Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3177: The final journey【Happy New Year! 】


Oh, upon hearing Yu Chengwu’s introduction, everyone at the scene couldn’t help but smile.

After traveling 2,500 kilometers back and forth, victory is now in sight. For everyone, one can imagine how they feel at this moment.

Especially being able to see the end point is undoubtedly a huge motivation for everyone.

"Okay, now that our golden meteorite cores are about to be transported back to the Zhihai Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station, when will our first returnable lunar experimental spacecraft be launched?" Zou Xiaodong asked curiously.

He has been busy outside and doesn't know much about this aspect. After seeing that the golden meteorite core was about to be transported back to the Zhihai Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station, he was full of curiosity as to when the returnable lunar experimental spacecraft that would undertake the transport mission of the golden meteorite core would be launched.

Hearing this question, everyone else present also looked at Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, obviously they were also curious about this question.

You must know that transporting the golden meteorite core back to the Zhihai Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station is only the first step. Next, it needs to be transported back to the earth. Only this "treasure mission" can be considered truly completed. .

Otherwise, this golden meteorite core would just be transported from one place on the moon to another, which would not make much sense.

Hearing this, Yu Chengwu said with a smile: "At present, our returnable lunar experimental spacecraft, including the Jianmu-9 carrier rocket responsible for this transportation task, has also completed relevant testing work before leaving the factory, and will soon be transported to the Nanhai Space Launch Site by ship. Vertical assembly is carried out over there, waiting for the optimal launch window to arrive.

Therefore, the original manned spacecraft landing site can no longer meet mission requirements. For safety reasons, we set the landing site for this mission in the Cold Lake area on the plateau. There is a large uninhabited land with few people, so it is more suitable for landing.

Hearing this question, many people present looked at Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming. Because they also have this question.

In this way, even if the wrapping layer is damaged during the landing process and the gold meteorite core is exposed, it will not cause a major ecological disaster and endanger the safety of humans and nature. "

The aerospace department also attached great importance to our mission and sent a professional technical team to assist us in our work, so the progress was relatively smooth.

You can't just send people to the moon and just ignore it. You have to bring them back to the earth. This is a complete moon landing process.

"Why is it so complicated this time?" Zhang Jun couldn't help but ask after hearing this. He didn't expect that this mission would be so complicated. This was something that had never happened before.

In this way, even if the golden meteorite core has an accident during the landing process, even if it falls freely and hits this area, there will be no major problems that will affect the natural environment on the ground. "

“In addition, we also conducted focused drills on the final landing and recovery mission to ensure that the landing and recovery mission could be completed smoothly and safely.

In addition to the ground measurement and control station and measurement ship, this time we also activated several relay satellites to ensure communication and ensure that a line of communication can be kept open under any circumstances. "….

Facing everyone's gaze, Yu Chengwu smiled and explained: "Actually, all these preparations are made so that this mission can be successfully completed.

Compared to rockets and spaceships, Wu Hao is actually more concerned about other preparations. Spaceships and rockets are the focus, and they will definitely not be ignored. What is often easily overlooked are some tasks that are less valued but also play an important role.

Because this time it is said to be a high-speed landing mission, the role of the deceleration parachute is limited, so the shelf carrying the golden meteorite core, including the small return capsule, will land at a faster speed.

"How are the relevant preparations going?" Wu Hao asked.

Ours is a returnable lunar experimental spacecraft. An important mission of its launch is to verify the process of the spacecraft landing on the moon and then returning to the earth.

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Yu Chengwu nodded slightly and said: "Currently, all preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. In order to ensure the smoothness and stability of the signal during this mission, this time we applied for a global measurement and control site for the aerospace system. With the help of three international measurement and control stations, two measurement ships, and domestic measurement and control stations, they will undertake the measurement and control work of this mission.

In other words, it’s not worth the effort and preparation.

Therefore, the preparations for this mission were all carried out in accordance with manned standards, which is why it is taken so seriously. "

Seeing everyone nodding, Yu Chengwu continued to introduce.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to prepare for our future manned spaceflight.

"On the other hand, this is also for ecological safety. Although the chance of this is very small, no one can guarantee whether this golden meteorite core species that I don't know where it came from will contain some deadly elements that are harmful to humans. Bacteria, viruses, etc.

You can't just let people come down from the launch tower and then let us launch first. This is definitely not possible. "

After hearing Yu Chengwu's explanation, everyone finally understood. Indeed, the main mission of this returnable experimental spacecraft is to verify the spacecraft's returnable technology. They have launched several lunar spacecraft before and transported several lunar rovers and dozens of tons of supplies and equipment to the moon.

All of this ensures the safety of this mission.

Although an important task or purpose of this mission is to transport the golden meteorite core, this is only one of the tasks.

Therefore, for safety reasons, this landing mission was chosen in this uninhabited area.

"That won't be long." After hearing Yu Chengwu's words, everyone couldn't help but react.

But so far, they have not carried out an experimental mission of a lunar return spacecraft. This is a key technology for their future manned lunar landings.

If the weather conditions do not allow it, UU Reading or the previous task is delayed, then we can only postpone it to the future.

According to our current planned launch window, the entire launch time is probably from the end of October to the beginning of November. Of course, arrangements must be made based on the weather conditions at this time, including related tasks.

"Furthermore, because the gold meteorite core is relatively heavy and there is a lack of attitude control during the descent, its landing accuracy is lacking.

And because the speed of decline is too fast, the prediction and reaction time are relatively short. So for safety reasons, we chose the wider uninhabited area on the other side of Cold Lake.

In this way, even if there is a large deviation in the landing point, there will be no surprises.

Here, whether it is the golden meteorite core or the small return capsule carrying the lunar soil samples we have collected in the past. In fact, the landing will not be as urgent as the manned return capsule, so even if it is placed in the inaccessible and uninhabited area of ​​​​Leng Lake, there will not be much problem. It will only add some time to wait. "39314161.



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