Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3217: Embark on a month-by-month journey

Huge flames spurted out from the tail engine of the Jianmu-9 heavy-lift launch vehicle, roaring like a dragon. Supported by the clouds and mist formed by the huge water vapor, the rocket slowly rose.

Through the images sent back by the high-definition camera installed on the launch tower, you can very clearly feel the huge power generated at the moment of the rocket launch.

Even Wu Hao and the others in the launch command and control hall a few kilometers away felt the huge roar from the rocket launch.

This is the roar of a rocket, a sound that is enough to tear the air and cause vibrations to be felt for miles around.

"Procedural turn!"

The rocket began to adjust its angle, like an arrow that had been piercing the clouds, shooting straight into the sky.

At this moment, the people who were watching the live broadcast in various pipeline areas finally got what they wanted. They cheered when they saw the scene of the rocket launching.


The huge roar of the rocket came, accompanied by vibrations, making all the onlookers deeply feel the energy of this behemoth.

This kind of shock can only be truly experienced by visiting the scene in person. Every visitor showed excitement and cheered.

There were even some people who were frightened by the huge roar emitted by the rocket and did not recover for a long time.

"Position No. 1 reports that the rocket tracking is normal and the telemetry signal is normal."

At this moment, in the launch command and control hall, all staff are busy in an orderly manner, and various data and information are constantly being updated and reported.

Such launch missions have been carried out many times here. Although this mission is more special and important, for everyone, once they get into work and concentrate on it, they become particularly calm and calm, and everything is done. The look of control made everyone feel at ease.

This is strength. Only a launch team with excellent quality and skills can show this temperament.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei, who were sitting in the guest seats, also clapped their hands very excitedly. Lin Wei made trumpets with her hands and put them in front of her mouth and cheered. She was as excited and happy as a twelve or thirteen year old. little girl.

In the starry night sky, the Jianmu-9 rocket was carrying the returnable lunar experiment spacecraft as it flew higher and higher, and finally turned into a bright, twinkling star in the sky.

On the large screen in the command and control hall of the Nanhai Launch Site, through the remote sensing data signal of Zhanjian-1, everyone can clearly see its real-time infrared signal.

The rocket is still flying steadily. It can be seen from the infrared remote sensing signal screen that the wake ejected by the rocket is as smooth as wire drawing.

This is also the normal working state of the rocket engine. This picture also shows that the rocket engine is very stable when running and burning, without any fluctuations.

The digital timekeeping on one side of the big screen is still changing, and everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the arrival of the first link.

As the rocket tail flames in the infrared picture flickered, the rocket changed from the three tail flames gathered together just now to three tail flames. The brightness of the tail flames on both sides was much brighter than the bright spot in the middle. Much weaker.

Booster separation!

First and second level separation!

Bang bang bang bang…

The guests watching in the launch command and control center applauded and cheered enthusiastically after hearing the broadcast.

The front of the hall is divided into two parts. The part on the left still shows the upward-flying Jianmu No. 9 core two-stage rocket and the lifted fairing load part.

On the screen on the right, three bright spots appeared, which were the flames emitted by the separated core first stage rocket and two boosters.

Through the surveillance cameras installed on the core first stage rocket and booster, you can clearly see the wonderful moment when the first and second stages of the rocket separated from the booster.

After the core first-stage rocket and the booster are separated, as the engine flow is turned off, the grid wings at the front end are unfolded, and the falling attitude of the core rocket body is controlled by constantly adjusting multiple surfaces.

Tourists who gathered around the Nanhai launch site to watch the launch saw three light spots begin to fall downwards, and burst into enthusiastic cheers again.

On the left side of the large screen in the command and control hall, there is a picture of the second-stage rocket pushing the load and continuing to soar upward. However, at this moment, the Zhanjiang-1 remote sensing equipment could only capture a faint bright spot, and the picture began to become blurry.

Suddenly, the front end of this pillar-shaped bright spot flickered, and two objects were seen falling off the bright spot.

The external surveillance camera on the lunar cargo transportation system in the fairing also captured this scene. The camera's picture froze for a moment, and then a white object blocked the line of sight, and the entire picture turned black.

Throw the fairing!

Position 1 reported that the two halves of the front-end fairing of the second-stage rocket were successfully thrown!


A burst of warm applause erupted in the command and control hall again. Even some more serious and reserved experts had smiles on their faces at this moment and clapped along with them.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Throwing the fairing may seem quite simple, just throwing out the two halves of the protective station, but in fact the action of throwing the fairing occupies a very important part in the entire rocket launch.

Because of this, among the many cases of rocket launch failures so far, many are classic cases of rocket launch failures caused by the failure of the fairing to be separated and thrown out on time.

If the fairing does not separate successfully, the rocket pushes the fairing around the payload and is transported into the sky.

This means that the payload inside the fairing, such as a satellite or other spacecraft, cannot deploy the solar wing battery sail normally, cannot charge itself, and cannot adjust its flight attitude, so the entire mission completely fails.

This time, the huge fairing of more than 20 meters on the Jianmu-9 was very difficult to separate, and it was able to be separated and thrown normally, which gave the rocket team a sigh of relief.

Although they have tried this countless times, no one knows the results until the end. After all, there are too many unpredictable factors in real flight missions.

"The air recovery team has arrived in the scheduled airspace and is on drone is about to arrive in the scheduled airspace!"

The second-stage rocket began to push the lunar cargo transportation system to continue flying, and the images returned by the external camera of the lunar cargo transportation system suddenly began to brighten, and a dazzling light appeared on the edge of the arc-shaped skyline. The light is the sun.

On the other side, as the height of the two boosters gets lower and lower, the jet intensity of the tail flame of the booster's tail engine becomes stronger and stronger, and the sound naturally becomes louder and louder.

But this could not stop the enthusiasm of the tourists at the scene. Watching the two boosters falling from the sky begin to slowly land, all the tourists and spectators watching cheered.

Accompanied by the cheers of the crowd, the two boosters slowly landed and landed smoothly on the two circular landing platforms at the landing site.


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