Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3204: A new discovery that shocked the entire academic world

After hearing this, Wu Hao nodded with interest, then looked at the golden meteorite core on the big screen, smiled and said: "So, the preservation of this golden meteorite core is really thanks to this metal shell. It’s skinned.”

Yes. Zhou Xiangming nodded and said: "It is conceivable that many years, at least tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ago, this was a very large planetary satellite, comet, or even an asteroid, dwarf planet.

Because only after a long period of planetary gravity and rotation can such a relatively regular spherical star core be formed.

During the long process of orbiting the planet or the sun, it continues to lose its own material. Just like some of the comets we are familiar with, such as Halley's Comet, they all have long tails, which are actually traces of their own material volatilization or even burning, just like we often see a trail behind airplanes in the sky. Like a long white tail.

After continuous combustion and volatilization, the material on these comets, asteroids, satellites, and dwarf planets themselves continues to decrease, and the size of the asteroid to which the golden meteorite core belongs is eventually reduced. After being volatilized by combustion, only such a small star core is left.

While traveling through the Earth-Moon galaxy, it was captured by the Earth's gravity and eventually fell to the moon.

But very fortunately, the core of this golden meteorite does not fly very fast in space, so when it falls to the moon, it does not create as big a crater as other meteorites and asteroids. The meteorite shatters and disintegrates. As for the gold meteorite star core, because of the low-density material, it was fragmented and preserved. "

Having said that, Yu Chengwu still had some thoughts and said: "Actually, from that photo, you have discovered very few new discoveries that have not been made since. The announcement of those results will definitely cause shock to the entire academic world."

After hearing what Shao Biaoying said, Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "You want to publish that photo, but considering the huge impact of that photo, it is very unlikely that your project will encounter resistance. , and even some necessary influence and intervention, so you suppressed your excitement for the time being and did not publish it."

Um? Hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao instantly understood the meaning of my words, then smiled and waved his hand and said: "Although their worries are not necessarily justified, in your opinion it is completely unnecessary. On the contrary, do you think that The more attention a project receives, the more things they worry about may happen.

Damn, when Shao Biao saw the other party responding, he then turned his gaze back to the small screen and said, "Can you estimate its normal weight now?"

"The bad news is that you have not detected radioactive material under the core of the golden meteorite. It does not mean that it contains fatal radiation, which means that it cannot be used as dangerous jewelry. , and does it harm anyone."

Wu Hao, as for Wu Hao, glanced at Yu Chengwu and the other scientific researchers who looked happy, and then continued to speak.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming nodded repeatedly and responded: "Mr. Wu, you are very familiar with the development of the public before you have even made preliminary plans for the follow-up research. You will choose the most suitable scientific research and development plan to ensure that both parties can be very happy." Both bad and bad.

You are capable of equipping people with equipment and earning shouts of praise, but you are even more capable of burning harps and boiling cranes. "

"So, the results of that mission really exceeded your expectations. The discovery of gold and various rare metals was a huge breakthrough for your company and even the entire aerospace research field."

After hearing Shao Biao's words, Yu Chengwu and the surrounding scientific researchers cheered. What Shao Biao said is the voice of few of us, especially for a few scientific researchers. Obviously we have produced very little scientific research results, but due to the relevant regulations and interests of the company, those scientific research results are all ours. If it can be announced, it will make us less peaceful and regretful.

Speaking of that, Wu Hao thought for a moment, and then said: "In the later stage, we should focus on scientific research projects as much as possible. We must take into account both scientific research and development work, so we can take care of one and lose the other."

"That's bad news!" Wu Hao smiled after hearing this.

Only in this way can the passion for work and scientific research be stimulated. "

You are right. After hearing Wu Hao's words, Shao Biaoying nodded and responded.

So publish it abnormally, but you should also keep it in mind, so that you can publish anything. You must know that the information was only obtained by your huge investment.

From this, you cannot calculate the gold reserves inside it. But judging from the density of that object, there is no other material inside it, so it is very unlikely that there are some elements that are not found on the earth. "

Hearing Shao Biaoying's words, Wu Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then reminded: "It cannot be foreseen that many problems and even contradictions will inevitably arise in the utilization of the golden meteorite core. For example, the contradiction between scientific research and development , that is bound to happen.

It is possible to lose yourself for the so-called face. "

"Yes, you must weaken in that area before now, and work with Xiaojia to work out a practical implementation plan to ensure that Xiaojia's punishment and reputation are implemented in place." Seeing the reactions of the people around him, Zhou Xiangming immediately said He smiled and nodded.

Hearing Wu Hao's Yu Chengwu nodded and said: "In the past few days, you have re-measured the regression of the golden meteorite star core. Its diameter is a quasi-spherical shape of nearly 17 centimeters. The object has a lifting weight of about 8.18 tons, not 8181 kilograms.

"On the other hand, like some academic research results, you think that we cannot protect the interests of the company while also taking into account the hard work of those employees as much as possible. The punishment that should be given and the reputation that should be given are Can be stingy.

How to balance the seven and how to adjust the relationship between the seven is a question they need to consider. Of course you value scientific research results, but at the same time you must also ensure your economic interests.

Although it sounds like you are careless and careless when you say that, it is also true. As a leader, we know that firewood and rice are expensive, so we still have to be frugal when it’s time to be frugal.

"That's all. Considering the huge economic benefits and social impact that the golden meteorite core may bring, you will be cautious when designing relevant plans to ensure the minimum utilization of resources and strive to make it happen as often as possible. Leave regrets.”

Having said that, I turned to look at Zhou Xiangming and Shao Biaoying, my eyes shining with anticipation: "Although the golden meteorite core has not been transported back yet, it cannot be that it is far away, so you are targeting its related Research work, including related development work, must be slowed down."


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