Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 570: Leave manufacturing at home

"Finally, I think that we are imagining robots in the future with human thinking. Why don't we try to think about problems with robotic thinking. The good and evil we impose on it actually come from us to a greater extent Yourself. Even if there is such a self-conscious robot, it will be like a blank piece of paper, or a newborn baby. It learns good and evil, it depends on what we humans teach it. "

After talking about this question, Wu Hao thought for a moment, then went on to say, "As for the second question, this is also the topic that I have responded the most in the past.

As I said before, do we have to ban machines because we take people's jobs because of them?

This is like the past when rickshaw drivers wanted to ban cars and workers wanted to ban steam engines. Can it be banned?

This society is constantly developing. Anyone who wants to stand in front will only be crushed by the wheels of history.

Although we currently occupy the world's leading level in the field of intelligent unmanned manufacturing technology, we must not forget that a group of people are catching up with us. As long as we are a little stagnant, the people behind us will definitely catch up with us immediately, or even surpass us.

At that time, countless cheap products entered the country, and we had no resistance. "

"Second, although our population base is huge, with 1.4 billion people, in fact, with the advent of an aging society and the continuous rise in labor costs, there has actually been a very serious labor shortage.

Every year after the Spring Festival, we all see that there are reports of labor shortages everywhere and no one can be found.

Some manufacturing companies are also forced to shut down factories because they can't recruit people or because their labor costs are too high, or move factories abroad.

And this intelligent unmanned production manufacturing technology will help us solve the difficult display problem of labor shortage and rising labor costs. Not only can it save a lot of companies that are on the verge of failure due to these two reasons, help them regain their vitality, and realize industrial technology upgrades.

It can also leave those companies that intend to move or decide to move out, so that they can continue to produce in the country and continue to pay taxes in the country.

Leave manufacturing at home. "

Jiang Nan nodded after hearing the words, then looked at Wu Hao: "Leave the manufacturing industry in the country, will this goal be too big?

After all, this is a stage that many countries must go through. Can we really avoid this situation? Secondly, leaving these manufacturing industries so forcibly will not cause some other problems, such as pollution. "

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "No, relying on the new generation of intelligent unmanned manufacturing technology, I can achieve this goal.

There are only a few reasons for these manufacturing industries to leave, one is policy and the other is cost. Leaving the policy aside, let's talk about costs, labor costs and raw materials are the two most important factors.

Raw materials are easily solved with the current convenient transportation system, so the reason that affects the current factory relocation is labor costs.

Now with this technology, although the investment is relatively large at one time, it has completely solved the problem of huge labor costs.

In addition, the cost of this upgrade is actually less than the cost of the factory relocation. In this case, why not stay here, I think the bosses of these companies will figure this out.

As for the pollution problem you mentioned, I think it can be completely avoided. Now the technology has solved the pollution problem produced by the factory very well.

As long as we strengthen supervision, we can completely avoid this problem. Moreover, the intelligent unmanned production technology itself is more precise, the waste generated is controlled to the minimum, and most of it can be recycled and reused, which can minimize the emissions.

Even some plants are capable of internal circulation for zero emissions. "

"In the end, this technology will still affect some workers, how to solve the livelihood problems of these people who have been affected." Jiang Nan said a little at him.

Wu Hao said with a smile, "This is actually not a problem that I can solve by myself. It requires the entire society to discuss and work together.

Second, not all manufacturing industries are suitable for this intelligent unmanned production technology, and some industries still need to be performed manually.

In addition, this intelligent unmanned production system is relatively expensive, and many companies cannot afford this cost at once, so they will still take a manual approach.

In the end, I think agricultural production, especially high-quality ecological organic agricultural production, will become a new direction for future development.

Although we have an intelligent unmanned farm, this is only suitable for a large number of production jobs, and it cannot achieve the level of fine farming that is manual.

With the continuous improvement of our material life, we people have higher requirements for food quality, so these fine ecological organic agricultural products will shine in the future.

This also responds to the country's strategic policy of revitalizing the countryside and developing the countryside. I think that future policies and social resources will also be tilted towards this area. "

"I can see that you are very optimistic about this upcoming technological change." Jiang Nan smiled and praised him.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "I am always optimistic about the future. We have not been educated since we were children. We must face life positively and optimistically, and face the future.

Why is it that everyone is not active now? Is it really an external factor or your own problem? I think everyone should reflect on this issue.

Everyone's life is very stressful ~ ~ The pace is also getting faster and faster. But the more so, the more I have to stop and think about my life from time to time. Don't be so busy working all your life, turn around and find yourself in your life like nothing else.

Don't work for work, find something interesting and interesting for yourself. "

Jiang Nan nodded and smiled: "I support this view of you, you can see that you are a person who understands the taste of life very much. But these statements of yours should not be able to be understood by your age group, but a bit like half a year Hundreds of people have a life perception. "

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "No, I'm not good at this. In fact, my life is very boring. In addition to work or work every day, sometimes I am very busy and I ca n’t even go home.

Therefore, my family actually has some opinions about me. They even hope that I can spend more time in my life and don't just care about work.

It is precisely because of this contrast that I have some thoughts in my spare time. Of course, for me, I prefer my current job. Because of it, I did a lot of interesting things and changed the lives of many people. "

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