Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3222: The legend behind the remarkable results

It was already past three in the morning when we returned to the launch site guest house from the launch command and control hall. After a quick shower, the two fell asleep, because they still had a lot to do tomorrow.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Wu Hao woke up naturally without the need for an alarm clock or accompanying staff to wake him up.

Looking at Lin Wei who was still sleeping soundly next to him, Wu Hao stood up gently, then lifted up the quilt to cover Lin Wei's exposed white shoulders, and then walked out of the bedroom quietly.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Lin Wei had already woken up. She came to the living room wrapped in pajamas and sat down. Looking at Wu Hao who was cleaning up, she couldn't help but yawned: "I slept so late last night. Why don’t you sleep a little longer and wake up so early?”

When Wu Hao heard this, he glanced at the sleepy Lin Wei, couldn't help showing a doting expression and smiled: "There will be a summary meeting at ten o'clock, and I have to be present. After the meeting, there will be an exclusive interview with the media. After the work, After taking a short rest, I will go back to Anxi first.

You should spend good time with your parents here, but you can't neglect one and the other, and spend good time with your future parents-in-law. "


Lin Wei rolled her eyes, then stood up and helped Wu Hao pack his clothes and said, "Just give me the direction, leave it to my parents. I will explain it to them for you. You can work with peace of mind.

I won't be here for a few days, so you should eat on time, take enough rest, and don't stay up too long. When I come back, I will reward you. "

"What's the reward?" Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him, then leaned into his ear and whispered: "I just bought a few sets of uniforms a few days ago..."


When Wu Hao heard this, he felt a heat rising from his Dantian and going straight to Tianling Gai.

If there wasn't something serious going on, he would definitely give this **** a good beating to let her taste the power of a stick.

Seeing Wu Hao's reaction, Lin Wei pursed her lips and smiled, then pushed Wu Hao away, turned around and sat on the chair, looked at Wu Hao with a wicked smile and said.

Go quickly, it's almost time.

I'll make you look good when you go back. Wu Hao glanced at the time, then said a harsh word and walked out the door.

As for Lin Wei, looking at Wu Hao's back as he walked out quickly, she smiled broadly, but when the door closed, she showed a hint of loneliness.

Who doesn't want their boyfriend to be with them all the time, but no matter what, everyone is too busy. As the head of a large company with tens of thousands of people, Wu Hao's time no longer belongs to her alone. It belongs to the tens of thousands of employees, and even to the aerospace field, society, and even the country.

Such people should use their abilities to report to society, serve the country, and benefit mankind. If she had it all to herself, wouldn't it be too selfish?

Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Wei's mouth couldn't help but raise. She was proud of her lover. Such a handsome young man, a figure that the whole world was paying attention to, was her lover. How could her heart not be satisfied.

On the other side, Wu Hao, who left the room, quickly went to the restaurant to have a simple breakfast. Then head to the meeting site.

In fact, this is a rocket launch summary meeting. In addition to the personnel from the launch site, there are also the technical team from Haoyu Aerospace. Of course, there are also experts and professors who came to watch the launch mission.

Because the professionalism and level of this meeting are relatively high, the leaders from the launch site also attended the meeting. Although Wu Hao is not the direct person in charge of Haoyu Aerospace, as the chairman of Haoyu Aerospace, he attended this meeting Meetings are also entirely possible.

By the time he arrived, everyone had already arrived. After quickly greeting everyone, the meeting began.

This kind of meeting is actually more focused on technical content, so after Wu Hao briefly spoke to the leaders at the launch site, he then left it to these experts to discuss the matter.

Logically speaking, they have nothing to do with them now, but after all, as a leader, it is definitely not appropriate to leave immediately. So Wu Hao stayed here for about an hour. After a break, Wu Hao left the venue.

Of course, this hour was not fruitless. On the contrary, he was quite inspired by the experts’ speeches. Especially some suggestions and opinions, Wu Hao thinks they are very good and have great reference value. So I immediately asked someone to record it in detail and study it carefully when I went back.

Wu Hao then also sent invitations to these experts, inviting them to participate in the unsealing handover ceremony of the golden meteorite core.

This is also an arrangement that has been made long ago. By inviting these experts, they will come together to witness the authenticity of the golden meteorite core, thus breaking some so-called slanderous remarks.

On the other hand, we also hope to get some opinions and suggestions from these experts, which will be beneficial to their future development.

And these experts, after being invited by Wu Hao, readily agreed. You know, this kind of opportunity is very rare. After all, this is a real star core. Although I don't know what type of star it is, it is at least an asteroid.

As a relevant expert in aerospace, being able to see its true face in Mount Lu for the first time on behalf of mankind is definitely an honor and worth remembering for a lifetime.

So even though many people had already arranged their schedules or couldn't spare the time, they all agreed. After all, if you miss other things, you can do it again, but if you miss this thing, you really won’t have it.

You may not be able to see such a precious and complete star core in your lifetime, so if you have such an opportunity, you will naturally cherish it.

After leaving the venue, Wu Hao took a short rest and then went to the scene to prepare for the interview.

Jiang Nan was still his old friend. After learning that he was coming to the Nanhai Launch Site, he immediately invited him to have another exclusive interview at the Nanhai Launch Site.

There are many reasons why Jiang Nan wants to interview Wu Hao. First of all, of course, it is because this golden meteorite star core has attracted much attention for a long time recently. The related tasks carried out by Haoyu Aerospace can be said to have repeatedly appeared on the hot search list. In addition to the remarkable achievements made by Haoyu Aerospace in the field of lunar exploration in recent years, the public is very interested. Relevant news has attracted a lot of attention. As a senior media person, she naturally knows how to gain attention and traffic.

So she plans to do a special issue like this to interview the relevant person in charge of Haoyu Aerospace. This will definitely attract attention and increase the ratings, topicality and influence of the program.

However, when deciding on the candidate, Jiang Nan thought about it and decided to directly skip the three persons in charge of Haoyu Aerospace, namely the general manager and current person in charge of Haoyu Aerospace Yu Chengwu, the chief engineer Zhou Xiangming, and the deputy operations officer Chief Yang Xiaoyun.

Instead, he set his sights on the man behind Haoyu Aerospace, Wu Hao. Although he is very low-key, no matter who mentions Haoyu Aerospace, they will think of Wu Hao, because he is so legendary and so crucial.


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