Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,766 Taiqing Divine Sword

The divine weapon Tai Chi fights against the Tai Qing sword, and the two swords compete.

The divine weapon Tai Chi is only a second calamity spiritual treasure and is a little inferior in terms of realm, but it is better because of its youth and vigor.

Although the Taiqing Sword occupies the realm of suppression, in terms of attack and killing, it is not as good as the divine weapon Tai Chi.

However, the Taiqing Sword is a Three-Tribulation Spiritual Treasure with a profound foundation. For a moment, the Taiqing Sword was unable to be defeated at all. Even as time went on, the Taiqing Sword became more and more courageous as the battle progressed. On the contrary, the Taiqing Sword could not be defeated for a long time, and the heart was floating. Angry.

Without warning, the magic weapon Tai Chi suffered a small loss.

"Hey! His grandma's! A lost dog, dares to bite people?"

Turning from embarrassment to anger, the Tai Chi boy suddenly appeared.

At the same time, a figure in green appeared near Taiqing Sword, which seemed to be the sword spirit of Taiqing Sword.

She has black hair tied high and wears a green shirt with wide sleeves.

The sword spirit of Taiqing Sword actually looks like a woman.

"Hmph! You're such a little guy!"

The Sword Spirit in Tsing Yi seemed to be scolding the Tai Chi boy, but in fact he was scolding Xiao Mian - nakedly criticizing Sang and Huai!

When Xiao Mian heard this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But the Tai Chi boy became furious and shouted loudly, and the divine weapon Tai Chi appeared in response.

Use one to transform ten thousand, ten thousand swords and ten thousand methods.

Tai Chi, the divine weapon, used his own power to set up a sword array of ten thousand swords to return to the clan, trapping the Tai Qing sword in it.

The Taiqing Sword Spirit holds the Taiqing Sword, motionless in the middle.

Thousands of swords fight in chaos, but one sword determines the sky!

No matter how powerful the Ten Thousand Swords Guizong Sword Formation of Tai Chi, the divine weapon, shows its power, Tai Qing Sword remains as motionless as a mountain.

When Xiao Mian saw this, he remained calm.

Tai Chi, after all, is a little too young...

In the previous battles, Tai Chi, the divine weapon, relied on his outstanding quality and was almost invincible.

Occasionally encounter a tough idea, and Xiao Mian will make the overall plan. The magic weapon Tai Chi only needs to charge into the battle.

This time the Taiqing Sword is no longer the enemy it was in the past.

He couldn't take down the Taiqing Sword in one go, and when he saw Xiao Mian standing by and watching, the magic weapon Tai Chi went astray.

Young and energetic, Tai Chi, the magic weapon, made a bad move - Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect Sword Formation!

To be fair, the Wanjian Guizong Sword Formation is very powerful!

The divine weapon Tai Chi combined with the Ten Thousand Swords Guizong Sword Formation is enough to defeat ten thousand people with one person and remain invincible.

The problem is that today’s enemy of the divine weapon Tai Chi is not the ordinary magic weapon Flying Sword, but the Tai Qing Divine Sword!

The divine weapon Tai Chi tried his best to defeat the Tai Qing Sword, but after setting up the Ten Thousand Swords Guizong Sword Formation, it seemed huge, but in fact it reduced its destructive power.

Taiqing Sword seems to be surrounded by the Wan Jian Guizong Sword Formation in the center, but there is no risk of defeat.

One is eager for quick success and the other is waiting for work.

As time goes by, the magic weapon Tai Chi, which is already slightly inferior, will surely fall into a disadvantage.

If Taiqing Sword launches a counterattack at the right time, the outcome of the divine weapon Taiji will never be too optimistic.

Xiao Mian would naturally not let this happen.

Although he stood by and watched, he would not turn a blind eye.

What's more, the magic weapon Tai Chi at this time has also realized his mistake, but he knows the pain.

At this moment, Xiao Mian waved his sleeves with both hands.

He released the Five Elements Spirit Sword with one hand and collected the Taiqing Sword with the other hand - although the Taiqing Sword was strong, it was not as strong as Xiao Mian!

