Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 506: Three Shows of Buddhism

Ben Chu was shocked: He never expected that the piranhas on Xiao Mian's side would retreat so quickly! Such a weird retreat! Such a simple retreat!

When Xiao Mian said earlier that he would fight against the piranha swarm with the three of them, Ben Chu agreed, but it was not without selfish motives. A quick glance at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Spiritual Cave revealed that although Xiao Mian was valued at first, he had never directly fought with Xiao Mian. Now, with the help of this group of piranhas, he might as well compare himself with this benefactor Xiao.

I just didn’t expect that Xiao Mian’s hands and feet were so fast!

The foggy miasma shrouded in the Dragon Tiger Pond not only blocks the monk's sight, but also suppresses the monk's spiritual thoughts and even spiritual consciousness in disguise. Even if the spiritual consciousness has been condensed at the beginning, it has not condensed the Nascent Soul. The consciousness controlled by the Wu Nascent Soul is originally just farther than ordinary monks can perceive. But now he and Xiao Mian were separated by three hundred feet to the east and west. His spiritual consciousness was suppressed and he could not understand the situation on Xiao Mian's side at all. However, Xiao Mian's cessation of activities could not be hidden from him.

It was precisely because he didn't know what happened that Benchu ​​became more and more confused.

But no matter what, this matter deeply stimulated the spiritual monk Benchu.

Ever since the Dharma Seal became a demon, Ben Chu has always regarded himself as the leader of the new generation of monks in Buddhism. As a quasi-Nascent Soul monk, he is also the most promising young disciple in Buddhism to condensate an infant. Once he successfully condenses an infant, Zen Master Zhi will take over the White Horse Temple. Leave it to him.

By then, he will be one of the few people with the most say in Western Shu State.

How can the origin that always reminds oneself to be overtaken by an unknown middle-level golden elixir monk?

With a cold snort, Ben Chu sat cross-legged in the air.

The eyes are slightly closed, the hands are folded, the treasure is solemn, and the Buddha's light is vast.

"The body is like a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a mirror!"

A gatha came from Benchu's mouth, and simultaneously, the shadow of a Bodhi tree about a foot tall appeared behind Benchu. Although the branches and leaves were still a little hazy, the overall image of the Bodhi tree was complete, showing that it was the first in Buddhism. The solemnity of the treasure tree.

At the same time, with Ben Chu sitting cross-legged in the sky as the center, a wave of ripples spread out. Wherever the ripples passed, the swamp water surface that had been boiling due to the commotion of numerous piranhas suddenly settled down. Along with it, those piranhas also The mermaid was also immobilized.

The body is like a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a mirror.

As soon as a word is spoken, magical power is established. This is what Buddhism calls the follow-up of words.

What Benchu ​​is currently using is the "Bodhi Mirror" obtained from Alaya Zang in the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Judging from the way the Bodhi tree appears now and his mind is like a mirror, Benchu ​​Mingming has integrated "Bodhi Mirror" to the level of A state of self-generated supernatural power.

The mirror couldn't help spreading, and in an instant it formed a huge mirror with a diameter of two hundred feet, like a full moon, fixed in the vast swamp-like Dragon and Tiger Pond.

As the mirror passed by, the piranhas were immobilized one after another.

All the piranhas within two hundred feet were immobilized, but the piranhas outside two hundred feet were still intact. One after another, they rushed up to devour their immobilized companions.

Piranhas kept rushing into the two-hundred-foot mirror, being immobilized, and then being swallowed by subsequent piranhas, who were immobilized again...

In this cycle, the number of piranhas decreases sharply.

But at this moment, a flying light was like an ice-breaking sword.

With a creaking sound, a crack appeared in the originally round mirror. The crack broke through from the edge of the mirror and pointed directly at the spiritual monk Benchu ​​in the center of the mirror!

In the flying light, it was a huge piranha.

Suddenly, Benchu ​​opened his eyes and stared at the big piranha.

The previously huge mirror couldn't help but shrink. With the big piranha as the center, it shrank to a diameter of three feet. Correspondingly, due to the narrowing of the scope of the mirror, the confinement effect brought by the mirror became more powerful, and finally the big piranha was successfully immobilized. .

At this time, the big piranha with its mouth wide open was only a few feet away from the original.

He casually pulled out a string of Buddhist beads from Bo's neck, took one off, and flicked it towards the big piranha with his fingers. The beads entered the fish's belly and exploded into a ball of Buddha's light.

The Buddha's light filled the night sky, and the big piranha disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, those groups of piranhas fled for their lives and disappeared.

At the same time, the Zen speaker in the south announced the Buddha's name.


After chanting the Buddha's name, the Zen sound opens your eyes.

