Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 448: Tell the World

The hill is nameless, the small temple is nameless.

This small temple on a hill is definitely the most magnificent place Xiao Mian has ever seen since he started practicing. Even the oasis of Shanjian City back then could not match it.

With Xiao Mian's determination and character, he was still stunned by what he saw in front of him. As for the others, they were naturally even worse than Xiao Mian.

Tuoba Lan and Zhu Yanji just paid it back, but Guihai was drooling and wanted to catch those rare birds. His intention was self-evident.

In the end, Zhu Yanji, who reacted, kicked him hard, and Gui Hai finally woke up.

Holy Monk Ananda didn't care and watched the crowd having fun with a smile.

Soon after, under the arrangement of Holy Monk Ananda, everyone moved into various monasteries in the small temple to take a short rest to relieve themselves from the dust and dust along the way.

Sitting in his monastery, Xiao Mian was in a daze in silence.

Now that the young monk has safely returned to Shichahai, it is time to consider his own fate. According to the original agreement with the young monk, after asking about the biggest secret in this world, he should leave Xishu Prefecture. The tour continued.

But if that happens, not only will we have to part ways with the little monk, but Tuoba Lan, Gui Hai, Zhu Yanji and others will also have to part ways...

Thinking of this, even Xiao Mian didn't feel a little sad...

The next moment, he flipped his fingers and a small square mirror appeared in Xiao Mian's hand.

This small square mirror was exactly what Xiao Mian got after the phantom guarding the Hall of Illusions divided the light screen into four.

When the sun screen is divided into four parts, the piece of Guihai that manifests the dragon is called the Dragon God Mirror; the piece of Tuoba Lan that manifests the wind phenomena in the sky is called the Wind God Mirror; and the piece of Zhu Yanji that manifests all the ghosts is called the God of Wind Mirror. It was a mirror of ghosts and gods; Xiao Mian's piece had no abnormality. However, from Guitou afterwards, Xiao Mian learned that the piece he had obtained should be called - the mirror of the gods!

The Divine Mirror is a treasure that can resist the detection of others’ divine consciousness!

Of course, this kind of passive resistance has its upper limit. If the other party's spiritual consciousness is too strong, or focuses on Xiao Mian, Xiao Mian, who has not yet condensed his own spiritual consciousness, will still show flaws.

But judging from the fact that Holy Monk Ananda didn't pay attention to himself just now, the role of the Divine Mirror is still very great.

Thinking about the fact that in Wan Zong City, the old man Wan Zong Sheng saw through Xiao Mian's fellow practitioners of the third lineage at a glance. When Xiao Mian travels to Zhongzhou in the future, he will inevitably encounter this kind of old monster.

Without the Divine Mirror, it would be difficult to move forward!

Therefore, the Imperial Mirror can be said to be Xiao Mian's biggest gain from this trip to Western Shuzhou!

As for the mysterious energy that flowed into the Imperial Mirror that day when the Phantom of the Palace infused its own spiritual energy into the Golden War Spirit, Guitou called it the spirituality of the Phantom of the Palace.

According to Guitou, psychic energy is actually the general term for spirit and energy.

The golden war spirit of that day was already full of spirituality. What it lacked was just insufficient energy. Therefore, what the guardian phantom supplemented to the golden war spirit was only abundant energy. The remaining spirituality of the guardian phantom returned again. Arrived in the imperial mirror.

"I dare to ask Mr. Ghost: What is the use of this ray of spirituality?"

"Spiritual things can have great or small effects. If it falls into the hands of ignorant monks, it is likely to be the end of spiritual annihilation; but if it falls into the hands of some high-level monks holding spiritual treasures, it can be used to make up for it. Lingbao’s spirituality is incredible!”

"To make up for the spiritual treasure's spiritual power? But I don't have any spiritual treasure at the moment!"

"You kid, have you forgotten what you got from the Five Elements Sect's secret vault?" Xiao Mian was stunned by Guitou's words, and then suddenly remembered that he had indeed obtained a broken needle from the Five Elements Sect's secret vault. The predecessor of the broken needle was the Lingbao. Thinking like this, Xiao Mian took out the broken needle that he had almost forgotten from his white jade flying pendant. The black broken needle was the same as before. Xiao Mian held the broken needle and said to himself: "It's difficult. Isn’t it possible that by integrating that ray of spirituality into the broken needle, it can be restored into a spiritual treasure?”

"Hmph! You have a beautiful idea, kid!"

After being scolded by the ghost head, Xiao Mian realized that although the broken needle in his hand was once a spiritual treasure, it had long been spiritually exhausted because it had not been nourished by the spirit of the weapon for five thousand years. The loss of activity cannot be restored by integrating spirituality. According to Guitou, if you want to restore this broken needle, you must first repair the broken needle completely, then integrate it with spirituality, and slowly warm it up.

"I asked you to capture this spirituality, not for this broken needle, but for the Divine Mirror!"

"What does Ghost Lao mean? The Divine Mirror itself is a spiritual treasure?"