Seeing this sudden change, Tai Chi Boy took back his magic weapon Tai Chi.

"Boss! Release that old witch and let me fight her for another 300 rounds..."

"It's just you? Save it!" Facing the Tai Chi boy, Xiao Mian straightened up and admonished him: "Tai Chi! Remember that there are regrets for being a dragon!"

"How can a dragon have regrets? Humph! Boss! Although I can't do anything with that old witch now, in the future, I will definitely make this old witch my defeated enemy!"

"It's great if you have this intention! Let's set up the formation!"

"Got the order!"

The Tai Chi boy said hello, and there were Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu and the sacred beast Qilin accompanying him.

The six flying swords rushed out of the sky.

The six clones also rushed out of the sky.

Beyond the sky, there are six sword formations, slowly rotating.

At the same time, Xiao Mian sneaked into the immortal stone space.

The Three Tribulation Spiritual Treasure Flying Swords - Taiqing Divine Sword and Qingyi Sword Spirit, are suspended in the fairy stone space.

"I know: you have even driven Shouzhen to death, and you have uprooted the Sanqing Temple. My mere possession of the Three Tribulations Spiritual Treasure is really unable to stop you."

The sword spirit in green is whispering.

Xiao Mian looked like he was smiling but not smiling.

"But - don't think that I will obey you!" Holding the Taiqing Divine Sword and Qing Yi Sword Spirit, holding the flying sword upside down, he pointed the tip of the sword to his heart and said word by word: "I, Qing Yi, are three after all. How can I allow you to insult me, Jie Lingbao?"

"Sword Spirit in Tsing Yi! Who wants to insult you?" Xiao Mian, dumbfounded. Sword Spirit in Tsing Yi said righteously: "The reason why you didn't help that junior subdue me and then devour me, wasn't it because you wanted to subdue me? So that I could For your use!”


"Hmph! I, Qing Yi, can't serve two masters with one sword!"

As he spoke, the Qing Yi Sword Spirit wanted to kill himself with his sword.

Xiao Mian was present, how could he allow her mere sword spirit to die calmly and kill herself to be benevolent?

Not to mention that this is the Immortal Stone Space, even in the main time and space, Xiao Mian has a way to stop the opponent.

Zongheng's immortal heart moved, and the sword spirit in blue stood frozen.

The tip of the Taiqing Divine Sword has touched the skin of the Qing Yi Sword Spirit, but it can no longer make an inch forward.

"Xiao Mian! You..."

"Qing Yi Sword Spirit! After being a guest of Sanqing Temple for so many years, have you forgotten your origin?"


"..., you haven't really forgotten, have you?"

"Xiao Mian! What on earth are you talking about?"

"You, the Tsing Yi Sword Spirit, together with the Taiqing Divine Sword, have nothing to do with Sanqing Temple! If anything, it was Sanqing Temple that sealed you and used you."

"This... Humph! Xiao Mian! You think I will believe your nonsense! Do you think..."

"Think about it! The memories of the past!" Xiao Mian said to himself, interrupting the Qingyi Sword Spirit: "As far as I know, your Taiqing Sword, Shangqing Sword, and Yuqing Sword are both called Sanqing Sword. The Divine Sword is definitely not something that can only be found in Sanqingguan!"


The green-robed sword spirit remained silent.

Xiao Mian didn't say much, leaving the Tsing Yi Sword Spirit and the Taiqing Divine Sword in the fairy stone space, and he drifted away.

Xiao Mian's statement is not groundless...

Given time, the Tsing Yi Sword Spirit might really be able to remember the future and the past, and remember what year it is today.

By then, Xiao Mian can make the other party give up.

Of course, if the Tsing Yi Sword Spirit is stubborn, Xiao Mian doesn't mind helping the magic weapon Tai Chi to devour the Tai Qing Sword.

No matter how good the Taiqing Sword is, or how powerful the Tsing Yi Sword Spirit is, if you can't hold it in your own hands, it's all useless.

Only the divine weapon Tai Chi is yours!

After leaving the fairy stone space, Xiao Mian opened a hole in the surface of the sky. Looking around, he could no longer see the six flying swords and the six incarnations, only a vast mist.