Zen Yin is known as the blind monk because he was born blind. Although he has two eyes, one of them is turbid white and has no dark pupils. However, at this moment, two rays of Buddha's light are projected from the depths of Zen Yin's eyes. After the Buddha's light left Zenyin's eyes, it merged into one place and became thicker, then it swayed towards the overwhelming swarm of piranhas.

Wherever the Buddha's light passes, everything, no matter how big or small, is reflected in Zen Yin's mind.

Suddenly, the Buddha's light enveloped a large and muscular piranha.

The next moment, Zenyin chanted the Buddha's name again.

The difference is that this Buddha's name turned into a Buddhist Zen sound magic sword, which instantly hit the big piranha at nearly the speed of sound and decapitated the sword.

As a result, the piranhas in the south also quietly retreated.

Besides, the warrior monk Huijing in the north was currently fighting a bloody battle.

The "Bodhi Mirror" recited at the beginning and the "mind-eye penetration" magical power performed by the Zen sound were all obtained from the Alaya Zang in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave. Huijing also entered the Alaya Zang and received his own inheritance. ——"Sen Luo Wan Fa", which is a collection of Buddhist physical skills!

It should be noted that the "Battle Bible" practiced by the fighting monk Hui Jing is the highest body training method of Buddhism. Now, with the "Senluo Wanfa" which is the culmination of the Buddhist physical skills, Hui Jing is like a human-shaped monster, tirelessly bombarding those piranhas.

Any piranhas that dared to approach Hui Jing three feet away were killed by Hui Jing's fists, palms, fingers, claws, elbows, knees, feet, feet and even head attacks at will. Therefore, Hui Jing was covered with the blood of piranhas. Although it looked tragic and hideous, he was actually fine. It was just because he was stained with too much blood that stimulated the piranhas to kill him more crazily.

Hui Jing didn't care about these. He killed one if he came, and killed two if he came!

Looking at Hui Jing's posture, it was clear that he was determined to kill all the thousands of piranhas surrounding him on the spot. More importantly, he really had the strength to do so!

However, this angered the giant piranhas hidden in the piranha school.

Each group of piranhas is led by a giant piranha with a stronger body and strength. Under normal circumstances, they are only responsible for commanding the small piranhas, but today they are unlucky and were killed on the spot by Xiao Mian, Benchu ​​and Chanyin one after another.

Once the giant piranha died, the small piranhas were leaderless and fled in all directions.

Hui Jing's bloody killing angered the giant piranha hiding in the dark. Seeing a gap, the giant piranha that had been lurking not far from Hui Jing suddenly flew out of the swamp water, opened and closed its huge mouth, and bit Hui Jing's head.

If this mouth bites hard, not to mention Hui Jing's hard work in the "Battle Bible", even Xiao Mian would probably have his head split open and his brain eaten alive by the giant piranha.

When the giant piranha approached Hui Jing, a Buddha light appeared behind Hui Jing's head.

Although Hui Jing was a body cultivator who specialized in physical training, this did not mean that he had not comprehended the magical powers of Buddhism. Where the Buddha's light passed, a golden round stick appeared. The round stick was no more than ten feet long and an inch thick. After it appeared, it smashed towards the big piranha!

With a muffled bang, the big piranha was smashed into powder where the golden light passed!

There was no blood splashing, and no flesh and bones were blurred. The big piranha completely disappeared into the void under the powerful hammer of the golden stick...

In this way, the piranha group in the north gradually retreated.

At this point, the encirclement from all sides was immediately resolved.

To be specific, the spiritual monk Benchu, the blind monk Chanyin, and the fighting monk Hui Jing are worthy of being the three new talents of Buddhism. With a wave of their hands, they eliminated the offensive of the piranha group.

Benchu ​​used a bright mirror as a blank sheet of paper, and the giant piranha was like ink on the blank sheet of paper, which was clear at a glance. This was the method of "picking one out of a thousand miles", which meant finding the giant piranha from thousands of piranhas; Chanyin understood the Buddhist supernatural power of the mind and eyes, and with the clear mind and eyes, he saw the giant piranha at a glance, which was the method of "seeing one is one"; and Huijing, who seemed reckless, practiced the method of "thousands of births and thousands of deaths". As long as he killed all the thousands of piranhas, how could the giant piranha be spared?

Whether it was Benchu's "picking one out of a thousand miles", Chanyin's "seeing one is one", or Huijing's "thousands of births and thousands of deaths", there was actually no difference in high and low, but only in different methods.

Let's talk about Xiao Mian. To be more specific, the reason why he was able to kill the giant piranha was purely because he was taking advantage of the situation and making something up out of nothing - you have to know that Xiao Mian didn't know the existence of the giant piranha, but the giant piranha took the initiative to find him, so who can he blame?

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