Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 873: 0 degree dilemma

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This small gathering did not last long. Everyone casually sipped two glasses, and then ended the gathering amidst laughter and laughter.

After returning to the hotel for a short rest, the reception banquet began. With a new one, he came to the banquet hall surrounded by the staff.

When he arrived, he found that many people had already arrived. Under Li Feihong's beckoning, Wu Hao came to the head and sat down.

According to his age and seniority, it was impossible to sit at the top table. Don't talk about the first table, there can be no seats for him at the first ten tables.

However, as far as the theme of this summit is concerned, Wu Hao is the protagonist of the two new networks.

In addition, he is still the **** of wealth in everyone's eyes, and many people have asked him, so he naturally sat on the first table.

There were a total of ten people at the first table. Except for the leaders present, the others were Internet bigwigs, such as Ma Xiaoma, Li Feihong, and Xue Bing.

This is the reality. As long as you have the strength, even if you are young, you will be the guests of these giants.

Wu Hao sat Tao Zhengyang on one side, and Li Feihong on the other.

Seeing him sitting down, the two quickly and enthusiastically talked to him. For Li Feihong, this is a rare opportunity to get along with Wu Hao, so how could he let it go.

As we all know, Qiandu is the largest domestic search engine company and a domestic Internet giant.

But under such a glorious aura, he is facing a serious dilemma, which can be said to be a poor hand.

Originally, Qiandu had the best chance to dominate the domestic Internet, but because of a series of operations, it could not do anything.

Even the core search and bidding business is now being severely challenged. Facing the penguin in a, Qiandu urgently needs to break a gap under such copper and iron walls, and successfully break through.

After pains and thoughts, Qiandu's performance in the past two years has recovered a little bit. But who knows that Haoyu Technology has suddenly risen again, directly throwing out the virtual world and virtual reality mobile network.

The rise of these two new networks quickly weakened the status of the traditional Internet. What made Qiandu more desperate was that Haoyu Technology refused their entry.

It's not to say that it is fully entered, but in terms of core business, Haoyu Technology is very resolute, just not allowed.

Moreover, Haoyu Technology has placed its own unified intelligent search engine in these two networks, completely replacing Qiandu's position.

This smart search engine relies on a simple interface, powerful functions, and clean content. This made it quickly loved by the majority of users, which put Li Feihong into an unprecedented crisis.

According to the current development trend, this unified intelligent search engine is likely to break through the dimension wall and enter the traditional Internet field.

If so, Qiandu may face a devastating blow.

Therefore, Qiandu has been negotiating with Wu Hao and the others, and is actively developing business in the virtual world and virtual reality mobile network.

Although the core business was blocked, with years of operating experience, Qiandu quickly occupied a place in these two new networks.

For the young and unspeakable young man in front of him, his mood is very complicated. To say hate, it must be hate, and the teeth of hate are itchy. But in the final analysis, this is all about competition in the industry.

With the current strength of Qiandu, if Haoyu Technology really releases restrictions and allows search engines to enter, then relying on Qiandu's strength can really compete with the other two giants. You must know that in this new field, Qiandu has no advantage at all.

Not to mention this, even the traditional mobile Internet, thousands of degrees does not have much advantage.

Of course, Li Feihong must be unwilling to give up. So he still wants to try it, even if it fails.

No, he came early, then adjusted his position and let Wu Hao sit next to him.

In fact, for Wu Hao, he had never dealt with Li Feihong, and he didn't even lose much. So facing Li Feihong's enthusiasm, he was a little embarrassed. But for the sake of face, he and the other party chatted without a word.

Fortunately, Tao Zhengyang interjected and joked from time to time, so it didn't make the scene too awkward.

After a few minutes of chatting, the guests arrived one after another, and the snow soldiers came first. After seeing the few people present, he nodded at Wu Hao and them, and then did it.

But he didn't interrupt, but listened to a few people chatting. Then came Lao Ma and Xiao Ma, the two came together, and they were chatting cordially as they walked.

In this regard, Li Feihong joked at him with a smile: "These two people, who used to beat their heads and shed blood, are now so close, people who don't know think they are brothers."

Although he was joking, there was still a hint of sarcasm in the words. It can be seen that Li Feihong is very complicated about the old horse and the little horse.

"Hey, are everyone here so early?" Lao Ma greeted everyone with a smile, but his eyes finally stayed on Wu Hao.

"We just sat down not long ago." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Xiao Ma smiled and said: "It's a rare opportunity to let us all sit together and make a good match tonight.

If we can’t enjoy it all, we will continue after the banquet, and I will let someone make a table of hot pot and barbecue. Let’s not get drunk or go home. "

As for the old horse, although he did not refute, he still said with a smile: "Drink, just have a good time, don't be greedy, it's easy to hurt your body.

Besides, everyone will have business tomorrow, so don't delay. "

"Haha, right amount, right amount!" Xue Bing said in a muddy voice at this time.

Xiao Ma did not speak but nodded and then looked at Wu Hao and said, "Mr. Wu, you have to behave well the first time you are here."

Hearing what Xiao Ma said, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said, "You have found the wrong person. I don't know how to drink, and I rarely drink.

But for such a rare opportunity, I will do my best, try my best! "

Hearing what he said, the little horse nodded. Although Wu Hao's meaning was very euphemistic, he also heard it. But it doesn't matter, after all, Wu Hao didn't directly refuse, not to refute his face. And for Wu Hao, an important opponent, how could Xiao Ma not do research. Through a series of investigations, Wu Hao does not know how to drink and rarely drinks.

Not only that, but he rarely picks up and rarely shows up like general entertainment, so he feels too low-key and too self-disciplined.

"It's all here, right!" The words arrive first before anyone arrives. I saw Zhou Wenzhi and Wei Minghui crowded down to the banquet hall.

Papa papa............

Then there was warm applause in the hall.

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