Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1057: The Fixing Needle

The Sanqing Divine Light is known as the first divine light to strengthen the body and ward off evil spirits!

In terms of pure power, the Three Purities Divine Light is not powerful, not even comparable to the lost Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light of the Five Elements Sect.

But when it comes to the magical effect of strengthening the body and warding off evil spirits, the three pure divine lights must be the first.

Back then, when Xiao Mian was still a monk in the foundation-building stage, he aroused the murderous intention of Patriarch Yuan Yan in Five Elements Mountain and sent a Golden Core Shadow Attendant to assassinate Xiao Mian. At the critical moment, Xiao Mian relied on his half-baked Sanqing Divine Light to severely injure Shadow Waiter and escape.

Nowadays, Xiao Mian's cultivation and realm have increased, and he has figured out a way to condense the three pure divine lights, and the power of the three pure divine lights has become more and more powerful.

Although the Dark Night Sword is a top-grade high-level magical flying sword, it has dark attributes after all.

If it is pure dark attribute, it is not afraid of the three pure divine lights. However, when monks in the world practice dark attribute techniques or temper dark attribute magic weapons, they often use some shady and clandestine methods. This gives Sanqing Shenguang can take advantage of this opportunity.

Just like Ye Weiyang's Night Sword, it has been immersed in a ghost cave for many years and has been soaked in the air of the netherworld, so that its power can be doubled.

Under the illumination of the three pure divine lights, the ice and snow melted in the Netherworld energy wrapped around the outside of the Night Sword, and the body of the Night Sword was also shaken.

Terrified, Ye Weiyang no longer cared about hurting Xiao Mian.

But as soon as Ye Weiyang took back the Night Sword, Xiao Mian turned into a stream of red and blue light and struck at Ye Weiyang who was worried about gains and losses.

Looking at this posture, Xiao Mian clearly wanted to punch Ye Weiyang!

In desperation, Ye Weiyang took the Ming Ye Sword into her arms and flew away. Looking at him, she actually planned to abandon Ding Shijie and run away.

This time, Ding Shijie was frightened.

The Thunder Sword has been entangled by the Star Magnetic Divine Sword. In a short period of time, it is impossible to escape smoothly. Ding Shijie himself is even trapped in the dilemma of fighting against the Sun and Moon Swords. If Ye Weiyang greases the soles of his feet, the Five Spirit Sword It will definitely make him want to die.

Seeing this, Xiao Mian's lips curled up slightly.

Ye Weiyang!

I guess you have some eyesight!

If Ye Weiyang and Ding Shijie cooperated sincerely, it would not be easy for Xiao Mian to kill these two people in a short time.

But if Ye Weiyang runs away in shock and only Ding Shijie remains, Xiao Mian is sure that the rising star of Lei Zhen Palace will be killed by his own hands in a short period of time.

Therefore, Xiao Mian did not do much to stop Ye Weiyang's retreat, but directed most of his energy and offensive towards Ding Shijie.

The Five Spirit Sword even turned its tip and aimed at Ding Shijie.

No, good things are bound to take a long time!

Just when Ye Weiyang was about to rush into the door and escape, two figures rushed out of the door behind Xiao Mian - Gu Qingcheng and Lei Shen!

This time, the elbows and armpits became raw. Ding Shijie stopped panicking and Ye Weiyang stopped running away.

On the other hand, Xiao Mian was attacked by the four people and turned into a round dumpling filling!

With a wry smile, Xiao Mian really wanted to laugh at himself.

The unpredictable changes in the world are really so refreshing that people can’t believe it!

Before Xiao Mian could smile bitterly for a moment, the four of them had already joined forces to launch an offensive.

Lei Shen, Ding Shijie, Ye Weiyang, Gu Qingcheng...

These four people all have old and new grudges with Xiao Mian. Among them, Lei Shen alone has the strength to face Xiao Mian head-on. The cooperation of the other three is enough for Xiao Mian not to take it lightly. Now the four of them have joined forces. , Xiao Mian is surrounded by dangers.

Although the God of Thunder did not dare to use all his strength to attack Xiao Mian, because he possesses divine consciousness and holds the top-level magic weapon in the missing ring, his overall strength is still the strongest.

Fortunately, Xiao Mian had the Tianxing Earth Disk in his hand. He immediately released the Heavenly Star Earth Disk to counteract the oppression of the Thunder God's consciousness - although the Thunder God had not used it in several previous confrontations with Xiao Mian. Divine consciousness, but Xiao Mian believed that today, in this situation, the God of Thunder would never mind using his divine consciousness to deal with him.

