Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 805: Beauty Reporter's Quest (End)

, Update the latest chapter of military technology as soon as possible!

"After introducing the big body, let's introduce the small one. This tiny eight-tentacle surgical robot is an excellent representative.

As you can see, the entire tentacle is very small and very flexible. Through smart sensor gloves and smart VR glasses, we can control the tentacles on this robot from the air or remotely.

These eight tentacles can be individually controlled by multiple people, or they can be controlled individually by one person using the intelligent voice assistant.

And now, I will personally control this miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot to demonstrate a minimally invasive surgery for everyone. "

With the help of the staff, Su Qian sat on the experience desk, put on smart VR glasses and smart sensing gloves, and under the guidance of the staff, began to slowly control it.

Shen Qian started to introduce it while controlling the equipment: "What I want to do now is to use such a miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot to start peeling a raw egg.

As we all know, in general, raw eggs are composed of eggshells, a layer of eggshell membranes close to the eggshells, and egg yolks and egg whites.

What I want to do today is to peel off the eggshell on the surface without damaging the eggshell membrane.

Because it is raw eggs, the whole process must be extremely careful, not only to control the intensity, but also to stabilize the hand throughout the process. This is not only a test of my level of control, but also more equipment itself is a challenge.

Well, to start peeling eggs, first we pick up the small hammer and gently break the shell from the small end of the egg.

Why start here, because this is the air chamber of the entire egg, which means that this part is empty, which is good for our thin shell.


Pooh, pooh, pooh!

After a few taps, the outer shell of the egg was cracked. Susie gently manipulated the miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot to put down the hammer, then picked up the tweezers and began to pick up the broken pieces of eggshell a little bit.

The entire process must be jealous and gentle, but also have patience, otherwise it will pierce the eggshell membranes, causing the egg liquid inside to flow out, thus giving up the previous efforts.

Su Qian is also unprecedentedly focused and serious, fully involved in the process of egg peeling, forgetting that she is still hosting the interview task.

After about ten minutes, Susie finally couldn't stand it. After taking off the smart sensor gloves and VR glasses, she took a sigh of relief. Then he took out a paper towel and wiped his sweating forehead, and said to the camera: "I was really careful just now, for fear of breaking the eggshell membrane with my own strength.

Fortunately, the control of this miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot is very flexible. I have set aside a small area on this egg.

If it is for one person to complete this task, I am afraid it will take a whole day. If this is an operation, it is too long for the patient. The anesthesia needed only causes some harm to the patient's body. It's too hard for doctors here, it's too sad.

So can there be a more intelligent way, some.

This miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot has a very high self-learning ability. I have just learned the process of peeling an egg just now.

Below we only need a few simple instructions to let it complete the rectification process.

So let's see how long it will take for this miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot to peel the egg by itself. "

After the staff made some simple preparations, Susie took out a stopwatch and started counting.

"ready, go!"

At the command of Susie, the staff immediately started the miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot.

I saw that the eight tentacles of the robot actually started to work at the same time. Some of them used a small hammer to lightly knock on the eggshell, and some used tweezers to start peeling off the eggshell.

A little egg, eight intelligent mechanical tentacles work at the same time. But the whole process is very orderly and very fast.

In just ten seconds, the peeled area of ​​the eggshell is larger than the area that Su Qian peeled just ten minutes ago.

"It's very fast. Everyone sees that the upper part of the eggshell has almost peeled off. Through the eggshell membrane, through the light, we can already see the egg white and yolk inside, and this time only two minutes passed. "

Under the watchful eye of Susie and the lens, the eight intelligent mechanical tentacles are still working fast, and the egg shells of most of the area on this egg have been peeled off soon, leaving only a part of the area supported by the face without peeling.

At this time, the miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot also stopped. Su Qian said to the camera: "Now the egg shell has almost peeled off, the whole egg is wrapped by this thin eggshell membrane, in order to prevent it from breaking because it can't support the internal structure, so We stopped the robot.

Let's take out this shelled egg and see if it is raw egg. "

Susie gently removed the egg from the test bench, and then looked at the panicked bare egg wrapped in the egg membrane, she was very careful.

"I don't dare to get started now, afraid that the eggs will break from my hands.

Let's gently pick up the pallet, place it over the bowl, and cut it with a knife. "


I saw Su Qian poked lightly with the tip of the knife, and saw that the egg membrane broke immediately, and the egg white and yolk quickly fell into the bowl.

"Did you see it, it was raw eggs. The whole process lasted less than five minutes, and it was really fast.

According to staff, this miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot will be used in some more complicated medical surgical operations in the future. With the support of the intelligent learning system, in the future, we will improve the technical level of our country in the field of surgery to serve the general public. "

"Is this over?"

Su Qian shook her head and said: "This miniature eight-tentacle surgical robot is just one of the many multi-tentacle robots displayed this time, and its functions are also very rich.

The smallest one is the ultra-miniature robot in front of me. Its size is really only the size of a mosquito.

We can see that next to this ultra-mini multi-tentacle robot is a biological specimen of the flower mosquito that we hate most in summer.

Everyone knows how small this ultra-mini multi-tentacle robot is.

This ultra-mini multi-tentacle robot is also very versatile, such as internal maintenance and repair of precision instruments, and microsurgery in the medical field.

According to the introduction of the new technology briefing, this ultra-mini multi-tentacle robot can directly enter the blood vessel and perform some micro surgery, such as blood vessel repair surgery and so on.


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