Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3171: Opening up a new chapter for human exploration of the universe

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Compared to the noisy discussions among netizens, various experts, so-called experts, as well as some scholars and aerospace bloggers, focused on the mission itself and the important impact of this mission. and meaning.

According to an article written by a certain aerospace science blogger, this treasure-hunting mission seems to be a treasure-hunting journey with a total distance of 2,500 kilometers and a 14-day treasure-hunting journey, but in fact it represents It represents the latest technological achievements that humans can currently possess or achieve on extraterrestrial planets represented by the moon.

The blogger also listed a series of achievements achieved in this mission. For example, first of all, this mission successfully achieved long-distance movement of humans on extraterrestrial planets.

This is not only a major breakthrough in lunar exploration technology, but also a major revelation for future deep space exploration.

All the probes and various lunar or Mars rovers launched in the past have never traveled such a long distance, and they still traveled in the form of a convoy. Halfway through, there was no problem with any vehicle. This is A great achievement in technology.

Of course, except Wangshu No. 1. The tasks of the two are different, and the technical requirements are naturally different. What's more, they come from the same school, so they can be regarded as the same category.

So with the enlightenment of this mission, future human detectors will surely open a new detection mode. According to this blogger, at least it won’t be moving at a snail’s pace.

Secondly, the technologies used in this mission, such as unmanned driving technology, remote control technology, etc., are currently the most cutting-edge technologies and represent the forefront of human technology.

Although this mission relied on four vehicles to travel independently for much of the mission, advanced remote control technology was also demonstrated in terms of crisis management.

It is believed that the emergence of this series of technologies will definitely promote the huge development of the field of aerospace exploration, especially the field of extraterrestrial planet detection, thus opening up a new chapter for human exploration of the universe.

Furthermore, the success of this mission means that mankind has begun to substantially expand from the earth to outer space, which is an epoch-making important symbol.

It can be said that the technical levels demonstrated in this mission have also shown that humans have the technical foundation and necessary conditions to obtain resources and mine minerals on extraterrestrial planets represented by the moon.

In other words, technology is no longer an obstacle. The key issue now lies in the business profit model. If this problem can be solved, then lunar mining will no longer be just a dream in the future.

Finally, the blogger also said that such technological achievements did not happen overnight. Behind it lies the countless efforts and wisdom of scientists.

First of all, starting from the launch of the rocket, every accuracy represents mankind's in-depth understanding and mastery of the laws of physics. Furthermore, the landing of the probe on the lunar surface and its movement on the lunar surface all reflect humanity's cutting-edge achievements in the fields of robotics and automatic control.

In addition, the sample collection and return technology in this mission is a major breakthrough in human sampling technology in the exploration of extraterrestrial planets. This not only proves that humans have the ability to conduct scientific experiments on the lunar surface, but also means that it is possible for humans to explore and live on more distant planets in the future.

More importantly, this mission will have a profound impact on the future development of mankind. It is not only a victory of scientific and technological exploration, but also a manifestation of human determination and courage to explore the unknown world. It proves that humans have the ability to cross the stars and explore the infinite mysteries of the universe.

In addition to this blogger, some experts said that the success of this mission is not only a challenge to technology, but also a challenge to the human spirit.

It demonstrates the human spirit of exploration and infinite curiosity and determination for the unknown world. This will be an important milestone in human history and a new starting point for the development of human science and technology.

However, some are wary of it.

They believe that although the success of this mission is a major advancement in human technology, we also need to be aware of the risks and challenges involved.

For example, how to ensure the safety of detectors, even the safety of future astronauts performing such tasks, and how to deal with various emergencies in space. These are all issues that we need to seriously consider and solve.

In the words of experts, although there are still many challenges and difficulties in this mission, mankind has taken a solid step.

The success of this mission is a huge achievement for mankind. It not only demonstrates our technical strength, but also inspires our spirit of exploration.

In the future, we are expected to see more scientists and engineers use their wisdom and courage to promote the development of human aerospace industry, achieve more scientific and technological breakthroughs, and explore a wider space.

Of course, we also need to be aware of the challenges and risks involved and be fully prepared for them. Only in this way can we go further in future deep space exploration, UU Readingwww. goes better.

However, in any case, experts, including the entire industry, spoke highly of this mission. Relevant news reports and articles about this mission have also appeared in some important news and periodicals.

Several important international journals even used some of the wonderful shots from this mission as their journal covers, which shows the huge influence of this mission.

As the saying goes, some people are laughing and others are worried. While most people are celebrating the success of this mission, there will always be some discordant voices.

For example, the MISA aerospace department, which has always been very targeted at Haoyu Aerospace, regards the success of this mission as its biggest threat.

It is said that the success of this mission will help Haoyu Aerospace and even our country to build a colonial base on the moon first, and accelerate its pace of plundering lunar minerals.

MISA said that Haoyu Aerospace’s mission was completely inconsistent with relevant national laws, and its purpose was questionable. It criticized Haoyu Aerospace for stealing important resources on the moon, and claimed that the golden meteorite core belonged to all mankind.

Then he made a big deal about the so-called lunar military base built by Haoyu Aerospace in Zhihai, and even said that it threatened the safety of Mi and even the safety of the earth.

Haoyu Aerospace is required to disclose all mission details and accept the supervision of relevant departments, saying that any mission of Haoyu Aerospace on the moon must be reported and subject to supervision by the people of the earth, etc.

Then Misa complained bitterly, saying how difficult it is for itself. If it does not pay attention to it and does not allocate funds, it will seriously lag behind the strength of a major Asian country represented by Haoyu Aerospace in the aerospace field. In the future, space armaments will be Lost in the competition and a series of nonsense.

In fact, these words have only one purpose: to ask the congressmen to send money!

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