Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Sweet pastry in the eyes of big guys

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When Wu Hao arrived at the venue, the first plenary meeting was almost over. Seeing Wu Hao coming in, many people turned their heads to look at him and started talking in a low voice. Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao was also a little embarrassed. He watched the old horse beckoning at him, then walked quickly over, and then sat down.

Why did you get here now! Lao Ma asked at him.

Wu Hao nodded at the people next to him, and then replied at him: "Something happened temporarily, it took some time."

Is it tricky? Lao Ma cared at him.

Wu Hao shook his head: "It's all trivial matters, not difficult but more troublesome."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Lao Ma immediately understood the fact that he was very busy. He knew that Wu Hao participated in the military-civilian technology exchange exhibition in Beijing, and he also participated in a, but it was in the area of ​​cloud computing data information, not as deep as Haoyu Technology.

I heard that you made a lot of noise in the capital this time. Lao Ma glanced at the expert who was speaking on the stage, and then asked him.

Haha, it's more eye-catching. Wu Hao looked at the situation in the venue with a smile.

Among the guests sitting in the front row, Wu Hao saw a lot of bigwigs. Basically, some familiar bigwigs in China came. In addition to this, there are some foreign company giants who report fruit, Wsoft, and G song.

Seeing Wu Hao's gaze, Lao Ma said with a smile: "Don't look, basically everything that can come is here. How can these guys not come for such a big event.

How is it, are you interested in speaking on stage? "

I? Wu Hao shook his head: "Forget it, I'm a hairy boy, a young man who was born late. If there is anything to talk about, no one will listen to it."

Haha, you are wrong. Everyone present is very interested in you, and I also heard that some people came because they heard that you came.

For example, the snow soldier in corn over there, he is here specifically for you.

Ok? Wu Hao heard the words and looked at the place where the old horse signaled. Sure enough, Xue Bing was also looking at him, the two sides looked at each other, and then nodded in question, which was regarded as a hello.

Am I not interested in him? Wu Hao smiled and played with it.

If I knew this, why bother. Originally, the cooperation was good, but Wu Hao had to change his mind. Now that I am slumped, and I want to come back, there is such a good thing.

Hehe, Lao Mei smiled and said, "I'm not interested in him, but I should always be interested in money. I don't think you can prevent you from meeting and talk about it. Anyway, there is nothing to lose, listen to what they say."

Besides, there may not necessarily be this time. Wu Hao leaned back on the chair, looked at the pony who was talking quietly with a few people in the front row on the other side, and joked with a smile, "Do you regret it now? Get out so early."

Lao Ma looked at Wu Hao's gaze, glanced at Xiao Ma, then smiled and shook his head: "Zifeiyu, know the joy of fish.

Although the location is beautiful, it's like walking on thin ice, and it's very cold from above.

So, instead of continuing to stare at the cold wind and scorching sun, it is better to go down the mountain earlier and relax.

As for him, he is almost reaching a bottleneck. In recent years, your restrictions and suppression on Penguin have slowed down its progress in the field of virtual cities and smart AR, and suffered successive setbacks. It also gave him a retreat.

Look, he will definitely take the initiative to talk to you this time. "

As soon as the old Ma talked about it, he smiled and said: "He is quite a good person to get up. In private, we are also good friends. It's just a dispute over interests.

You can get in touch with him, do you always have to talk, listen to what he says first.

Now that they are frustrated in the field of virtual cities and smart AR, they will definitely show their weakness or even bow their heads.

Almost all right, this is a giant beast, if you get annoyed, you may not be able to deal with it. "

Wu Hao smiled, then shook his head and said, "There is no suppression or restriction. They can enter these two areas, but they must abide by the rules.

For those who do not follow the rules, I will neither welcome nor compromise.

Compared with a, Penguin is more pure. Although it is invincible in the Internet field, it lacks core technical support and gorgeous castles in the sky.

To put it bluntly, today he is not irreplaceable. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the old horse trembled in his heart, couldn't help looking at Wu Hao, and began to look at the young man in front of him again.

Wu Hao is right. This is a common problem in the Internet industry and lacks core competitiveness. The Internet industry seems to be very hot, and the market value is also a staggering increase in the Internet, but these are just false prosperity, too much water.

Some Internet companies have a market value of hundreds of billions, or even trillions, but once there is some trouble, the market value may be cut in half.

And so far, these domestic Internet giants have really made a difference abroad. Fortunately in a, business in many countries has improved. As for Penguin, it is completely trapped in China. If he wants to grab the market with international giants, he is obviously still a little bit behind.

Of course, this is also a common problem of domestic Internet companies. Because of some objective factors, it is difficult for them to go out and they can only rely on the domestic market.

Although the domestic market is huge, it is still relatively limited compared to the international market. In a new generation of Internet virtual world dominated by Haoyu Technology, and a new generation of mobile Internet used in smart AR glasses, these Internet giants feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

In a, because of the close cooperation with Haoyu Technology, I joined the new generation of mobile Internet in the virtual world and smart AR glasses early in the built with virtual shopping experience and smart AR glasses In the virtual reality shopping model, the strength of a has been unprecedentedly improved, and the market value has also turned over.

It is also because of seeing huge benefits in these two areas in a, other Internet companies that were still reserved have begun to pour in, establishing Wu Hao's dominant position in these two areas in one fell swoop.

The companies restricted or blocked by Wu Hao and others include the Internet giants who want to monopolize instant messaging and social networking.

Because they refused to use the unified account system provided by the virtual time at the same time, the negotiations with Wu Hao and others have not made progress.

Seeing that the new generation of mobile Internet on the virtual world and smart AR glasses is gradually taking shape and its influence is expanding, Penguin seems to be really anxious.

In fact, before he came to Wuzhen, someone gave him a haircut in advance. There are other bigwigs who have also acted as lobbyists or intermediaries, so their purpose is naturally clear.

Of course, there are many people with the same purpose, such as the fruit executive sitting over there.

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