Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 419: Haptic feedback technology for virtual objects

Back at the conference site, Wu Hao changed a PPT. The screen shows the decomposition of the smart sensor gloves.

He glanced at the teleprompter on the front of the stage and sorted out his thoughts. He continued to say, "In fact, this pair of smart induction gloves is already perfect.

Having it is equivalent to having a pair of dexterous real hands in the virtual world, which can help you operate many things in the virtual world. This is far more flexible, powerful, rich and advanced than any input device in the world.

But we feel that this is not enough. Until now, the pair of gloves can only transmit our gestures in one direction, but they can't feed the data information in the virtual world to the gloves so that our hands can sense them.

In simple terms, that's when we grab an item by hand. When we grab it, we can feel its existence.

As for our pair of smart induction gloves, we can intelligently experience the movement of grabbing a virtual object, but we cannot feel the existence of this virtual object.

It seems that we have captured objects, but they are only virtual objects in the virtual world. But what we capture in the real world is air, so nothing can be sensed, which affects our immersive experience.

Therefore, we are thinking, is there such a technology that can touch our hands through our smart sensor gloves when we grab, pinch, and stroke virtual objects? "

After raising such a question, Wu Hao then replied, "This idea is great, but it is very difficult, very difficult to implement such a technology. To develop this technology, we must first understand what is tactile. .

Tactile sensation refers to the sensation caused by the skin's tactile receptors in contact with mechanical stimuli, which is caused by pressure and traction on the tactile receptors.

When the external force as a suitable stimulus continues to work or the strong sum reaches a deeper level, it is called pressure. If the nerve discharge record is clearly distinguished, the continuous stimulation of nerve discharge is called pressure, and the non-continuous small discharge is called touch. The adaptation of pressure sensation discharge is slow and the haptic adaptation is fast.

Contact points are scattered on the surface of our human skin. The contact points vary in size and are irregularly distributed. In general, our hands have the most digits, followed by the head, back, and calves. The most sensitive.

In other words, our hands have a very sensitive tactile system on humans. And how to use technology to simulate the different tactile sensations produced by our hands in contact with various materials is also a problem we must continue to think about and solve in the future.

However, after an in-depth study of haptic systems, we also found a preliminary solution. That is to use technology to pressurize the surface of our hands, especially the abdominal surface of our hands.

Then use the immersive visual illusion of VR glasses to simulate the touch and pinch of our hands when grasping objects.

We have added a self-developed bubble array pressurizing material inside the gloves, which is a bit like the bubble protective film in our box.

The difference is that we inject a non-toxic and harmless special gas into each bubble, and use electrons to control the state of the bubble. Usually, this bubble is in a contracted state. After electronic control, the bubble will expand rapidly. From the initial softness to firmness, the overall reaction time is very short, only a few tenths of a millisecond.

And through control, we can make this bubble show contraction, soft, hard, hard and several other states. In addition, it can also control the softness and hardness of the bubbles at different positions through cluster control, thereby simulating the different pressure sensations felt by each part of the hand when grasping different objects.

It is also because this array of bubble groups can simulate the degree of occlusion of our hands when taking objects of different sizes, thereby further increasing its realism.

To put it simply, when we pick up a water glass and when we pick up a pen, the degree of stretch of the hands is different, and this set of bubble pressurization simulation system can simulate this pinch feeling out of thin air.

How is it, great? Wu Hao asked towards the audience.

Papapap ... In addition to some applause, his response was more applause. I can see the excitement of many people on the stage, especially those of fans and company employees.

Wu Hao pressed his hand with a smile, motioned everyone to calm down, and then said, "In fact, this is only the first step, that is, feeling good.

The most difficult thing to simulate is the feeling of touching. When we touch objects of different materials, the feeling of the hands is different. How to simulate this is also a major technical problem in the world.

Frankly, we don't have a perfect solution in this regard. At present, we can only use this set of bubble pressure simulation system to simply simulate some objects, which can give you an initial touch of touch.

It allows you to feel that you are touching an object, not a mass of air. As for how realistic it is, especially to simulate the tactile sensation of objects of different materials, this also requires us to continue to find better solutions.

We're sorry, our technical capabilities are still very limited and everyone disappointed. "

Facing Wu Hao's slightly apologetic apology, the audience in the audience consoled, and then these noisy consolations finally turned into a better applause.

And on the Internet, countless netizens were moved by his words.

"Damn, have a good press conference. What a sensational thing to do, bad review."

"No, I'm going to cry, Wu Hao is a bastard."

"Movement, Wu Hao's words will be very frank, love, I will definitely buy a pair of gloves after the sale."

"Don't talk about them with this technology. It's a big technical problem in the world. It's not their fault. At least they're working on the technology."

"Anyway, this smart sensor glove is already amazing. It's great to be able to feel the presence of virtual objects."

"Upstairs, what you said made me want to go too far."

"You silver talents, why do I want that?"

"Brother ~ ~ I don't want you alone, don't say anything. I'll go to the official website to see when I can make an appointment."

"Haha, you are not smarter than me. At this moment, I am already on my way to our official brand experience store of Haoyu Technology."

"I'm going, why didn't I think about it. But it's all night, I'm afraid it's closed there already."

"No, today is the launch conference of Haoyu Technology. These brand experience stores must be full of fans watching the live broadcast of the conference together."

"Don't go there, you won't experience it."

"No experience, you can take a closer look. I can't wait."

"Go, go, I'm already in the car."



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