Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 331: Troublesome

The three days seemed very short, but for Wu Hao, they were very long, especially under the tremendous pressure and criticism of the outside world, which made them all feel like they are living today.

For other employees of the company, it was more or less affected by this incident, so that many employees were in a state of depression.

In addition, due to the impact of this incident, the daily sales of their products also experienced a negative growth from the first sale, which undoubtedly stimulated many people.

Although they have long stated that the products currently sold are not equipped with this super battery, there are no safety issues. But consumers still have widespread anxiety and decided to wait and see.

Of course, these are also within Wu Hao's expectations, and this situation is much better than their expectations at least, at least there is no overall collapse.

And all of this comes from their previous operations on user word of mouth, so that the vast majority of user groups are still relatively acceptable to them.

This somewhat relieved Wu Hao. Since the rear was all right, he set out to deal with the incident with all his heart. If this incident is not resolved well and relevant adverse effects are eliminated, it will have a profound impact on their future product sales. This will undoubtedly slow down their development in an all-round way, making progress on many projects likely to be affected or even temporarily put on hold.

After receiving Wu Hao's order, Fang Zhiyuan was anxious for the technical backbone of several research project teams, then went home to get a few clothes, and then rushed to the airport.

They have to go to Shenzhen first and meet with the technical security expert team of H as well as the experts and staff of the relevant authorities. While preparing, wait for the three mobile phones to arrive, and then immediately dismantle the research and analysis to get the preliminary results in the shortest time.

However, things did not go as smoothly as they thought, and problems occurred in contacting the three users who exposed the spontaneous explosion of the mobile phone battery.

After many efforts, they finally found one of them. The conversation with this user started smoothly, but the user was reluctant to hear that someone had to take the spontaneous mobile phone by hand.

Although a lot of compensation was given, the user was still dissatisfied and took the opportunity to conduct extortion. Fortunately, H is a crisis public relations handler who has more experience in this. When he first contacted, he activated the recording pen and recorded the contact and conversation between the two parties.

After showing the relevant recordings, the person became much more honest. Although compensation is no longer required, it is still relatively resistant to the issue of handing over a mobile phone. Because of the tight time, the crisis public relations staff finally surrendered the mobile phone and said that no compensation was needed under the control of ‘just move and understand’.

After a few inquiries, the man finally told the truth. It turned out that this person wanted to learn those online celebrities and wanted to make a famous thing. It was just this time that this pro version phone was more famous, so he was like using this phone to make a fuss, and then took the opportunity to speculate and become famous.

After thinking about it, he turned his attention to the battery in this phone. Compared to the other two points of mobile phones, the topic of this 'super battery' has always been high.

So he thought of the news of the explosion of the S-star mobile phone, and wanted to make such a news. After trying a lot of methods, he put the phone directly on the induction cooker to heat it, and then the phone cracked and the battery expanded and spontaneously ignited.

Immediately after, he took a picture and posted it on the Internet. Before the hype, he was directly blocked by the public relations department. If it hadn't been for the time that happened later, I'm afraid it would have passed.

Getting such a result not only made the crisis public relations staff laugh or laugh, but also made Wu Hao very speechless. It is ironic that such a farce that has been directed and performed by a brain disability institute can cause such a big storm.

Since the desired result was obtained, this person was directly sent to the police station by the crisis public relations staff, and an confession was accepted there.

As for this person, it is handed over to the public security organs. However, it is difficult to convict this kind of thing, and we can only detain for a few more days according to the relevant conditions of public security punishment.

After getting the phone, recording, and a copy of the statement taken by the police station, the crisis public relations officer began to rush to other places.

In fact, a total of three crisis public relations teams dealt with these three incidents at the same time, but compared to this incident, the other two spontaneous combustion and explosion incidents were more difficult, so they went to support.

The reason why it was tricky was that neither of the members of the crisis public relations team found anyone. Although the registration information of these two accounts was obtained from the meager side, it was just a phone number.

When a member of the public relations team called the phone number in the past, one shut down failed, and the other phone hung up after the crisis public relations staff expressed their intentions, and was added to the blacklist.

Seeing no contact, they had to find another way.

Immediately contacted the company, but the other party said that because of the confidentiality of customer information, unless there is a document issued by the public security department, they cannot provide them with relevant user information.

Nothing but help from the public security department. With the help of the public security department, they finally got the personal information of the two men and the IP addresses of the recent calls and the Internet.

But this is only an obscure address, and it is impossible to determine the true location of the personnel, so they can only continue to ask for help from the public security department.

Because the issues involved are more serious ~ ~ plus H is involved with large companies such as Hehaoyu Technology. Therefore, the local public security department attached great importance to it and immediately dispatched relevant police officers to assist them in their search.

But the results are not ideal. Both of them belong to the urban migrant population, so it is not easy to find in the vast city of millions.

Especially since time is limited, it is very difficult.

After getting this situation, Wu Hao immediately called in person: "The reward is offered to the public security organs in the two places and the local surrounding areas. As long as people are found or provided with clues, they are rewarded 100,000, not 200,000!

Don't feel bad about the money, if you can't bear it, I will pay for the money and related expenses.

At present, the most important thing is to find these two people in the shortest time, get a mobile phone, and figure out what is going on.

Compared to our market, this money is nothing. "

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