Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3146: Now that it has happened, face it head on!

Watching everyone leave, Zhang Jun took out the transparent folding device and immediately dialed Wu Hao's number.

Brother Hao, the investigation team has just been formally established.

Hearing Zhang Jun's call, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile: "How are you, these people you are looking for?"

Very reliable, no one quit, all stayed. Zou Xiaodong said with a smile: "After signing the confidentiality agreement, I gave them one day and then asked them to go home to prepare and report to the hotel before seven o'clock tomorrow evening.

After they are all enrolled tomorrow, the investigation will begin. "

Having said this, Zou Xiaodong couldn't help but ask: "Where do you think we should start first?"

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's inquiry, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said: "Didn't Tong Juan bring up the accident involving one death and one injury some time ago? Let's start from this, and then follow the clues to Dong Yiming's brother-in-law.

From the outside to the inside, peel off the cocoon and advance layer by layer. While seizing the time, you must also pay attention to methods and methods. You must work carefully and not let go of any clues or vines. You must also not be able to alert the snake in the grass. You must be patient and endure. "

After the instructions, Wu Hao thought for a while and then said: "Especially you, your performance during this period is particularly important. Especially the relationship with Dong Yiming, you cannot be alienated or too close. You must maintain normal contact. Anyway, you can't The other party saw the flaw.

In addition, you must use your identity and expertise to paralyze the other party and reduce their vigilance. "

"I discussed it with Fatty and planned to ask Dong Yiming to attend a business forum on behalf of the company in a few days. It will take several days, so this just gives you an opportunity. I hope you can seize it and take action.

In addition, the purpose is to keep him busy. Only when he is busy will he have no time to think. "

After hearing his words, Zou Xiaodong was silent for a moment on the phone, and then worriedly asked: "Should we not let him appear in public at this time, thereby reducing his influence? Otherwise, once the case is solved and the information is released at that time, it will inevitably It will cause an uproar and have a bad impact on the company.”

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, Wu Hao said with a smile: "It's just an ordinary industry business forum, it won't get much attention, don't worry."

Okay, I'll start making arrangements right away. Zou Xiaodong nodded and said.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Wu Hao said with concern and then ended the call.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Hao thought for a moment and then shook his head. Now that it has happened, let’s face it. Dong Yiming won't have much impact on them, it's just some losses.

This is also due to the fact that Wu Hao removed Dong Yiming from the company's management and operations very early and asked him to take charge of infrastructure projects. Therefore, the impact he can have on the company is relatively limited.

The reason why Wu Hao takes it so seriously is that Dong Yiming is the vice president of the company, has a certain reputation, and has some personal followers. After all, after working for so many years, I still have some connections and influence.

So for them, Dong Yiming alone must be very easy to deal with, but how to deal with these and the relevant personnel is a headache for them.

On the other hand, Wu Hao and others also want to use this matter to purify the company's environment and kill the chicken to show the monkey.

By severely punishing Dong Yiming and the relevant personnel involved, everyone will know the consequences of making mistakes, thereby warning everyone not to break the law.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Dong is here. Su Ho's voice came from the speaker.

Ask him to come in. Wu Hao gathered his thoughts after hearing this, and then spoke.

Then the office door opened, and Su Ho led Dong Yiming in on high heels.

When Wu Hao saw this, he stood up and said with a smile on his face: "Haha, old Dong is here, sit down quickly, Su Ho, let's serve tea!"

Hehehe, Mr. Wu, I miss your tea very much. Dong Yiming said with a smile.

Come and sit here as often as you want. Our offices are so close, making it easy to move around. Wu Hao smiled and sat on the sofa in the rest area. Dong Yiming saw this and sat down immediately.

Immediately, Su Ho served a cup of hot tea, then added hot water to Wu Hao's teacup and placed it in front of him.

Mr. Wu, what are your orders for calling me here? Su Ho nodded as Dong Yiming served tea, then turned to look at Wu Hao and asked.

He knew very well that Wu Hao would not call him over for no reason, something must have happened.

Hearing what the other party said, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hands and said: "Actually, it's nothing important. I called you here today because I thought you would be back after adjusting your work for a few days.

How is it going? Are you still adaptable? Are there any adjustments that need to be made or any problems or difficulties? "

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Dong Yiming felt relieved and responded with a smile: "To be honest, it's really a bit uncomfortable to sit in the office again. I used to like to go to the construction site every morning to check the progress of the project. , and then start the day's work.

But now, there is no construction site to move to, and I am really not used to it. The person in my family said I was a bitch, UU read www. cannot enjoy a good environment. "


Wu Hao laughed when he heard this: "It's okay. Can you walk around our company park every day from now on? Or you can go to the nearby wetland park. The air and environment are good. It's just a good time to exercise."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Dong Yiming smiled and waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I have been working for several years and I just want to take a break."

At this point, Dong Yiming said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Zhang is very kind to me, letting me adapt to the new environment first, and then arranging specific work for me.

According to me, no need. There are so many things going on in the company now, and I also want to share some of them with everyone early and use the remaining energy. "

The old comrade is still considerate. When Wu Hao heard this, he looked touched and said, "It's okay. I've been busy in the past few years, and it's not less than these few days. Don't worry, you will be busy sometimes."

Seeing Wu Hao's reaction, Dong Yiming smiled and nodded, then changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, I remembered that there is something I really want to ask Mr. Wu for help with."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Wu Hao secretly laughed in his heart, and sure enough, he came anyway, and then asked with a smile on his face.

"It's like this. My former secretary Xiaolu has been with me for several years, and I can use it smoothly. So I want to bring him back and stay with me to help me with my work.

But Mr. Zou said that Xiaolu was more familiar with the project work there, so he wanted to keep Xiaolu there to help him become familiar with the work there and get into work as soon as possible. "

Dong Yiming smiled at Wu Hao and said, "It stands to reason that I should agree to Mr. Zou's request both emotionally and rationally, but there really is no one on my side who can take advantage of it, and Xiaolu also has strong opinions.

Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Wu if you can intercede with Mr. Zou for me. "

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