Sure enough, almost at the same time that the Tianxing Earth Disk was released, the imperial mirror on Xiao Mian's chest suddenly shook, and then the Tianxing Earth Disk started to operate.

At that moment, the Thunder God trembled all over, but the attack of the other three people towards Xiao Mian suddenly slowed down, giving Xiao Mian a glimmer of hope.

Using the spirit-peeping eyes to the extreme, Xiao Mian found the safest escape route from numerous attacks. When there was no time to escape, Xiao Mian had a close call with death.

Even while intersecting with Ding Shijie, Xiao Mian endured the Yimu Divine Thunder from the other side and punched Ding Shijie with a punch.

No matter how the Yimu Divine Thunder flew towards him and kept bombarding his body, Xiao Mian rushed past without having time to check the results of the battle.

Ding Shijie let out an angry roar, but Xiao Mian had already passed him. In front of Xiao Mian, it was Ye Weiyang who turned around to prepare for the attack.

As long as he breaks through Ye Weiyang's defense, Xiao Mian can rush into the portal and escape. Although Xiao Mian is not afraid of any one of the four people, if the four of them join forces, it will be enough to make Xiao Mian passive. Then fight with him. The original intention of Zhan Yang Zhan was contrary to his original intention.

Although Xiao Mian wanted to fight to break the bottleneck, the premise was: he was alive!

Facing Xiao Mian's attack, Ye Weiyang, who had been scared to death by Xiao Mian before, unexpectedly showed a rare aura of one man taking charge.

The Mingye Sword turned into black light and shot at Xiao Mian.

At the same time, black threads like hair rose up from Ye Weiyang's body, constantly entangling Xiao Mian who was getting closer and closer, intending to trap Xiao Mian on the spot.

The Star Magnetic Divine Sword opened the way and started fighting with the Ming Ye Sword.

The Five Spirit Swords surrounded Xiao Mian, constantly generating the Five Elements Sword Qi, and constantly fighting against the entangled black threads, making it impossible to trap Xiao Mian.

Those black lines continued to impact Xiao Mian, and were continuously impacted away by the Five Elements Sword Qi from the Five Spirit Sword, and scattered around Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian was about to maximize the power of the universal flywheel and break through Ye Weiyang's defense at one go, but suddenly, he stumbled.

Xiao Mian's body was still flying forward under the blessing of the universal flywheel, but his shadow was strangely fixed in place, unable to move.

Under the influence of the shadow, even Xiao Mian's body slowed down sharply!

Seeing Ye Weiyang, who was very close at hand, showing a sly smile that succeeded in her plot, Xiao Mian was filled with hatred, but he could only blame himself for underestimating Ye Weiyang after all!

The weirdness lies in those black lines!

Those black threads are needle-shaped magic weapons, called the Fixing Magic Needle!

As the name suggests, the Fixing Needle can freeze the enemy's shadow, making it impossible for them to escape freely. At worst, it can also slow down the enemy's speed sharply.

Ye Weiyang flew the Fixing Divine Needle directly towards Xiao Mian, causing Xiao Mian to mistakenly think that it was a containment magic weapon that directly acted on the monk's body. Then he used the Five Elements Sword Qi activated by the Five Spirit Sword to knock it away. He wanted to go, but he didn't want to end up like this, playing right into Ye Weiyang's hands - the magic fixing needle was originally a sharp weapon that acted on the monk's shadow!

Without noticing, Xiao Mian was pulled back by Ye Weiyang's fixation needle.

At the same time, Ye Weiyang spurted out a mouthful of life essence blood as dark as ink, and swayed it on the Ming Ye Sword. The Ming Ye Sword trembled, suppressing the Star Magnetic Divine Sword in reverse.

For a moment, Xiao Mian and his sword were blocked by Ye Weiyang.

Xiao Mian is not worried about the magic fixing needle.

The Fixing Needle can only imprison Xiao Mian's shadow, but it cannot completely restrict Xiao Mian's movements. What's more, Xiao Mian has mastered the "Shadowless Way of Vacuum" and is even more comfortable with Shadow Escape. As long as he is given three breaths, he can Calmly crack this fixing needle.

The problem is, what Xiao Mian lacks most now is time.

Not to mention three breaths, not even one breath!

As soon as Xiao Mian's figure came to a standstill, the Thunder God's killing moves came one after another.

Lie Quehuan and Tianlei Wuwu Sword flew together - looking at the posture of the God of Thunder, it was clear that he wanted to keep Xiao Mian in this passage forever!

