Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 832: The "joke" of haze blocking the laser

   Seeing these people talking with Wu Hao enthusiastically, Vice President Cheng was a bit tasted. After skimming a few people, he immediately smiled and said, "Hey, don't stand here a few of us.

   Haven't even eaten yet, so, let's find a place to have a light meal together, and then chat while eating. "

   When I heard Vice President Cheng say this, everyone nodded, and Vice President Liu was smiling and received: "I know there is a hotel near here, the food is really good, or where should we go."

  Although Deputy Cheng is always telling everyone, his eyes are always on Wu Hao, obviously asking for his opinion.

  Wu Hao said with a smile: "Everyone still has work in the afternoon, so don't be so troublesome. I don't know how to find a place to have a working meal."

  Which line do you want to eat something, and don’t drink, it won’t delay things. Vice President Liu persuaded.

   and Vice President Cheng said diametrically: "I think Xiao Wu is right, let's not bother, just go to the international hotel next to it. It's relatively close, and the food is not bad.

   Let's eat casually and chat by the way.

   Speaking of which, we are also rare together. "

   OK, that's it. Before waiting for Mr. Liu to speak, Mr. Zhao, the weapon industry on the side, answered.

   Seeing Vice President Zhao speak, Vice President Liu glanced at Vice President Cheng, and he stopped speaking.

   And the changes in the eyes and expressions of these people were all seen in tears by Wu Hao. With a bitter smile in his heart, it seemed that the meal was not delicious.

   However, I still have to go. After all, it is the four major military giants. Wu Hao did not dare to offend. After all, he will often deal with each other in the future. Whether it succeeds or not, face is given.

   So a few of them, surrounded by a group of people, came to the next international hotel, which is a supporting hotel in the conference center, the standard is still very high. Many enterprise representatives who participated in this exhibition stayed here.

   Of course, not including Wu Hao, and of course not including the CEOs of these big companies headquartered in Beijing.

   These few of them, no matter where they go, are big brothers. So when they came to the hotel together, it naturally caused a sensation. The hotel manager received them personally and arranged them into a huge private room.

  Looking at this huge round table, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly. Is this something to eat casually?

  Because it is noon and I have to work in the afternoon, I cannot drink alcohol. So everyone really ordered a few dishes that can be served.

   is actually not much, and there is no waste. It is far from what is rumored to be a mountain and sea flavor big fish and meat. I have to say that the style is still very positive.

   After ordering, everyone immediately chatted.

   But the core is all on Wu Hao, but Wu Hao is a person who can't talk much, so more often they are just a few of them, Wu Hao is listening.

   chatted for a while, and finally everyone turned their focus to Wu Hao.

   Xiaowu, really like you said, which multilayer compound lens can increase the laser irradiation power (power) by half? Opening is Vice President Feng of the aerospace industry, he is very concerned about this technology.

  Know that the aerospace industry is not only engaged in the field of aerospace technology, but also an important player in the field of military industry. Their main business is still in the area of ​​missiles, whether they are ballistic missiles, air defense missiles, anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles, or even various types of rockets, all of which account for most of the share.

Upon hearing Vice President Feng’s words, Vice President Zhao of the Weapon Industry narrowed his eyes, then smiled and said, “I thought you had to ask Xiao Wu about their launch vehicle first. You know, they used their own this year. The launch vehicle, three arrows one by one, sent three satellites to different orbits."

   Haha, this is indeed worthy of congratulations. We were very pleased after hearing this news, and finally some private enterprises could come to share some of the pressure for us.

Vice President Feng said with a smile, then turned around and said: "However, this time I am more concerned about this technology, to know if this technology is really like what you said, it will give the air defense and anti-missile field Bring about major innovation."

   Hearing this, everyone nodded and understood.

   If this technology can really enhance the power of laser weapons, it will bring major innovations in the field of air defense and anti-missile. And the related important business of the aerospace industry, which has always been in a leading position in this field, is bound to be greatly affected, so he can’t help but care.

  Thinking about this, Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "We have repeatedly demonstrated this aspect. If you need it, we can provide relevant experimental data.

   Of course, although these technologies can enhance the power of laser weapons, they still cannot solve the shortcomings or deficiencies of laser weapons.

   For example, laser weapons are easily affected by weather factors.

   In the past few years, the example of smog and anti-laser that the bureau preached was not empty talk. "


   Everyone present laughed. Indeed, this is a well-known joke, so many netizens have used this joke to joke the game.

   But this statement is not without basis. In fact, the strong fog and haze weather is indeed not conducive to the use of laser weapons. Especially the smiling PM2.5 particles in the smog will refract or reflect the laser beam, thereby greatly reducing the power of laser weapons.

  In addition, like normal rainy weather, sand storms, snow, fog, will affect the laser weapon.

   So Wu Hao said this to comfort Vice President Feng so that he doesn't have to worry too much.

  The laughter faded out, Wu Hao continued: "In addition to the weather effect, the distance also has a great influence. The laser is not inevitable. As the distance increases, the power of the beam irradiation will also decrease significantly.

   Secondly, it can only be used for general aircraft and missile interception attacks, such as large aircraft and missiles, and ballistic missiles, which cannot be intercepted at all.

   Especially ballistic missiles can withstand thousands of degrees of high temperature when they enter the atmosphere, so they are not afraid of burning by laser irradiation. "

  The main attack method of the laser is irradiation, which burns the target by the high temperature of continuous irradiation.

   So for this kind of ballistic missile with a strong thermal protection ability, there is very little left and right.

   This is of course. The most difficult to intercept in the world is ballistic missiles.

  Vice President Feng said: "However, it is aimed at some cruise missiles, and the interception of surface-to-air to ship missiles, drones, and laser weapons has a great effect.

   Especially for high-power laser weapons, the success rate of interception of these targets far exceeds that of active weapons.

   used to be limited by energy supply, so these weapons have not been put into large-scale service.

   And your new battery and super solid-state battery have solved this problem, which provides a decisive basis for the large-scale commissioning of such laser weapons. "


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