Xiao Mian was not in a hurry and just sat there, outside the sky. At the same time, Xiao Mian, another man in green shirt, was sitting cross-legged.

The two Xiao Mian faced each other from a distance across the six sword formations.

"Congratulations to my fellow Taoist for completing the Holy Body. Another funeral matter has been settled!"

"Fellow Taoist, you are so polite! You have worked so hard over the years, fellow Taoist, to sit here!"

"You and I are one and two, two and one, how can we distinguish each other?"

"Next, I have to work hard for a while, fellow Taoist, thank you!"

"Come on! Let me see if fellow Taoist can break the ban and come out!"

When Qingshan Xiao Mian said this, Xiao Mian himself had already taken action.

The Wansheng Sword Gourd, the Pure Sky Sword Gourd, and the Eternal Life Sword Gourd were lined up in a row. Xiao Mian pointed them out, and the three-color divine light spurted out.

Countless divine lights rushed into the six-ray sword array, constantly testing the reality.

Xiao Mian planned to use the Six Paths Sword Formation as a template to try to break the ban.

As those divine lights kept wandering around, the six-path sword formation kept changing.

At the same time, Xiao Mian took out the black cloth.

The Jiuyan Tiantu is Xiao Mian's magic weapon to break the ban.

Even the six bans that block this world cannot get rid of the most basic formation structure, which is the nine basic one-yuan formations.

Jiuyan Tiantu must start with the Six Paths Sword Formation to break the ban.

It took decades for this ban to be broken.

The Six-Path Sword Formation has been operating in Tianwai Tianwai for hundreds of years. During this period, it has evolved and been constantly modified, and it is no longer what it used to be.

Even Xiao Mian, who had set up the six-path sword array, no longer recognized him.

Fortunately, Jiuyan Tiantu came forward and made some calculations to find the context.

In the past ten years, Xiao Mian, with the help of Jiuyan Tiantu, completely cracked the Six Paths Sword Formation, and there was no longer any ban in the sky.

Xiao Mian is not satisfied yet!

Going against the grain, Xiao Mian asked Jiuyan Tiantu to preside over the formation.

This time, Xiao Mian was trapped and died in Tianwaitian...

For thirty years, Xiao Mian was unable to do anything!

After thirty years of hard work, Xiao Mian finally found some clues in the ban, but it was still difficult to break out of the ban.

Another ten years passed, and Xiao Mian was groping little by little.

Try again and again, fail again and again, start all over again.

Until, a bell rang through my heart!

With a thought in Xiao Mian's mind, the black cloth on the outside took the initiative to remove the six-path sword array.

With one step forward, Xiao Mian finally walked out of Tianwaitian, where he had been autistic for more than a hundred years.

Just because - the time has come!

The bell just sounded was the warning bell that heralded the opening of Duzun Mansion!

According to the usual practice, at this time, the cultivation world must prepare for the upcoming spiritual war, prepare for the Duzun Mansion, and welcome the coming of the spiritual war.

But if nothing unexpected happens, this spiritual battle will not start!

Today's spiritual world is in a state of chaos, so how could it cause unnecessary problems?

Besides, the reason why the Demon Realm opens the door to the Demon Realm and appears to be invading the Spirit Realm is to force the Spirit Realm to give up conquering this world.

Lest Zongheng Xianxin return to the fairy world through the spiritual world!

At the same time, there are powerful people in the immortal world who are resisting Zongheng Xianxin.

In this case, the most likely possibility is that the three realms of the spirit world, the demon world, and the fairy world will tacitly agree to give up the spiritual war in order to settle the matter.

No matter what, the moment that Xiao Mian has been waiting for for hundreds of years has finally arrived!

Now that the Six Paths Sword Formation has dissipated, Xiao Mian and the green-shirted clone stand face to face.

With a wave of his hand, Xiao Mian put away the Five Elements Spirit Sword, and the black cloth actively integrated into Xiao Mian's body.

Only the divine weapon Tai Chi was fixed in mid-air by Xiao Mian.

Not only that, Xiao Mian also released the Taiqing Divine Sword.