"The light screen has been around as long as the Illusion Temple has existed. It is something that can last for hundreds of thousands of years. To say it is a spiritual treasure is to underestimate it! Although it is divided into four parts now, the quality of the Divine Mirror is still there. It’s definitely not at the level of a magic weapon. Now that you have gained that ray of spirituality, if you cultivate it well, it’s not impossible to become a spiritual treasure.”

Guitou's words did not mean death, but they were enough to make Xiao Mian inexplicably excited.


That is a spiritual treasure!

What's more, the function of the Divine Mirror is very special. It is used to prevent the opponent's monks from detecting one's own body. Although it cannot defeat the enemy, it can conceal many secrets about Xiao Mian.

If that ray of spirituality could only achieve one spiritual treasure, Xiao Mian would also choose the Divine Mirror.

Even though Xiao Mian looked at the small divine mirror over and over again for a long time, he still didn't find anything magical about it. If it weren't for the ghost's words and the fact that he had seen the divine mirror in person, Xiao Mian would have really thought that he had it again. I was deceived by the ghost head.

After searching for a long time to no avail, Xiao Mian sent his true energy into the Divine Mirror.

With the change of Xiao Mian's mind, the square imperial mirror that was originally the size of a palm gradually turned into an octagonal bronze mirror the size of a walnut. Pulling out a fine chain, Xiao Mian used the Imperial Mirror as a necklace and hung it around his neck.

But at this moment, a Sanskrit chant resounded in all directions.

Out of curiosity, Xiao Mian walked out of the room, looked up, and saw flowers flying all over the sky, Buddha's light lingering, and Sanskrit chanting, which was a sign of auspiciousness descending from heaven.

At the same time, Zhu Yanji, Gui Hai and Tuoba Lan were also alerted.

The four of them gathered together and tried to guess what had happened. A message came from the sky: On the eighth day of April, in the Ten Seas of Sea, Ananda taught the Dharma and Kassapa kept the precepts!

The grand and solemn voice resounded in all directions, making Xiao Mian and the four of them look at each other in confusion. Thinking a little deeper, Xiao Mian was shocked to realize that this oracle might have spread throughout Western Shu State!

Sure enough, at the same time, the ten major cloud deserts and 480 temples in Western Shu Prefecture were all echoing this concise and concise edict. As soon as the edict came out, it shocked all directions.

Keeping the precepts, this is the reason why the young monk returned all the way east and rushed back to Shishahai.

Although the previous little monk was also dressed as a little novice monk, he was called "little monk", and others also called him "little saint monk", but in fact he was not a member of the Buddhist sect. the root cause of the invasion.

Once a young monk awakens to his wisdom and upholds the precepts, using his own nature as a link, and integrating the three elements of precepts, concentration, and wisdom, he will become a Buddhist holy monk in the true sense!

At that time, there is no danger of an attack by a demonic cultivator at the level of the Yuan Ying Ancestor.

What Xiao Mian didn't expect was that Holy Monk Ananda would keep the precepts for the young monk so soon. After all, today was already the first day of April, and seven days later it would be the eighth day of April. But thinking about it again, that’s fine. After the little monk’s affairs are over, it’s time for him to leave.

At Wanning Temple in Liuyunmo, the contemporary abbot, Mie Du Shen Monk, looked at the smallpox falling from the sky with a gloomy expression. In the end, he clasped his hands together and silently recited the name of the Buddha.

At the Longhua Temple in Liyunmo, Master Mingjian also looked at the day flowers in a daze.

There is an allusion in Buddhism that "Buddha picked up flowers and Kasyapa smiled". Now, without any warning, the flowers are falling from the sky. The first thing Master Mingjian thought of was the little holy monk!

Did he finally return to Shichahai safely?

Dharma seal, Dharma seal...

But at this moment, a figure came behind Monk Mingjian.

"Uncle Abbot!"

"Are you out of seclusion?" Mingjian turned around and looked at the young monk in front of him. Mingjian's expression was neither sad nor happy. The young monk nodded and said no more. After a moment of silence, Mingjian said: "Since you are out of seclusion, come with me to the Shicha Sea!"


On the eighth day of April, Kasyapa observes the precepts.

For Buddhist monks, this is a big event. At that time, the abbots of the top ten famous temples in Western Shuzhou will definitely be present to witness the event. This is a common practice. Another common practice is that the abbots of the top ten famous temples will choose the best among the younger generations. His disciples accompanied him.

At the same time, almost all other temples on Shiyun Desert in Western Shu Prefecture were experiencing various strange phenomena. Almost at the same time, a piece of news spread like wildfire - the young holy monk Mahakasyapa returned to Shichahai safely. And he will hold a precept ceremony on the eighth day of April, Buddha's birthday, to re-convert to Buddhism and become the new generation guardian of Western Shuzhou.

Among those who heard the news, some were surprised and some were inspired, but most of them were overjoyed, because it meant that Xishu Prefecture had a new guardian for the next thousand years, and one day the old saint There is no need to be afraid of Sang Ananda’s nirvana.

For the ordinary monks at the lowest level in Western Shu State, they don't care who will take charge of Western Shu State. They only hope to have a stable Western Shu State!

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