerocallis is waiting for you here!"

"Okay! Wait for me to come back!"


Nodding, Xiao Mian bid farewell to Hemerocallis and left the Five Elements Secret Realm.

Speeding towards the place where Liu Suyi last sent the message, Xiao Mian tried to contact Liu Suyi again, but was unable to get through to him.

This made Xiao Mian even more uneasy.

"Brother! Do you know where Yu Wushuang is?"

"Yu Wushuang? Hua Mancheng and I are following her!" Gui Hai's words made Xiao Mian silent for a while. After pondering for a moment, Xiao Mian said: "Help me keep an eye on Yu Wushuang!"

Judging from the data transmitted back from the Beidou Division's southern disk, Guihai is now clearly on the east side of Zulongju, while the signal Liu Suyi just sent was on the west side of Zulongju. If Guihai is following Yu Wushuang, then who is the person chasing Liu Suyi? It should be noted that Liu Suyi is now at the top level of Jindan. Among the Ancestral Dragons, apart from the three monks and one demon, only Yu Wushuang, a quasi-Nascent Soul monk, can threaten her!

Since Moyin released Liu Suyi, he would not go back on his word.

The three of them claimed to be disciples of Buddhism and would not embarrass Liu Suyi unless necessary.

Other elite disciples from the four major aristocratic families, even those with top-level Jindan cultivation levels such as Ji Wuxie and Lu Qinggu, may not be able to defeat Liu Suyi!

Could it be that from beginning to end, it was really Liu Suyi’s plan?

Xiao Mian just thought this and Gui Hai spoke again.

"Don't worry! There is someone who cares more about Yu Wushuang than you and me! But strangely enough, this time the guy in Huamancheng is no longer urging me to cause trouble for Yu Wushuang as before. Instead, he just keeps an eye on her from a distance. ..., boy, have you made a breakthrough?"


"Ah? Didn't you say that you can't get out of the barrier if you don't break through? Is it possible that another sister is in trouble and you want another heroic rescue?"

"Brother! You really guessed it..."

With a bitter smile, Xiao Mian galloped forward.

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