Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 850: Codename "Fuck? Small?/a>

   immediately led by Tao Guangcheng, everyone came to the integrated command center of this air base.

   This is a very advanced air force integrated tactical command center, and the level of confidentiality is relatively high. Wu Hao, who had also received special permission to enter, and before entering, not only signed the relevant secrecy regulations, but also temporarily "confiscated" everyone's electronic equipment.

   The command and director department of today's exercise is here. Of course, as the protagonist of today's exercise subject, the rear command and control systems of two Coyote intelligent attack drones are also set here for easy viewing in real time.

  As for the headquarters of the Blue Fighter Squadron, the aviation regiment of the Fighter Squadron took command at another airport.

   and accept its command, there are various radar and air defense missile positions. It can be said that the difficulty of the exercise subject is still very large, even if there are manned fighters, it is difficult to invest in it.

   Generally, this type of infiltrating the enemy's hinterland for sneak attack strikes will be carried out at night, because this has a very good concealment.

   And now it is placed in the daytime, which is very beneficial for the visual control of the pilots of the air defense forces and the blue fighter forces.

   In addition, the opponent is a complete air defense system, which is very complete, and has a depth of more than 300 kilometers, which can be said to greatly increase the difficulty of the exercise.

   "Stand up!"

  With a password, the officers and men in the command center stood up one after another.

  Wu Hao After they entered, Xiao Yunfei pressed his hand and said, "Sit down, follow the scheduled plan."

"sit down!"

  With a password, everyone sat down neatly again, and then began to get busy.

  In a specially divided area in the command hall, Wu Hao discovered the members of the project team they had previously sent.

  At the moment, they are all wearing training camouflage uniforms and are doing their final preparations carefully before the exercise.

  After Wu Hao came in, they looked at the situation inside the command center as soon as possible. In fact, it is similar to Wu Hao's satellite launch command center as a whole, but it is more neat and standardized.

   The wall on the front of the command hall is a huge screen. At this moment, various information is displayed on the screen, as well as some real-time monitoring screens.

   This is Tao Guangcheng’s site, so he introduced them to Xiao Yunfei and Wu Hao: “We will simulate the Red Army Command Center and carry out surprise attacks on targets in the hinterland of the Blue Army.

   And the whole process will be displayed in all directions, in addition to the radar information, as well as the pictures returned by the photoelectric sensors and cameras on our red and blue fighters. It even includes radio calls from the Blue fighters and so on. "

   Well, Xiao Yunfei nodded when he heard the words, and then waved: "Go ahead."


   Tao Guangcheng immediately said in a loud voice: "The code-named ‘凫徯’ actual combat confrontation officially began. According to satellite reconnaissance information, a frontier command center was found about 350 kilometers away from our military airport.

  Information shows that this facility will be a comprehensive air defense command center for the entire frontier area of ​​the local area.

  The superior command allowed our ministry to dispatch intelligent unmanned attack aircraft to sneak into the enemy, destroy this frontier area air defense command center, and clear obstacles for our army's large fleet. "

   "Command: Our department is under the control of two cowardly intelligent attack drones and immediately takes off to take charge of this raid."

   "Yes, guaranteed to complete the task!"

  As the order was issued, the war situation alarm sounded, and the atmosphere in the command center became tense immediately. Everyone went to war and entered the wartime state.

   "The mission information has been sent to the two on-board intelligent control centers of two intelligent attack drones, and the mission is accepted."

   "Reading mission information..."

   "The mission information is read successfully, and the combat mission is started."

   "The drone starts and starts the self-check procedure."

   The surveillance camera located in the dual online library in the large screen immediately saw that two smart drones have started to start one after another.

   And the crew of the hangar quickly removed the anti-skid shield in front of the drone tires and pushed it aside.

   "Self-check is successful, enter the automatic take-off procedure!"

   I saw that two smart attack drones began to draw out the dual online library one after the other, and then began to draw to the runway.

   "Is this process fully automatic, no human intervention?" Xiao Yunfei asked.

   Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said, "It is fully automatic and is carried out by the drone. It will plan its route according to the instructions of the rear command and control center or the tower, slide to the runway, and wait for the take-off instruction.

   This command can of course be omitted, allowing the drone to take off autonomously. However, in order to avoid some unexpected situations, the UAV must determine the airspace before taking off, especially whether the airport is near the air.

  Whether there are other fighter planes occupying the runway, or if there are other fighter planes on the takeoff route, or there are bird swarms near the airport and other unexpected situations. "

At the same time as Wu Hao's introduction, on the big screen, through the airport high-level surveillance camera, it was shown that the two smart attack drones had begun to taxi to the runway one after the other, and began to park side by side on the runway with a dual aircraft formation. Above.

  At the same time, a window popped up on the display screen that displayed the command and control system behind the drone in real time.

  Ask whether to confirm takeoff?

   Everyone looked at Xiao Yunfei, and Xiao Yunfei nodded, then Wu Hao issued an order.

  The order is issued, which means that the actual combat test of the UAV has officially started, and it is too late to repent, so Wu Hao needs to decide.

   "Take off!" As the take-off confirmation command was issued, the turbofan engines equipped with the two smart attack drones began to increase their power with an orange-red tail flame.


  Along with the huge engine noise, the two smart drones began to slide on the runway, and then the speed became faster and faster until the front and rear wheels left the ground in turn.

   Two Coyote attack drones came very clean and took off for a short distance, just like pulling onions in dry land, heads flying away from a distance.

   "Oh, this posture is quite a bit like our old pilot." Xiao Yunfei lit up in front of her, and then admired.

   As an old pilot, he saw at a glance that the take-off posture of these two drones was very extraordinary, quite the posture of the old pilot, very clean and clean, without a bit of muddy water.

   Wu Hao nodded and smiled, "Hehe, this is a set of flight control data that I have summed up after learning the flight data of many pilots from the intelligent flight control system on the drone.

   It combines the flight technical data of multiple pilots, and then optimizes according to the aircraft performance data, thus obtaining a flight control data that is more suitable for the performance of the UAV. "

   "I said, how can it have the style of an old pilot, it turned out to be stealing a teacher." Xiao Yunfei was in a good mood and laughed and teased.



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