Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 519: Launch ceremony

Latest website: I have to say that Lin Wei's action is very fast, and it took less than a week to prepare related matters.

Relevant online VR cinema online and new movie and new TV release ceremony officially started. About this online VR cinema line because of Lin Wei's previous hype, it is now well known by many people.

Therefore, this release ceremony attracted the attention of many people and naturally attracted a lot of media. Compared to traditional media, the lineup of entertainment media is larger and more beautiful.

This is how culture is concerned, especially a major event in the film and television industry, so the degree of attention can be imagined.

The guests invited this time are also very heavy in the entertainment industry. In addition to the chief executives of the major film and television entertainment companies in the circle, there are also the chief executives of the publishers, as well as the main creators of the film and TV series and Partial starring.

Although these film and television entertainment companies and distributors are hoping to call a few more stars to help the platform and strengthen their momentum. On the other hand, I also want to take this opportunity to recommend outstanding star actors to Haoyu Technology and Weibo.

In fact, these stars are willing to come, because on the one hand, they can increase their chances of appearance. In particular, the appearance opportunities on many important occasions can be said to have a strong appeal to the stars. This release ceremony is a big event in the circle, there are many heavyweight guests, and I even heard that Wu Hao will be present. If they can enter the market and make friends, it will play a significant role in promoting their future career development.

On the other hand, these stars are also rushing to resources. Now these actors and actresses are talking more and more about resources. If they do n’t have resources, they ca n’t grab good scripts, let alone play important roles.

So we can see on TV and in movies in recent years. Many of the plays are starring new young actors and actresses, while a bunch of old actors are supporting actors. The reason is that these young men and actresses have these resources in their hands or behind the agency. The old opera bones naturally couldn't keep up and couldn't keep up.

Compared to these stars and actors, the chief executives of major film and television companies and distribution companies have arrived. In addition to sharing a cup of tea, the second most important purpose is to meet Wu Hao. If you can get online, it is even better.

The first is the issue of profit distribution, although there are some concerns about online movie theaters and movie companies and distributors. But everyone is equally clear that this is a huge market and it can be said to be a huge cake. Now it depends on who is able to grab more and who gains higher benefits.

The purpose of the release of these movies and TV shows this micro-media is also very clear, it is nothing more than a demonstration and testing activity. On the one hand, they are at ease, on the other hand, they are trying to test the response of society and the market.

Because of this, these people are willing to see the situation in person.

As for Wu Hao, everyone knows that he is a young and talented person with a very high net worth and very promising prospects. The film and television industry relies heavily on the support of capital, so from the perspective of various film and television companies and distributors, Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology are definitely a high-quality source of gold.

Secondly, the purpose of these people is to have a sense of temptation. Although neither Haoyu Technology nor Micro Media has clearly stated that they want to enter the film and television industry, these movies and TV series are undoubtedly being introduced to the outside world and the film and television industry Release some signal inside.

Therefore, the purpose of these people is to try to see if Haoyu Technology, a capital giant, is going to enter the film and television industry. If not, it's all a joy.

If this is the case, then they should prepare in advance. Whether to welcome it positively or reject it collectively. Whether it is to reach an offensive and defensive strategic alliance or to kill it in the cradle, each of these people present has a different mind.

For many entertainment media reporters, their purpose is even simpler. That's news, and the headlines they dream of.

With the increasing influence of Haoyu Technology, it has now become a dominant player in the domestic technology industry, and its influence is huge.

Wu Hao, who created this miracle, is also the same. His actions have always attracted outside attention.

It's just that Wu Hao is relatively low-key and rarely shows up in public. And even if they show up, they wo n’t be able to interview them as entertainment media.

Despite their status in the entertainment industry, their media reporters have a high status and treatment. But out of this circle, there is no advantage, and it has even become the object of scorn. Everyone refers to this group of entertainment reporters as paparazzi.

This time, it is said that Wu Hao will show up in person, which is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for these entertainment reporters. If I can be interviewed, then this year's entertainment news star may really have his share. Of course, these are not important, what is important is to be able to win a large sum of bonuses.

Even if Wu Hao didn't show up, it would be a big event for Haoyu Technology and Micro Media to enter the film and television industry with high profile, so how could these entertainment reporters let it go.

Not to mention entertainment reporters, even some regular media reporters have arrived. The focus of their attention is why Haoyu Technology chose to hold such a high-profile launch ceremony of online VR cinema lines and movies and TV series in this festival.

Secondly, if Haoyu Technology really enters the film and television culture industry, what impact will it have? Also. At the Pearl Air Show, Wu Hao has not been interviewed by many media, which made everyone very frustrated. I'm here to interview him for some breaking news.

The film and television entertainment circle is somewhat different from other circles. It seems that no matter what kind of activity, a red carpet and signing ceremony must be held.

So the release ceremony was chosen in the evening, and all the afternoon time was spent on the red carpet. There are even media and some live bloggers who have opened live broadcasts to show the public a lively scene ~ ~ The first person to come is definitely the creators of the various casts, and then the stars participating in these shows Finally, the chief executives of these film and television entertainment companies and distributors.

Naturally, these bosses cannot come alone, and they also found a beautiful (handsome) female (male) star as a female companion.

And this also caused the arrival of some star fans, and also made the whole venue more lively.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei finally stepped onto the red carpet. Today, for the first time in their lives, they are somewhat nervous.

Wu Hao appeared casual in a casual suit. And Lin Wei put on a dress very solemnly, or from the hands of Lao Guo's famous designer, which made her look a lot.

As soon as they walked onto the red carpet, the flashing lights kept them blinking. Journalists who waited for a long time on both sides stretched out their microphones and started throwing various questions at Wu Hao.

It was just that Wu Hao was not moved, but pulled Lin Wei on the red carpet and walked slowly towards the venue.

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