Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 504: Our own is the best

With the reports of these heavyweight media, the returns of the major media are actually similar, with similar content.

相比 Compared with these media, the discussions on the Internet and forums are much more intense, and many different voices have appeared.

"Why do I look at this intelligent electronic prosthesis a bit scary? What if it is out of control, like Dr. Octopus in the movie Spider-Man, it is not a disaster."

我 "I'm going, say this upstairs, I look pretty similar, this spine fit control technology also used in Dr. Octopus."

"I said, two upstairs, you have too much imagination, isn't this a kind of technology?"

"This intelligent electronic prosthetic is really a great invention. Wu Hao is really a genius. My cousin broke a hand because of an engineering accident five years ago and ended up as a last resort. Now with a rubber prosthesis all day, People have closed themselves. "

"Distressed your cousin, but don't think about it in a short time. Hasn't Wu Hao already said that there are still many problems left unresolved, and I think this type of medical supplies has to be tested and approved at various levels, I am afraid it will take several years "In addition, the price of such high-tech products must be very high, which is difficult for ordinary families to afford."

"Yes, the medical supplies themselves are very expensive, let alone these high-tech products. Not to mention its high R & D costs, it is expensive to simply manufacture them. Unless this can be reimbursed by medical insurance, it is difficult for ordinary people. Affordable. "

进 "Get into the medical insurance, crazy. This is not a life-saving cure, isn't it alive without people. The medical insurance fund is just a little bit of money every year, or the patients who are waiting for the life."

"But if a person is disabled and does not have the ability to live independently, then this person may be dead in this life. It is also a burden on the family and the society. If there is such a smart electronic prosthetic, it is tantamount to getting them back. Freshmen, at least they can make ends meet without burdening families and society. "

"Does the society need to pay for everything? It's not fair."

"How can there be absolute fairness in this world? Do your best to help a little bit."

"If the disabled people can really regain their related abilities, I think this family will have a pair of them even if they sell iron."

没 "Yes, compared to one's life, it's nothing more expensive. It's okay to save money and save money."

"That's right, but I'm afraid that the price is too high. People with disabilities do not have the ability to live, let alone make money, how can they make up this high cost."

"It's true, but there are many ways, such as family relatives to collect money, social charity help, companies and hospitals to reduce free fees, and even installments can be paid in loans, etc., the method is always more difficult than it is."

"Yes, yes, compared to a person's life, this difficulty is nothing. Haoyu Technology makes so much money every year, and give some money to help these people."

"Don't be morally abducted. Haoyu Technology makes money. It is the normal operation and profit of others in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. There is no wrongdoing. We cannot force others to donate."

"Yes, if this is the case, that company will dare to develop such related technologies in the future, and it will not be everyone who is unlucky in the end."

"A high-tech product has a very long R & D cycle and a lot of investment. If you really want to bear the burden of the company, you will probably go bankrupt. And do you know how many disabled people there are in the country and the world, let alone a company, it is impossible for the country. Bear it. "

没 "I didn't say let Haoyu Technology take all the responsibility, take part of it. No, or don't say that you don't have to take it, just lower the price."

"Oh, brothers upstairs, you are too naive to understand human nature. If you lower the price, others will let you continue to reduce the price. Once you continue to lower the price, others will let you free. The greed of humanity is forever Can't be satisfied. "

"That's right, even if Haoyu Technology has lowered the price, then the prices of the various institutions below will not go down, and ultimately they will pay for it individually."

"Okay, okay, don't say it, you will be invited to tea."

"Stop talking, but anyway, this intelligent electronic prosthetic is an amazing calculation and should be able to win a Nobel Prize."

"Oh, do n’t think about winning the Nobel Prize. I'm not saying that this technology is not working, but that the Nobel Prize itself is not fair, and the targeting is too strong. We have no chance in China."

"Which Nobel Prize is there, we must be sure to win our National Technology Progress Award. This award has a higher gold content than the Nobel Prize."

"Brothers upstairs, the international influence is different, but the bonuses are almost the same."

"Do you think that at the point of Wu Hao, he would care about these millions of things. Of course, for us, the technological progress award must be more precious and more glorious than the Nobel Prize."

"Yes, the best of others is always others, only our own is the best."

"I am looking forward to the introduction of these products, especially the new super solid state battery. If it can be applied to our mobile phones and smart voice assistants, then I don't need to charge it every day."

"Speaking of smart voice assistants and mobile phones equipped with new lithium-ion batteries, you don't need to charge every day, and I am afraid that this new super solid-state battery will not be applied to consumer products for a while."

"Yes, the performance of this new super solid-state battery is too bad. It is estimated that it must be applied to some sophisticated weapons and equipment before considering large-scale commercial use."

"It looks like this ~ ~ so Wu Hao chose to exhibit at the air show."

"I'm most interested in the drone and the intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm that Haoyu showed this time. It's too sci-fi, I feel a bit like a terminator."

"It's very sci-fi, and I want to share with you another news. The related cluster attack drones exhibited by several major weapons and equipment companies at the air show are from Haoyu Technology."

"This Haoyu technology is so great, it only took a few years to establish so many top technologies."

"Oh, not so much Haoyu Technology P, Wu Haoiu P. Those drone technologies are all from the cluster array control management technology exhibited by Wu Hao when he started his business. It's just been low-key and unreported. "

"I'm most interested in intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arms. Do you guys say it will eventually develop into a mech or Gundam driving robot?"

"Yes, yes, I think so too, this robot arm is really amazing to me."

"It's not possible. The display of this robotic arm is really amazing and flexible. And you have to remember, Wu Hao, they solve the biggest constraint of this type of mech and robot, that is the new super solid state battery."

"I believe there will be such a day in the future, innumerable mechas and tall arrays in a neat array walking past the square and being reviewed."

666, the scene must be spectacular. You reminded me of a GIF on the Internet. A row of Dongfeng Gundam ran past the square.

Uh ...

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