Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 843: Open the back door on the mech

   This question is slightly embarrassing to ask on this occasion, but how to say this is also an important question. It is related to the continuous combat capability of this single soldier's heavy exoskeleton to help protect the armor, so since people have asked questions, Wu Hao must answer them positively.

   So even though the black line covered his forehead, he explained daringly: "This problem is actually the same as the life support system currently adopted by the Air Force fighter, and it has a complete and humanized support system.

   First of all, the problem you mentioned is all the responsibility of the system's life support system.

   The function of the entire life support system is to ensure the safety and health of the driver in the armor with the help of heavy exoskeleton.

  As for the question you mentioned, we have also taken it into consideration and specially designed a security system.

  First of all, because the individual soldier's heavy exoskeleton protective armor is designed to fit the surface of the human body, it cannot normally perform related physiological excretion activities.

   Therefore, we need to carry out related research and design, specially designed a set of urination system worn by the driver.

  If you need to fight for a long time, you can wear it in advance, so that the urine you send out can be collected. Also collected is sweat evaporating from human skin.

   In addition, in the helmet, we also have a water supply straw, the driver can add water through the straw.

   And this set of straws can also transport nutrient solution and some liquid food for supplementing physical strength and long-term combat. "

  The meaning of Wu Hao's discourse has been made clear. This system can only supply water and liquid food and nutrient solution, and also supports the collection of human sweat and urine. As for stool, it is currently not supported.

  No, will not only provide liquid food, this is also to reduce the number of solid excreta as much as possible.

   Of course, this liquid food also has disadvantages, that is, the taste is not very good, and the feeling of fullness is not strong.

   This is also an optimal solution made by combining various factors. It is not possible to open a window on the buttocks of this single soldier heavy exoskeleton protective armor for squatting.

   Everyone present nodded their heads after hearing his introduction, and they agreed with Wu Hao's proposal. For now, this is indeed the best choice.

   And this is not an important issue in itself, some can still be overcome. Even on tanks and armored vehicles, it is impossible to set up a toilet, even on a fighter.

Xiao Yunfei looked at these fixed-position bandage buckles in the armored cockpit with the help of heavy exoskeletons. He frowned frantically and asked: "I just looked at this set of heavy-duty external soldiers. The wearing of bone-assistant protective armor is very complicated and requires the assistance of an assistant. I am afraid that it will not give you such a long time to really come to the battlefield."

   Wu Hao nodded and said, "It is indeed more complicated, but these two sets of individual heavy exoskeleton-powered protective armor are only prototype engineering prototypes, not mass production equipment.

  We also need to listen to the opinions of the testers and customers, and then make the corresponding changes.

  As for the complex dressing problem you mentioned, we have already considered it. In the future, all the bandage buckles that bind the human body will be automated. People only need to go in and rely on them. These fixed buckles will automatically fix you.

   When you open the cockpit and want to come out, these buckles will automatically release. The whole process is very rapid. A well-trained driver can complete this series of operations in less than ten seconds, and start the equipment to enter the combat state. "

   is also satisfied with his answer. Say a tank car group, it takes a certain amount of time to enter the starting chariot, prepare for battle, and then enter the battle. Not to mention the need for fighter jets to be launched, so this time is still acceptable.

   And the Navy's Qi Lei, at this time, came up with a very bold idea.

"Xiaowu, I saw your multi-tentacle robot and your intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis. I wonder if these technologies have been overcome, can this single soldier heavy exoskeleton help Protective armored driverless."


   Hearing Qi Lei's words, everyone else's eyes lit up, and then looked at him one after another.

   Wu Hao saw it, smiled, and then showed a helpless expression: "You are talking about a kind of human robot similar to Boston Dynamics' Petman (robot name)."

   "Yes, that's the kind. I guessed right, you have technology in this field." Qi Lei's eyes lit up, and then excited.

  While the others present were surprised, Wu Hao showed interest.

  Wu Hao swept all around the crowd, and then nodded: "Everyone present is my leader and elder, so I will not hide from you. We are indeed engaged in intelligent robot research.

   And our intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis series, including the capture and recognition system of human movement biological signals, and even this individual heavy-duty exoskeleton protective armor part of the technology come from this project.

  Although I really want it to be able to meet you as soon as possible, we have encountered problems in the project research, and it is still a difficult problem that cannot be solved for a while.

First of all, the human body's motion system is a very complex biological control motion integrated system. If you want to successfully bionic it, UU reads and manufactures corresponding robots as flexible as our limbs. This is very difficult. .

  Although we have developed an intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis, its control signals are also derived from the motor neurophysiological signals of our body.

  Want to rely solely on the system to flexibly control a robot arm that is as flexible as our human limbs, this area also needs to be studied.

   No way, because there are too many things to calculate.

  Secondly, it is the coordination ability of multiple limbs. The human body movement is not just a single limb, but a combination of multiple parts.

  This requires the orderly coordination of the multi-part control system to form a complex set of limb motion control systems.

  The project of Petman has been studied for nearly two decades. Its biggest achievement at present is just to learn some of our human walking and jumping somersault skills. But these are not what it learned, but we human engineers use data and algorithms to enrich it.

  Change the test location, change the environment, and change the test item, it may not work.

  In other words, it was able to skip this stone because it had made special optimization and calculations for this stone. If it is replaced with another stone, it is not necessarily whether it can be skipped. "



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