The divine weapon Tai Chi and the Tai Qing Divine Sword can be said to be enemies. The Tai Chi boy and the Tsing Yi sword spirit are particularly jealous.

"How is it? Tai Chi! Do you dare to fight again?"

When the two flying sword and sword spirits couldn't stand each other, Xiao Mian fanned the flames and sow discord.

The Tsing Yi Sword Spirit was stunned, and the Tai Chi boy froze.

"Hmph! Boss! You don't have to provoke me! This boy is self-aware and won't become the Three Tribulations Spiritual Treasure. After all, I am one step behind this old witch. It's okay not to fight this battle!"

"Old... old witch? Brat! You..."

"Who are you calling a brat?"

"You two - that's enough!" A shout stopped the two sword spirits from quarreling with each other. Xiao Mian turned to look at Qingshan Xiao Mian and said in a good voice: "What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

"Fellow Taoist, have you decided? The Three Tribulations Spiritual Treasure is not trivial. Even in the spiritual world, it is rare."

"I've made up my mind!"

"Okay!" Nodding, Xiao Mian in Qingshan stretched out his finger towards Taiqing Divine Sword, and Taiqing Divine Sword turned into a blue light and flew in front of Qingshan Xiao Mian, circling in a circle. At the same time, Qingyi Sword Spirit also appeared in Qingshan. Xiao Mian stood behind him and bowed in salute: "Sword slave Qing Yi! Meet the master!"

"Qing Yi! Please follow me from now on!"


The Sword Spirit in Tsing Yi is respectful and respectful.

Xiao Mian in a green shirt seems to be smiling but not smiling.

Xiao Mian actually gave the Qingshan clone the Taiqing Divine Sword, the highest-grade three-tribulation spiritual treasure in the world.

Xiao Mian, the initiator of everything, had already expected this result.

But he was a Tai Chi boy, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

"Boss! How could you do this? You gave this old witch to the second boss, can I still swallow her?"

"Swallow you, you big-headed ghost!" Angrily, Xiao Mian laughed and scolded: "Look at your potential! When we get to the spirit world, are you still afraid that there will be no spiritual treasure for you to swallow?"

"Spiritual world? Spiritual treasure! Boss is wise!"

With just one sentence, the Tai Chi boy will be submissive.

The next moment, Xiao Mian put away the magic weapon Tai Chi, and the green-shirted Xiao Mian put away the Tai Qing divine sword.

"Fellow Taoist! I have something I need you to do!"

"Fellow Taoist, you are serious! I am the clone of fellow Taoist, so I should share your worries for you!"

"Okay! Fellow Taoist, come with me!"

As Xiao Mian spoke, Xiao Mian's green shirt fit and swooped down, blended into Xiao Mian's body and disappeared.

Xiao Mian's thoughts moved and he also disappeared.

When he reappeared, Xiao Mian was already outside a valley. Looking at the entrance of the valley, Xiao Mian sighed quietly.

The valley here is unknown.

But in the world of cultivation hundreds of years ago, this place was also one of the eight scenic spots in Dutian and one of the nine major sects.

The name of the valley is Guangyin Tiangu, which is the sect’s residence of the former holy land sect—Guangyin Valley.

Since the shocking battle that year, Xiao Mian alone overthrew the entire city and divided the Holy Land. The Sanqing Temple was wiped out, and the other seven Holy Lands were scattered. Only the Guangyin Valley remained.

Standing outside Guangyin Tiangu, Xiao Mian was not in a hurry.

The next moment, a sound of light passed by, and the current leader of the Guangyin Valley, the Goddess of Light, appeared at the right time.

The goddess of light and sound has become a heavenly being.

With the cultivation of the Goddess of Light and Sound and the power of the Silent Night Bell, predicting the future is nothing more than a trivial skill.

To take a step back, if Goddess Guangyin could not foresee Xiao Mian's arrival, Xiao Mian would not have to see her.

The two met and looked at each other.

"Goddess! Long time no see!"

"Senior Xiao! Are you here to say goodbye?"

