Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 517 Nine Consciousnesses Conferred God

Before anyone could speculate for a moment, amidst the roaring sound of water, swarms of piranhas came from all directions, surrounded the entire land, and launched an offensive.

It stands to reason that since everyone is on land now, the piranhas of the water monsters should not take the initiative to provoke them. However, the numerous piranhas, like avengers blinded by hatred, jumped out of the water one after another and faced them. Everyone rushed over in the air.

At first, the number of piranhas was not very large.

Although many monks walked along the way, there are still nearly two hundred golden elixirs gathered on the land now. Under the watchful encirclement of these two hundred or so Jindan monks, once a piranha breaks out of the water, it will be immediately attacked to pieces.

Many monks even turned their worries into joy. After all, those piranha teeth are unique spiritual materials that are rarely seen in the outside world. If they can continue to slaughter piranhas safely, for them, it will be a close call without any danger. A sumptuous feast.

But soon, the offensive of the golden elixir monks gradually could not keep up with the speed of the piranha's death.

More and more piranhas rushed out of the water, stepping on the corpses of the forerunners, and jumped to the land. Then they looked like frogs, with their tail fins swinging, bouncing like flying, their pectoral fins flapping, moving like a butterfly, and opening their mouths to defecate. Devouring towards everyone.

Caught off guard, more than a dozen Jindan monks died in the belly of the fish one after another!

Fortunately, Benchu ​​saw the opportunity quickly and immediately activated the Buddhist lion's roar magic power to remind everyone to shrink the defense circle and be more vigilant. Fortunately, everyone had been traveling together for more than ten days and had a tacit understanding with each other, so they quickly organized A new line of defense.

Three hundred feet away from the old tree, everyone finally stood firm.

It can be seen that these Jindan monks are either in groups of three or five, working together, or alone, working alone, or wandering around, or staying in one place, but they have all successfully resisted the piranha's offensive, preventing them from crossing the defense line. , and can't get close to the old tree.

Due to the retreat of everyone, the piranhas had to bounce a long distance on land before they could attack them. This is when most of the piranhas died.

Judging from this situation, no matter how many piranhas there are, they are just targets for everyone's spells and magic weapons. They will be killed before they even get close to everyone.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the center of the defensive circle.

The defensive circle formed by everyone was centered on that strange old tree. The fluctuations coming now were spread from that dead tree that seemed to be old and decayed.

Although everyone didn't know why, they soon felt the pressure.

Along with the wave of fluctuations, hundreds of water splashes suddenly exploded in the pool outside the land. The water splashed everywhere, and hundreds of huge piranhas appeared. These giant piranhas are the same as the ones that were killed by Xiao Mian's men. They are shaped like calves, with mouths as big and bloody as basins, and full of white teeth that shine with a cold light...

These are nothing. After all, the Jindan monks present are all experienced people who have been hanging out in Longhutan. Almost everyone has seen this kind of giant piranha, but on weekdays, they only see one or two, like Xiao Mian that day. The others only saw four giant piranhas at once. How could they see hundreds of them in one go like today?

It should be noted that one giant piranha can command thousands to ten thousand piranhas. If all the giant piranhas that appeared are of this level, doesn't it mean that what everyone at the scene is facing is actually millions of piranhas. Mermaid - the legendary piranha sea!

After coming to this conclusion, everyone was shocked.

But before they could react, something even more terrifying happened.

After those big piranhas appeared, they all roared up to the sky. The attack of many small piranhas was paused, and then they rushed over with even more craziness. At the same time, hundreds of giant piranhas were not far behind and moved forward together.

When the big piranhas came to the edge of the land, they did not come ashore.

I saw them opening their big mouths to swallow the sky and suddenly biting towards the rocks on the land.

With a creaking sound, large pieces of rock were torn apart by them. With a flick of their white teeth, the huge rocks were bitten into fine pieces of stone, which were eaten by the small piranhas following the big piranha. , at the same time, the big piranhas bit towards the land again, looking at their posture, they actually wanted to swallow the entire land!

If this is true, everyone will be in danger with no one to fall back on.

"Everyone! At this time of life and death, please take action with righteousness. We, Xishu Prefecture, will never forget your kindness in taking action this time!" At the critical moment, Benchu ​​slowly rose into the sky and shouted at the crowd: "Everyone has a golden elixir." Those with top-level combat power, please follow the young monk to kill the thief leader!"

After saying that, Benchu ​​took the lead and attacked a big piranha.

