Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 564: Tong Juan to cast

Corn Group, CEO's Office, Xue Bing is sitting on the boss chair, looking at Tong Juan, who is standing at his desk, has a complex face.

"I'm not good for you, why do I have to go, can I ask anything?"

Tong Tongjuan shook her head and said, "You are very kind to me. I made this choice for personal reasons. Please approve it."

Xi Xuebing looked at the resignation report on the table, then shook his head and said, "What did Wu Hao give you, so willing to give up your 10 million annual salary and share options that you have to go to his side, is he so good?"

Stay, and you will surely be able to succeed if you stay. "

Tong Tongjuan smiled when she heard the words, then shook her head and said, "I didn't go there for these things, even though what he promised me was not bad.

But what I do is to have a bigger and more free platform for my talents and ambitions.

To be honest, if you don't make this decision this time, I may still hesitate, but now that it is done, I have no reason to stay. Everyone has their own aspirations, please complete. "

Xi Xuebing stared at Tong Juan for a while, then sighed, and then signed his name on the resignation report.

Then got up and walked out of the office, and handed the resignation report to Tong Juan: "I wish you a bright future. If you regret it, you are welcome to come back at any time. The position of vice president has been reserved for you.

Tong Tongjuan took the contract with a smile and said, "Thank you Mr. Xue, but don't use it. I firmly believe that my choice is right this time."

"Really, do you think my choice is wrong?" Xuebing looked at Tong Juan and asked.

Tong Tongjuan twisted her hair and smiled: "Who knows, the answer will be told in the future.

Mr. Wu Xue, take care of your body, I will come to see you again when I have time. "

Wu Xuebing nodded when he heard the words, watched Tong Juan leave, his face showed an angry expression. He felt that this was a kind of betrayal, and was also annoyed that Wu Hao had pried his corner and dug out such a confidant.

Tong Juan was relieved after she handed the resignation report to the personnel department. Looking at the office where she has worked for years, she smiled, holding a storage box that had already packed up only a few of her personal belongings, and then walked outward with a smile.

I greet the employees I met as I walked, and I felt very good. And seeing these employees of Tong Juan, they stopped and watched Tong Juan's leaving figure curiously, and whispered something from time to time. It can be seen that the employees were very surprised by Tong Juan's departure.

I walked out of the gate of the office building and a business car was waiting at the door. The driver quickly took Tong Juan's storage box, put it in the trunk, and opened the door for her.

After getting into the car, Tong Juan put on smart AR glasses and then whispered, "Lily, help me connect with Wu Hao and Wu."

"Okay, miss, it's being connected."

喂 "Hey, President Wu, I'm out and everything is going well."

Then Wu Hao's hearty laughter came from the headset: "Yes, congratulations on restoring your freedom, how are you now?"

Tong Tongjuan said with a smile on her mouth: "It's easy and I can put in new work at any time."

"I'm not in a hurry, I suggest you find a place to take a vacation first, make good repairs, and then put into new work in a full state."

Tong Tongjuan shook her head and said, "You don't need President Wu, let's talk about it after the vacation. I know the company is in great trouble now, so I want to report earlier and work with you to deal with this crisis together."

中 The phone was quiet for a while, then Wu Hao's voice came: "So, you can arrange your home first, then come to Anxi, and come and talk to us."

"Okay, I will make arrangements as soon as possible, and then come to Anxi. Then President Wu, I will hang up first." Tong Juan responded.

"Well, don't worry, you've made arrangements to come again, not bad for these days."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Hao smiled. He was able to absorb such an excellent talent, or an executive, and he was obviously in a good mood.

Tong Tongjuan has been in corn for more than ten years. It can be said that the snow soldiers brought it together and have very strong ability. It is also because of her excellent ability that she will be among the senior executives of corn at the age of thirty-five, becoming the youngest vice president of beauty.

In recent years, corn has developed so fast, and it has been in a variety of markets, and it has been a lot of gains. It is from her.

That's why Xuebing was reluctant to let her go, and kept her three or five times.

Although the company's marketing department is in charge of Huang Zhihua, its strength is slightly weak. Although Huang Zhihua has the ability, his realm is still a bit worse. As the company's market size grows larger, it involves not only the online market but also the offline market, as well as overseas markets. The management and operation are very complicated, and it is difficult to rely on his own ability.

Tong Juan, however, has very rich experience in this area, especially in network channel marketing and overseas market expansion. This time I dug her, I was planning to use her to re-integrate the company's market resources and accumulate strength for the next step.

童 As for the position of Tong Juan, Wu Hao also seriously considered it. She is the vice president at Maize. Even if she can't afford a higher position at the company, it can't be lower than this position.

So Wu Hao intends to give her a position of Deputy General Manager in charge of market operations. As for Huang Zhihua ~ ~ is still the director of the marketing department, although he must have some emotions about it.

After all, how could he be willing to let such a newcomer, or a woman, join the deputy general manager in the post he thought about every day? Not to mention, this position is still in charge of him.

Of course, he also knows why Wu Hao did this. Indeed, as the company grows faster and faster, the market size becomes larger and he has a hard time managing it.

It's also a good thing for him to let such an expert take over. It was just that I was taken away from my mind and heart, and I was unwilling.

In this regard, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also talked to him separately. To be frank is comfort. Huang Zhihua is also a veteran of the company. Wu Hao's family members are considered to be his own. Wu Hao will certainly not let him suffer.

I said it plainly, Tong Juan was just the leader, and the leader of the marketing department was still him. His actual power has not been weakened, it is just a layer of leadership between him and Wu Hao.

Moreover, young cadres like Tao Zhengyang must not stay at the top of the company and must be released to exercise. As for where to go, Wu Hao already had some ideas, but he hadn't decided yet.

As the company becomes larger and larger, the existing structure is definitely not conducive to management and development, so reforms are bound to be carried out. There has been no movement for so long before, mainly because of the lack of relevant talents who can stand on their own. This is why he will do everything possible to dig Tong Juan, and this is just the beginning. In the future, he will definitely attract more excellent management talents to join.

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