"When we meet in life, we always have to say goodbye, but not today!" Looking directly at the Goddess Guangyin, Xiao Mian got straight to the point: "I am here today and I want to ask Guangyin Valley to help me!"

"Oh? Senior Xiao shocked the past and inspired the present. He said that he can even formulate the laws of this world. Is there anything in the world that you can't do?"

"There is really nothing in this world that I, Xiao Mian, can't do..."

Xiao Mian is not ashamed to speak loudly.

When the goddess of light and sound heard this, she was stunned for a moment and felt angry in her heart. However, her face suddenly changed and she glared at Xiao Mian.

"Today's world? What you seek is not in the contemporary world? Do you want to change the past and the future?"

"The one who knows me is a goddess of heaven!"

"Hmph! Please come back! I'm sorry Guangyin can't do anything!"

After saying this, the Goddess Guangyin didn't even look at Xiao Mian, and turned around to enter the Guangyin Heavenly Valley.

But at this moment, a round of light and sound spread.

"Xuanji! You have finally grown up..."

"!" The goddess of light and sound trembled all over, turned half of her body with a slight trembling, looked at the looming figure in the mass of light and sound, and cried with tears streaming down her face: "Master!"

The word Xuanji is the maiden name of the goddess Guangyin.

In the whole world, apart from the Goddess Guangyin herself, only Lord Guangyin knows about this matter.

What appears in the light and sound is none other than Lord Guangyin!

This is naturally not Guangyin Zun's true form, but one of the means left by Guangyin Zun in advance.

"Master! But this guy named Xiao is forcing you..."

"Silly boy! Xiao Mian is not as unbearable as you think! I just can't worry about you, so I asked Xiao Mian to help me keep this little soul, just to see you."

"Master! Master... Xuanji has been so difficult these years!"

"I know! I know everything! Although Guangyin Tiangu claims to be an observer and recorder in the world of spiritual practice, and he always flaunts himself as aloof, isn't he actually just like a dog?"

Saying this, Guangyin swayed, and the little soul left by Guangyin Zun could no longer hold on.

"Xuanji! Remember: the person in front of you is the savior of this world! The reason why I chose to help him is not for him, but for the sake of this world. So, no matter how absurd his request is, you and Guang Yin Gu must try his best to cooperate, even risk his life!”

"Yes! Xuanji—accept the order!"

The goddess of light and sound made a mistake, and the light and sound were confused.

The last mark left by the former master of Guangyin Valley, Guangyin Zun, on this world has disappeared.

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, the goddess of light and sound looked at Xiao Mian.

"Tell me! What do you want?"

"I want to go back in time! Do something!"

"Xiao Mian! Since the master left a will, Guangyin Gu and I have to follow. But I must warn you: it is not difficult to go back to the past, but it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to change the past!"

"The goddess only needs to help me go back to the past. As for how to change the past, it is up to me."

"You! Do you really want to change your destiny against heaven?" Staring at Xiao Mian, the goddess of light and sound said earnestly: "Xiao Mian! You should know that the past cannot be changed! Any small change may cause an uproar until it forms Time storm destroys the entire time chain..."

"It's not that exaggerated!" Looking back at the Goddess Guangyin, Xiao Mian said to himself: "I'm just doing something I've already done. Can the Goddess understand what I say?"

"You mean..."

"Time paradox!" Interrupting Guangyin Tiannu's speculation, Xiao Mian revealed the mystery: "I encountered a time paradox! In this world, there is a time chain that accidentally formed a time ring. This time ring is still missing a period. !”

"You mean - you have already met the person you want to go back in time to change!"

"Yes! And he has changed me!"

As soon as Xiao Mian said this, Goddess Guangyin was shocked and opened her mouth, but she was silent after all.

Xiao Mian's words made it very clear. Ordinary people may not understand it, but the goddess of light and sound understands it.

There was a person in the past who changed Xiao Mian in the present, but it happened that this person had been changed by Xiao Mian before.

It is precisely because of the appearance of Xiao Mian that he changed the past, and it is precisely because of the appearance of the past that the present Xiao Mian is changed - this is a time paradox!

Just like which came first, the chicken or the egg, the cycle continues.

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