At the same time, the blind monk Zenyin and the war monk Huijing also came out more and more, responded to the original call with their own actions, and began to kill the big piranhas in a targeted manner.

The three people at the beginning acted as the vanguard, so they naturally had their reasons.

For one thing, the clearing of Longhutan this time was originally presided over by their Buddhist sect. If the matter came to a head and they were originally staying out of it, how could they let those sophisticated desperadoes take the lead? Secondly, the combat power of this class is much higher than that of ordinary top-level Jindan monks. As long as they are careful, they are not afraid of those big piranhas.

If the attack of the three Benchu ​​people was expected by everyone, then everyone was a little confused after that - the fourth person to attack was Gui Hai!

Along the way, Guihai and Benchu ​​were not able to deal with each other because of Xiao Mian's incident.

Unexpectedly, Gui Hai was the first outsider to stand up and support Yu.

Even Ben Chu was slightly startled when he saw Gui Hai rushing out of the defensive circle with the Ghost Head Sword in hand, but soon, Ben Chu had to focus on himself.

How did they know that Guihai was not trying to help Ben Chu? From the moment he saw those thousands of piranhas, Guihai only felt his blood boiling and his murderous intent was overwhelming.

After seeing hundreds of giant piranhas, how could Guihai still suppress them?

Holding the Ghost Head Sword upside down, among the piranhas, Guihai no longer suppressed the murderous thoughts in his heart, and activated the Buddhist killing magic power - the Breaking Precepts Knife Technique as if madly!

For a moment, there was a flash of swords and a bloody storm!

Perhaps it was the example of the three Benchu ​​people who inspired everyone, or perhaps it was Guihai's killing spree that stimulated everyone. Gradually, many Golden Core cultivators jumped out of the crowd.

After these monks appeared, they targeted the big piranhas.

Because of the departure of these powerful monks, the pressure on the people who formed the defense network increased sharply, and they had to shrink the defense circle again.

It is only less than two hundred feet away from the old tree.

At this time, the nine Buddhist cultivators above the old tree finally decided to take action.

"Junior brothers! How can we bear this evil trick before our eyes? If those piranha seas are really allowed to attack us, not to mention whether the three of us are safe, how can those golden elixir monks survive? How many people will survive?" As he spoke, Zen Master Zhi Zhi, the representative of the White Horse Temple, expressed his thoughts: "Brother Yu proposed: How about joining the nine of us and using the Nine Consciousness Conferred God Barrier to trap this beast to death?"

As soon as Zhi Zhi said these words, the other eight Nascent Soul Buddha cultivators had different expressions.

"Senior Brother Intelligent, even if we, Nascent Soul Buddha cultivators, rashly activate the Nine Senses Conferring God Barrier, it would be a heavy burden. Besides, the combination of that evil beast and this thing is basically abandoning the five senses of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and Nine Senses Conferring God. The barrier won’t have much effect on it, right?”

The one who spoke was the mirror of Longhua Temple.

It was just Ming Jing who said this, and Zen Master Zhizhi snorted lightly.

"What a pity that Master Fawu's nephew from Longhua Temple didn't come!"

"This..., with a low level of Dharma enlightenment and cultivation, how can it be compared with the three of Benchu, Zenyin, and Huijing? Regarding the Nine Consciousness God-Sealing Barrier, I have a clear mirror but rely on my wisdom, senior brother!"

Soon, representatives from Baoan Temple and Guanghua Temple seconded the proposal. After all, Zenyin and Huijing were their hearts and minds, and they could not afford to lose anything.

Since someone took the lead, other Buddhist practitioners either nodded or acquiesced.

At that moment, nine great Buddha cultivators were seen standing in the sky, facing the old tree, trapping it in the middle. Then each of the nine great Buddha cultivators emitted a ray of Buddha light. The nine rays of Buddha light intertwined together and merged into a stronger and more massive Buddha light. Fixed in mid-air.

Suddenly, a small beam of light separated from the Buddha's light and was projected on the old tree.

Immediately afterwards, light beams separated one after another and were projected on the old tree one after another. Each light beam was projected on the old tree. It seemed that there was no response, but there would be an extra layer of halo around the old tree. After five rounds of light beams, , the old trees are colorful.

Not counting this, three more beams of light were projected on the old tree.

As a result, there was only a small ball of light left in the sky.

As for the old tree, it seemed to be unresponsive, but the space around it suddenly solidified, as if the air had formed an ice mass, trapping the old tree in it.

Only then did the Nine Great Buddha Cultivators feel relieved.

As for the ball of light that was still fixed in the air, it never fell.

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