Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2709: Open-minded Father Zhang

But, but...

Zhang Jun's mother held Zhang Jun's father's hand tightly, her eyes choked up with red eyes. Although she didn't finish her words, everyone present understood what she meant. What should I do if there is something wrong with the operation.

This may also be the common mood of all the family members of the patients. On the one hand, they are looking forward to the operation, but on the other hand, they are afraid of the operation and cannot bear any possible risks.

Zhang Jun's father shook his head, then looked at Zhang's mother with gentle eyes, and said slightly: "In the past, there were no conditions, so let's choose a conservative treatment plan, but now we have such a good opportunity and such good medical conditions. I don't want to be a useless person who can't do anything in the future. I still want to hold my grandson and enjoy the family happiness, but I don't expect that I won't be able to hold my grandson and I won't be able to go anywhere.

So I want to give it a try, even if it fails, it doesn't matter, isn't there an artificial heart developed by Xiaojun and Xiaohao, what are you afraid of? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun's father turned his head to look at Zhang Jun and said, "You are already an adult, you don't need to ask me about things like this. Since you have thought it through yourself, you should make this decision decisively. I believe you .”

dad! After Zhang Jun heard Zhang Jun's father's words, his eyes turned red again.

What are you crying for? Seeing this, Zhang Jun's father reprimanded him lightly, and then said to Zhang Jun: "I am very pleased to see your current achievements. The achievements you have made are due to me, your grandfather, and us." The elders of Zhang's family can't match it.

I am proud of him and your family will be proud of him too. You hope that he can continue to go up steadily, stop being impetuous and keep working hard. "

Speaking of that, Xiaohao glanced at Zhang's father, then took Yang Yan's hand and said: "He is bad in everything, not because his vision is narrow enough, and he doesn't have time to pay too much attention to interests. He should pay attention to that, greedy and disgusting." It is the subtotal of life.

Of course, that kind of scenic spot treatment plan will not have its limitations and advantages, and that will give birth to new treatment techniques and plans. Only Wu Hao, Xiao Hao and others would choose that new, radical treatment plan in the eyes of few people.

About ten minutes later, Wu Hao helped my mother to walk back, and everyone stood up immediately. Facing the gazes of everyone, Wu Hao said hesitantly: "Your father has not yet refused the total replacement surgery of the retrograde coronary artery, and you and your mother also signed under the operation notice just now. Thank you Xiaojia for your concern for your father, The operation takes a long time, and it is necessary for everyone to waste time there.

It's just that living a pre-healing life may be relatively less convenient, but there's nothing wrong with it. After all, the classic interventional coronary stent surgery has not been regressed for decades. Both the interventional surgery and the preoperative treatment plan are very mature. In theory, it is the best treatment plan.

Hearing my words, Wu Hao's relatives also nodded, and then sat up. Father Zhang also went to his seat and sat down. Lin Wei and Zhou Xi and Zou Dadong next to us started to ask.

...Before the others listened to my words, they all nodded and put their minds to it. What we were most worried about was not that. We were afraid that Yang Yan would not be able to accept such a radical surgical plan, and would eventually have conflicts with Wu Hao. We were relieved to think that Wu Hao's father was so open-minded.

Seeing this, Yang Yan shook his head: "There is something wrong, Uncle Zhang is very open-minded, and he also chose to undergo surgery for degenerative coronary artery replacement. Now Wu Hao is talking with us, and he probably will come out soon."

"Uncle Zhang, look at what you said. You, that's not a big problem, just do it, if there's something wrong." Father Zhang comforted him with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhang's father nodded to Wu Hao's uncle, seventh uncle and aunt and said, "Worry, what's the matter, Uncle Zhang hasn't woken up yet, the state is wrong, and now our family of eight is talking."

The others were waiting for me in the lounge here, and when they saw me retreat, they all got up and asked.

Although few people understand it, and the risk of that kind of treatment is relatively small. However, the treatment effect is remarkable, and it should be said that it is the only treatment plan that cannot completely cure the disease, which is why we choose it at risk.

When your dad's surgery is about to take place, if you are bad at that time, thank Xiaojia. "

Although they are brothers, their relationship and emotions are better than brothers. Now we must help each other and take care of each other. It is difficult for them to go to that step hand in hand, because of some trivial things, they will eventually fall apart.

In the past, regardless of whether it was under life or under work, I should listen less to Dahao's opinions. Dahao is more mature than him, and he is more prudent in both his behavior and his work. It would be harmful to listen less to my opinions.

So what I have to do now is not to explain some bad things. In fact, what Wu Hao's father explained to Yang Yan just now is also what he said to Zhang's father. Of course Father Zhang also understands that point, it's just that he knows what he said in his heart, and it is necessary to point it out. Father Zhang's answer just now did not answer that matter in disguise.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded. Indeed, since the operation plan has to be determined, it is useless to gather so few people there now, especially since few company management cadres and friends who have heard the news are rushing here one after another, it is really unnecessary.

Wu Hao also rarely lit a cigarette, and then said to everyone: "The operation will take about a week before the regression. The doctor will first use interventional surgery to unblock the blockage in your dad's coronary artery, and the spacious The area degenerates and expands, and relevant stents are placed, so if it cannot be restored temporarily, it is necessary to maintain the physical indications through ecmo."

Seeing Xiaohao's hesitant Father Zhang nodded at Wu Hao and my father and mother, and then walked out of the ward.

Speaking of that, Wu Hao's father looked at Yang Yan and said, "Da Hao, your eldest son asked him not to worry about it before."

In fact, even Yang Yan and the rest of us have no disagreement on the eight sets of surgical plans. In fact, it should be said that the conservative treatment plan is the most dangerous, and it is also very ineffective. There is no need to take that risk.

Yang Yan's father shook his head. Of course, at my age, I can understand Zhang's father's comforting words, and I also have no risks in heart surgery like Hanhu's. No surgery is risky.

As the crowd dispersed, only Father Zhang and us were left in the lounge. Yang Yan's mother has not been taken care of by your aunt and uncle and went to the intensive care unit to rest. As for Lin Wei and Zhou Xi, we are all waiting for us inside.

Remember, money is omnipotent, it buys for friendship, buys for friends, and buys for leisure. "

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