Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 283: Stole life

Choosing to be near a beautiful wild lake, the crowd began to unload the materials and equipment from the car to start the camp.

Wu Hao ’s men set up their tents and set up umbrellas, while Lin Wei ’s girls did some things they could do.

Because it is not a weekend, not many people come here to visit. I saw some people by chance, but I saw that they had camped by this wild lake, so I didn't come to bother.

Feng Fenghuo is busy for about half an hour. Before the sun heats up, everyone finally arranges the camp.

Everyone was finally relieved and sat down leisurely. Enjoying the breeze while basking in the sun.

Li Wenming and Cao Wei started to set up an outdoor gas stove to heat water. Although there is no shortage of water by the wild lake, who knows that the water is clean and not clean, so they use pure water in buckets. .

Seeing the beautiful surroundings, several girls in Lin Wei couldn't help picking up the camera phone and started taking pictures with interest. And Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, how many of them, also took out the fishing gear bought from the outdoor equipment store to play with for a while, and finally made the first shot by the lake.

"I said, do you know how to fish? How can I listen to the owner of the outdoor equipment store that he should start fishing in the nest first." .

Zhang Jun, while playing with his mobile phone, whispered back to him: "Well fishing, be patient."

Wu Hao leaned on the back of the folding chair, looked at the girls who were hesitating not far away, and said with a smile, "I remember that the boss gave some fodder to the nest. Go find out and look at the instructions. some.

Although we don't expect any fish, we have to catch at least one or two. In front of so many girls, it would be too bad if none of them can get it. "

"I'm looking for it!" As soon as he heard what he said, Zhang Jun immediately stopped playing with his cell phone, and immediately began to look for it. It looks like the car talked well before, which made Zhang Jun look at Zhou Xi from time to time.

Wu Hao certainly saw this, but pretended not to know. If it was Cao Xinyue, he still had some hope. But Zhou Xi is too mature a girl, I'm afraid it's not Zhang Jun, the nerd reel.

Seeing Zhang Jun's positive appearance, Wu Hao and Zou Xiaodong Yang Fan looked at each other, then smiled and continued to stare at the lake.

The lake was shimmering, and the trees in the distance on the lake shore swayed slowly in the breeze. Stars in the grass near the shore are dotted with various wild flowers, red, white, yellow, and pink. Not only attracted a few butterflies and bees to dance among the flowers, but also attracted several girls to focus the camera on these wild flowers.

"Mr. Wu, the tea is ready." Lu Fei greeted him with a set of portable Kung Fu tea set.

Wu Hao said with a smile and greeted, "Okay, just leave the fishing rod here, let's have some tea."

Said Wu Hao reaching out to the girls who were hesitant in the distance and said, "Some of you, come and have some tea and rest for a while."

Walking to the tea tray and sitting down, Lu Fei picked up the tea cup and handed it to him. Wu Hao took the teacup and took a sip of the teacup with a smile and said with a smile, "I finally understand what it is like to steal a living half a day, comfortable!"

"Oh, if you like, we will come out and walk around in the future." Zou Xiaodong sat down and took the tea cup and laughed.

"I think so, and just let this guy exercise and lose weight." Wu Hao quipped as Zhang Jun came over.

"Get off!" Zhang Jun rolled his eyes at him, then sat down a bit awkwardly, took the cup from Lu Fei and drank directly.

At this time, Lin Wei and the two girls also came back. Lin Wei quickly sat beside him, picked up the camera and excited at him: "I just took a photo, how about it?"

"Nice, have you studied?" Wu Hao smiled and appreciated as Lin Wei flipped through the photos in the camera. Maybe that's why the price of this set of cameras is in her hands, so the results are good, clear and vivid, colorful, and the exposure is good, but this composition ... well, good!

"This girl is self-taught." Lin Wei smiled proudly.

"Well, can our genius beauties first put the camera down and take a sip of water to rest for a while." Wu Hao took Lu Fei's tea cup and handed it to her.

Giggling, Lin Wei smiled and lowered the camera, then took the tea cup and held it in her hand to drink warmly.

"Hey, hey, there are several single dogs around, don't sprinkle dog food." Zhou Xi quipped when he saw this.

"That is, know you love, don't show up." Zhang Jun also followed the crusade.

Hehehehe ...

Laughing and joking, Wu Hao looked at everyone and said, "Have you been hungry, what would you like to eat at noon?"

"It depends on what we have and what we can eat." Zou Xiaodong asked with a smile.

Wu Hao turned to look at Li Wenming sitting next to him, the other said with a smile: "There is meat and vegetables, but I suggest to make it again in the afternoon, and the big guy eats some belly pads in the morning."

"Then simply get ~ ~ what's up?" Wu Hao asked at him.

Li Wenming thought about it, and then said, "I took a few bags of instant noodles in the supermarket in the morning, or I cooked them all, and put some mutton and vegetables in. Let's eat together, and then the hot soup in the mouth of the river."

"Yes, just do that." Wu Hao directly agreed without asking other people's opinions.

And Zhang Jun, who was next to him, said bitterly: "No, it's so easy to come out and play, you let me eat instant noodles."

"You don't have to eat it, you just need to lose weight."

Wu Ha joked about him, and then asked the crowd, mainly a few girls, "Do you guys have any opinions?"

Zhou Xi and Cao Xinyue shook their heads with a smile, while Lin Wei glared at him: "Even if there are opinions, they can be changed."

"Can't change it." Wu Hao shook his head straight, causing everyone to laugh again.

Talking about Li Wenming and Cao Wei and Lu Fei, they got up and started to live. Among the people present, three of them were personal assistants of Wu Hao, so they had to do it.

Seeing this, Wu Hao also got up and rolled up his sleeves to start helping. When everyone saw that he wanted to help, he was stopped by Wu Hao. Cooking instant noodles is enough for a few people. No matter how many people come, it will not only be useless, but will cause trouble.

When it comes to cooking instant noodles, it's actually a pot of wild stew. In addition to instant noodles, Wu Hao also put in lamb, ham, canned braised beef, vegetables and more.

As long as this thing is not seasoned, the taste will not go bad, of course, it is not much better. Anyway, it is a taste of instant noodles, so if you add abalone and sea cucumber in it, it will also have this taste.

Of course, with the blessings of these extra ingredients, this pot of instant noodles looks extra fragrant. Before they were cooked, several people surrounded them with disposable tableware.

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