Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3163: The golden meteorite star core finally revealed its true appearance

Indeed, for scientists, these seemingly endless gravels are of great research value. It can be concluded that in addition to the stones on the moon, these rubbles also include the rubbles wrapped around the golden meteorite planet. No matter which one it is, it has very high research value. If it's the latter, the value is higher.

You know, it is much more difficult for humans to obtain soil and rock samples from asteroids than from the moon. If it is determined that these rubbles really belong to the core of this golden meteorite, then the value will be very high.

Just as Yu Chengwu introduced it, two multi-purpose engineering robots also started to take action. They began to use their smart robotic arms, equipped with digging buckets, and began to dig around the periphery of the golden meteorite core.

They first need to dig out this golden meteorite model, because currently only half of it is exposed.

No one knows what the other half looks like. We will only know if we dig it out.

"How long is the entire excavation expected to last?" Zhang Jun couldn't help but asked Yu Chengwu. He didn't expect that he was here to see the gold meteorite core. Why did he spend so long digging around?

Hearing Zhang Jun's question, Yu Chengwu smiled and replied: "Actually, we don't need to excavate all around the golden meteorite core. We only need to excavate one side, and the bottom of the golden meteorite core will leak out. And then we just have to use force to push it out.

Therefore, the whole process will not last long. It is estimated that you will be able to see the whole picture in about an hour. "

After listening to Yu Chengwu's words, Zhang Jun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief while nodding. Then, while moving his waist, he also said to Wu Hao: "I think this process is still taking a long time. Let's take a rest first. There’s no need to stay here all the time.”

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this and said, "Okay, let everyone relax. There is no need to be so serious."

Having said this, Wu Hao turned around and said to his secretary Su Ho who was sitting behind him: "Let's make arrangements, I'll treat everyone to coffee!

Well, there is also milk tea, some people like it with milk tea. Go and ask, see what everyone likes to drink, and buy some. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone around him cheered. Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, and then motioned for everyone to feel free.

As for him, he got up with Lin Wei, Zhang Jun and others, and immediately came to the lounge.

Lin Wei stretched and then looked at Wu Hao with a lazy look and said, "I originally thought it would be quick, and it would be over in an hour or two, but I didn't expect it would take so long."

Hahaha, I regret it. Wu Hao asked with a smile.

"It's not that I regret it, it's just that I felt a little bored after watching it for a long time, and I felt a little sleepy. Listening to you talking about so many professional terms, I felt like I was listening to a book from heaven." Lin Wei laughed at herself with a wry smile.

Hahaha, it's normal. The scientific exploration project itself is quite boring. Speaking of this, Wu Hao turned to Lin Wei and said with concern: "Why don't you go back and rest first? It's the same on TV anyway."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei smiled and shook her head: "You're already here, I'll watch it with you. It's not a good time to leave at this time."

It's okay, I'm still here. Wu Hao persuaded with a smile.

Lin Wei shook her head again and said, "I want to be with you to witness such an important moment."

"Okay, let's witness it together." Wu Hao smiled and held Lin Wei's hand.

When Zhang Jun saw this, he couldn't help but joked: "I said, we are an old married couple, why are we still so bored?"

GUN, who is an old married couple? We are not married yet, okay? Lin Wei rolled her eyes at Zhang Jun and said angrily.

"Okay, forget about this." Zhang Jun patted his forehead, and then said to Lin Wei and Wu Hao: "I said, the way you are now, is it any different from getting married? Do you need that piece of paper? "

"That's different. Without that piece of paper, we would always be lovers." Lin Wei said proudly, holding Wu Hao's arm.

That is, Wu Hao continued: "At least we are not as anxious as someone to enter the grave of love. We are still enjoying love. Naturally, we are different from some people."


After hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fan and the others also laughed.

Lin Wei took Wu Hao's words and said to Zhang Jun: "I told you not to stop paying attention to these things once you get married. You should also give Xiaoya some romance from time to time."

Come on, we are an old married couple, why are we doing these tricks? Zhang Jun waved his hand disdainfully and then took a rest.

After going to the bathroom and taking a short rest, everyone returned to the command and control hall.

At this moment, the picture on the big screen showed that the two multi-purpose engineering transport vehicles had dug a large pit on one side of the golden meteorite core.

Judging from the exposed part, this is a relatively irregular round stone ball. There are still some stones stuck to the lower part, which makes the entire cleaning work very slow.

As the bottom of the gold meteorite core has leaked out, two multi-purpose engineering robots began to dig from both sides. The entire excavation process was very fast, and it was almost done.

Immediately, two multi-purpose engineering robots came to the back of the golden meteorite core, and then used intelligent robotic arms to push the golden meteorite core together, pushing it out of the soil and dropping it into the dug pit.

With increasing force, the golden meteorite star core gradually began to move, and then suddenly rolled into the large crater where it fell.

Seeing this, the entire command and control hall burst into warm cheers.

For everyone, the rolling of the golden meteorite star core finally made the stones hanging in the hearts of many people present fall to the ground.

Why do you say this? Because everyone was worried before that the core of this gold meteorite may not be as regular as the exposed part. It is a sphere. It may be that the exposed part is just the tip of its iceberg, and there is a large part underneath. Buried in the soil.

If that were the case, UU Reading’s mission would have failed because they were unable to transport a meteorite of such large volume and weight.

From the fall just now, it can be seen that the core of this golden meteorite is in the shape of a sphere. Although it is a little irregular, it is generally a sphere.

This also means that the size and weight of the gold meteorite core are in line with their expectations, so it can be transported. Therefore, it means that the probability of it being successfully transported back to Earth has been greatly improved, which is naturally worthy of everyone's joy.

After completing the task of excavating the golden meteorite star core, the next step is to bundle and hoist it.

This is an irregular ball, but it is also a round ball. It is very difficult to maneuver this kind of ball, so ropes need to be used to tie it up so that there are anchor points for maneuvering.


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