Now, there are two paths in front of Xiao Mian: one is to continue rushing forward without looking back, trying to break free from the shackles of the Fixing Needle before the Thunder God's Lie Que Ring and the Tianlei Wuwu Sword hit him, and rush forward. After opening Ye Weiyang's obstruction, he escaped into the portal; secondly, he turned around and faced Thor's thunderous offensive, and at the same time fell into a situation surrounded by four people.

The former seems safe but is actually risky, while the latter is a real risk.

No matter what, Xiao Mian must take this risk...

That being the case, it doesn't seem to make any difference which path you choose.

One word - kill!

Previously, the reason why Xiao Mian chose to retreat was because he didn't want to take risks; but since he had to take risks anyway, Xiao Mian didn't mind taking risks.

If we want to break the current bottleneck, we must take the wrong approach and take risks.

Since Thor alone can no longer bring out Xiao Mian's full potential, adding Ding Shijie, Ye Weiyang and Gu Qingcheng may be a good choice.

In an instant, his mind was spinning, and Xiao Mian had already made a plan.

Xiao Mian took advantage of the situation and stopped in place. In this way, the shadow shield Ye Weiyang used to prevent Xiao Mian from forcing a breakthrough was useless. Even because of the existence of the shadow shield, Ye Weiyang was isolated. on the outside.

Turning around suddenly, Xiao Mian's eyes only saw Lie Quehuan and Tianlei Wuwang Sword.

He saw the ring and the sword attacking Xiao Mian from both sides.

Although Xiao Mian never lacks flying sword magic weapons, the only one that can confront Tianlei Wuwu Sword, especially Lie Quehuan, is the Star Magnetic Divine Sword.

But at this time, the Star Magnetic Divine Sword was entangled by Ye Weiyang's Ming Ye Sword, and was unable to use it.

As a last resort, Xiao Mian had no choice but to use the sun and moon swords to resist the Heavenly Thunder Wuwu Sword. As for the missing link in the top-level magic weapon array, he gave it to the Five Spirits Bi and the Five Spirits Sword!

The Five Spirits Jade is one body with five elements, and the Five Spirits Sword is one body with five elements. As early as after refining the Five Spirits Sword into an intermediate magic flying sword, Xiao Mian was trying to unite the sword and wall.

Xiao Mian had been in seclusion for several years in the secret realm of Xuanwei Cave. Although he had figured out some ways, he had never been able to succeed. Now that he is using them, it seems to be a bit of a gamble - like this way of integrating swords and walls. , very particular about opportunities and chances.

The Five Spirits Bi is in the form of the Five Spirits Optimus Prime, one pillar holding up the sky; the Five Spirits Sword is in the form of the Five Elements, guarding around the Five Spirits Bi.

Suddenly, five colors of spiritual energy emerged from the Five Spirits Bi, white, green, black, red, and yellow. The five colors and five elements poured into the surrounding Five Spirit Swords according to their different attributes.

The whole body of the Five Spirit Sword shook, and the sword screamed endlessly.

At this moment, the missing ring hit the Five Spirits Bi.

Wuling Optimus Prime suddenly stopped, trembling uncontrollably, and occasionally letting out a mournful cry. It was obvious that he had suffered heavy injuries in the collision between the front and the missing ring.

Even so, the missing ring could not destroy the Five Spirits Bi!

Although the grade of the Five Spirits Bi is only a high-level magic weapon, one level lower than the missing link in the list, the five-color boulder that created the Five Spirits Bi is innately raised and of extremely high quality.

Relying on the tyranny of his own body, the Five Spirits Optimus Prime was able to stop the invading Liexian Ring, greatly reducing its power and no longer being arrogant.

Just when the God of Thunder wanted to forcibly activate the missing ring to bypass the Five Spirit Optimus Prime and kill Xiao Mian, the Five Spirit Swords rang out in unison and shot out.

Five different-colored sword lights were like sword dragons, soaring from the Five Spirits Bi and rushing towards Lie Quehuan who was forced to stop by the Five Spirits Optimus Prime.

Originally, the mid-level magic weapon Flying Sword of the Five Spirit Sword was of two levels difference. Even if the Five Elements were united into one, they would definitely not be able to fight against Lie Quehuan.

However, under the attention and nourishment of the innate five-element spiritual energy of the Five Spirits Bi, the quality of the Five Spirits Sword has actually improved to a higher level, faintly reaching the level of a high-level magic weapon flying sword. With the five elements united, it is enough Face off against Lie Quehuan!

For a moment, Wuling Sword was evenly matched with Lie Quehuan!

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