Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3226: Learn to find the balance between science and reality

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Jiang Nan keenly grasped the core of the question, and then asked Wu Hao: "Since this golden meteorite core is so precious, why not keep it for people to visit and study? . But it would be a pity to commercialize it and even cut it into pieces to make ornaments."

Wu Hao sighed softly, and then explained: "A lot of people have asked this question of yours, and it seems reasonable. Indeed, from a purely scientific point of view, it is more beneficial to retain the complete meteorite core for research and visits. value. However, we live in a real world, and scientific research also requires financial support.

The commercial use of gold meteorite cores can maximize its value and attract more funds to invest in scientific research.

Although it seems a pity to cut it into pieces to make ornaments, more people can be exposed to it and feel its charm. But this is also to let more people understand and come into contact with this precious meteorite core and stimulate their curiosity about the universe.

If we just retain it without utilizing it, other valuable resources may be neglected or wasted. Through commercial utilization, we can better manage and protect these precious resources, ensuring that they can still be studied and utilized in the future.

Of course, this does not mean that we should destroy these precious objects without restraint. While utilizing these items, we should also pay attention to protection and preservation to ensure their sustainability and long-term value. This is an issue that requires balance. Commercial utilization and scientific research are not contradictory, but can promote each other. "

Having said this, Wu Hao paused briefly, gave Jiang Nan some time to react and digest, and then continued: "Actually, this goes back to the previous question.

We are a private commercial aerospace company, and all scientific research and detection missions we conduct are self-funded. Therefore, we must seek returns and strive to maximize profits.

So for us, the choice of which method depends on which method gives us the greatest return. If there were a better choice, we would readily agree. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Jiang Nan nodded thoughtfully. She knows that scientific research is not always isolated, but is closely connected with real life and social values. No scientific research project can be independent, so we must not only focus on the research itself, but also learn to find a balance between science and reality.

Jiang Nan looked at the notebook in his hand, and then asked Wu Hao: "I heard that the return-type lunar experimental spacecraft you just launched will not only transport the golden meteorite core from the moon, but also transport it. The relevant lunar soil rocks, minerals, and lunar solid water samples that you have collected on the moon before.

According to relevant experts, the value of these samples is no less than the core of this gold meteorite. Can you tell us about the situation of these samples? "

Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes. These samples are an important part of our lunar exploration plan. They were collected by our two Wangshu lunar exploration and patrol vehicles during the lunar roaming and patrolling process, and did not reach an area at regular intervals. Everything collected has extremely high scientific value."

The first is lunar regolith, which contains various soils and dust in various areas of the lunar surface. By studying it, we can understand the formation history of the moon, its geological structure, and the physical properties and chemical composition of the lunar surface. Samples of lunar soil are of great significance for studying the evolution of the moon and the evolution of the solar system. "

The second is lunar rocks. By studying lunar rocks, we can understand the structure and composition of the moon's interior, which is very helpful for understanding the formation mechanism of planets other than the earth. Moreover, lunar rocks may also contain some mineral resources useful to humans, such as rare earth elements, which will provide an important reference for the future development and utilization of space resources. "

Finally, there are samples of solid water from the moon. Water is the source of life, and the presence of water on the moon may provide us with a way to solve the water supply problem in future space exploration. At the same time, water on the moon may also help us understand the distribution and source of water in the solar system, which is also of great significance for studying the origin and evolution of life on earth.

It can be said that these samples are the ones that humans have collected on the moon so far, with the most complete types, the widest distribution area, and the most diverse compositions.

By studying these samples, we can control the resource distribution and geological conditions in various areas of the moon. This will be of great help to us in the future to settle and immigrate to the moon and mine resources on the moon. It can be said to have laid the foundation.

So from this aspect, these samples are very precious. Whoever masters them will control most of the moon.

Therefore, in terms of scientific research value and economic value, these samples can be said to be no lower than gold meteorite cores. "

At this point, Wu Hao paused, and then added: "After these samples are shipped back, we will also open them to the society and invite experts and professors from relevant scientific research institutions to participate and jointly carry out research in this area. UU Read the book”

So, everyone has the opportunity to participate in this project? After hearing Wu Hao's answer, Jiang Nan couldn't help but ask.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this and said: "These samples are precious each time, and the number of individual samples is relatively small, so we definitely cannot provide it to everyone for research, and we must still be selective.

Therefore, we will consider comprehensively and invite some relevant scientific research institutions, institutes, university professor teams, and some famous scientist teams to participate.

At that time, we will also announce some scientific research results to the public, thereby deepening everyone's understanding of the moon, and may even rewrite everyone's understanding of the moon. "

"Rewrite? So, is there a big deviation in our previous understanding of the moon?" Jiangmen caught the key point in Wu Hao's words and asked immediately.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said, "That's for sure. With the continuous development of exploration technology, our understanding of the moon is also constantly updated.

In the past, we thought that there was no water resources on the moon, but during the detection process, we discovered solid water on the moon, which is water ice.

And its reserves are very rich, not only limited to the North and South Poles, but also widely found in some permanent shadow areas on the moon, canyon areas, craters, lava tubes and other areas.

Even when we drilled into the lunar soil, we found that the deep lunar soil also contained relatively abundant water ice.

This discovery is very important and can be said to provide the most important foundation for our long-term settlement of the moon.

Because as we all know, water is the source of life. With water, we can use it for drinking, daily use, oxygen breathing, and even as propellant fuel. "

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