Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 815: Definition of success

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"Several people of different regions, different backgrounds, and different personalities suddenly live together. It is actually very difficult to adapt.

We need to accept these different differences, get used to each other’s existence, and even adapt to each other’s shortcomings or the shortcomings you feel.

This may be more difficult than getting along with your girlfriend, because your girlfriend is wholly your own search, and may be more in line with your personality in certain aspects.

As for roommates, this is completely arranged at random, and it will not happen that you can adapt to it.

Therefore, there will be some contradictions in this environment of adaptation and getting along. The boys are okay. Although everyone has some opinions about the other side, they are still passable, polite and peaceful.

The girl side is more complicated. It is called the epic palace fighting drama. There are four people in a dormitory, and there are actually five chat groups. "

Hahahaha... Hearing Wu Hao's words, the classmates present laughed. His words resonated with everyone, and the reality is indeed the same.

Facing the smiling people, Wu Hao also laughed and joked: "I finally understand why Gong Gongju is so popular among girls. It turns out there is a realistic basis."

Ha ha ha ha... also for the rest of the smile, warmed up again, and immediately turned into a burst of applause.

"In any case, life will continue. In college life, there are very few opportunities to change dormitory and roommates.

In a strange environment, your roommate is the beginning of your new life. He will also be your best friend for four years in college and even in the future. "

"Take the four people in our university dormitory. In fact, in the end, the four people didn't all come together.

I took two other people to start a business, while the other one chose to take the postgraduate exam. Different people have different choices and considerations, and this is something we cannot force. "

"For success, different people have different definitions and perceptions. At present, our entrepreneurship is regarded as a basic success, and the student who is tested is also very successful from his perspective.

He passed the postgraduate entrance examination, enrolled in the graduate students of the school, and successfully stayed in school. Having made a beautiful girlfriend and having a job you like is very satisfying for your life. This is considered a success.

We cannot judge the success of others according to our standards. Compared to success, it is most important for us to realize the value of life. "

"Humanity is a social group with different occupations and division of labor. Although these occupations and division of labor are different, they are an important part of society and promote the development of this society.

Society is like a precision instrument and equipment, and different occupations and divisions of labor are different parts in this precision instrument and equipment. Without one, this device may fail together.

Therefore, all parts are very important and require close cooperation to ensure the normal operation of this machine.

Each part can exert its light and heat, and it also has its own value. There is no distinction between high and low. "

"The profession is actually the same, and different professions have different standards for success, such as doctors, firefighters, policemen, soldiers, etc.

The standard of doctors' success is to save more patients, the standard of firefighters' success is to save more people from disasters, and the standard of police's success is to punish evil and promote good, and maintain the safety of one side. The standard of military success is to defend the home and defend the country, to eliminate the enemy from the offense.

And those of us who are engaged in scientific research are hoping to develop more and more advanced technologies to promote the development of the entire science and technology and thus the development of the entire society. "

"So classmates, what are your success criteria? Have you thought about this problem?

You were born in a prestigious school, but this is your biggest advantage, but this advantage may also limit you.

You come from different professions, and you will also engage in different professions and embark on different life paths in the future.

How to succeed in your future career path and realize the value of life will also be a question for you to think about in the future.

You don’t have to learn who you are, you don’t have to surpass who you are, you don’t have to force yourself how to choose a path that suits you best. "

"A lot of people come here to hear me talk about my own successful experience, but experience is something that I sum up subjectively.

You may not be able to apply my experience, and you may not be able to replicate my success.

Moreover, I did not think that I had succeeded, and I still have a long way to go to the success goal I defined.

Then the question is coming, I haven't achieved success yet, how can you learn from my successful experience. "

Hearing the doubts below, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "This is not a show off, but a fact.

From your perspective, I may have succeeded in starting a business. But in my opinion, I'm still on the road.

I can only say that we have achieved good results so far, but we still have a long way to go before we start a business, we still need to work hard.

That's right, compared with some domestic giants in the industry, and compared with some technology companies that occupy leading positions in various fields in the world, we are far away.

When you really understand these fields in depth, you will find the amazing strength of these technology giants.

Although I do not want to say this, the fact is that in many fields, we are indeed inferior to others.

Therefore, it is precisely this gap that motivates us to continue to make progress. It is not the time for us to be proud. "

"Everyone is the arrogant are outstanding talents of various professions. Our country wants to take the lead in these fields, which is indispensable to everyone's hard work.

The prosperity and rise of the country did not come suddenly. This requires the entire country and all our children to work together. It is the result of the dedication of generations of people throughout their lives.

Our achievements today and the conveniences we enjoy today come from their shadows.

They have contributed everything to the development of this country and society, and we, everyone, ask yourself, what have we done for this country and society. "

"I often ask myself this question. Fortunately, I still have a few achievable results that can make me feel at ease.

We have developed an intelligent cluster control system, an intelligent voice system, and an intelligent voice assistant. We have created a new type of lithium battery, which has pushed our national battery technology to the world's leading level.

We have also developed smart VR, AR glasses, virtual world, wireless remote charging technology, and not long ago, we launched our own six-sided honeycomb compound lens, intelligent multi-tentacle robot and so on. "

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