Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 269: 1 less routine, more sincere

What about you, what are your advantages or disadvantages? Jiang Nan seized the keywords in Wu Hao's words and continued to question.

Well, this is digging yourself. Wu Hao laughed bitterly in his heart, thinking about it and answering, "I have many shortcomings."

"A lot?" Jiang Nan was surprised.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "Yes, a lot. For example, I am a person with a relatively low emotional quotient, and are relatively lazy, not good at dealing with people, etc."

"I can understand the low emotional quotient and not good at dealing with people. After all, you were born in science. But I ca n’t understand if you are lazy. If you are lazy, how can you create such achievements." Jiang Nan is puzzled. Road.

Hehe, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "This is not contradictory, or it is because I am lazy that I have such a result now.

The West has a view that many new technology inventions in this world are driven by lazy people. Because I am lazy, I always want to invent something to replace my work or help myself to handle some things.

For example, our intelligent voice assistant can help me deal with many daily information tasks. I just need to move my mouth.

Including the smart robot we released this time, it can also do things we don't want to do. Such as packing up housework, getting beer, or stacking quilts, washing clothes and so on. "

"Are these all lazy?" Jiang Nan curiously said.

Wu Hao nodded: "From a certain point of view, we can think so, or we can say that we are liberating labor and serving humanity."

"Oh, what are the advantages?" Jiang Nan asked with a smile.

Wu Haowen shook his head and said, "I won't say this. I have a good point here. There is a merit in the fact that Wang Po sells melon and sells her boast. I leave it to everyone to judge."

Seeing him a lot, Jiang Nan no longer asked, but sorted out the information on hand and looked at him and said, "This time you have released a lot of products that make people stand out. There are smart robots and smart homes you just said. Terminal, smart bracelet, and a new generation of intelligent voice assistants.

Your smart voice assistant is great, and I have been using it. I feel that life is inseparable from it now. So I have been paying close attention to your press conference this time, and am very interested in the new generation of intelligent voice assistants, especially this time equipped with intelligent simultaneous interpretation.

What do you think, why do you want to develop such a function? Is there any original intention? "

"Thank you." Wu Hao said with a smile: "Actually, I wanted to add the feature of simultaneous interpretation when it was a generation of products. However, the conditions were limited at the time, and the simultaneous interpretation technology was more complicated, so I could only extend After.

When developing second-generation products, I said that I must add this technology. In other words, while our second-generation product is more mature than the first-generation product, the biggest selling point is the intelligent simultaneous interpretation technology.

As for the original intention, it is mainly for the convenience of people around the world to communicate. In fact, with the development of science and technology, the restrictions that hinder communication have gradually disappeared. Our internet is so developed and traffic is so developed. You can communicate with people all over the world online, or take a walk around and take a look around the world. These are not the problems, but the only thing that restricts people's communication is the language.

Lack of language has become the biggest obstacle between people around the world. How to solve this problem, everyone also think of many ways.

A person's energy is limited and it is impossible to learn so many languages ​​at once, so a translator was born.

However, the function of the translator is relatively single, and it is cumbersome to use, and its efficiency is relatively low, and it needs to be translated sentence by sentence.

So we thought, can we refer to the simultaneous interpretation methods in some conferences to develop an intelligent simultaneous interpretation technology to solve this problem.

Let people of different languages ​​have the ability to have a free conversation, and facilitate the exchange of people in different countries and regions. "

"Very great initiative." Jiang Nan asked aloud and then asked, "Is this technology difficult?"

"Hard!" Wu Hao nodded affirmatively: "People in different languages ​​speak differently, have different grammar, and have different meanings. So this brings us great difficulties. First, you must fully understand the target language. Only then, you In order to achieve accurate translation.

We can't do this alone, because it involves a lot of data information. Therefore, we chose to cooperate with Xunyin Technology, the top domestic language response researcher, and invited related linguists from the target phonetic countries to join in to digitally compile this language.

This amount of engineering is huge, so we have barely completed the basic compilation of the three languages.

Many people don't understand why we have bought our intelligent voice assistant, and why use this simultaneous interpretation function at an additional cost.

This is also no way, because we invest heavily in the development of this technology. And this is just the beginning, and maintenance optimization is needed in the future. So charging an appropriate fee will help us better serve our users ~ ~ Of course, this is only the first difficulty. Another difficulty is how to be fast and accurate. When the other party has just finished a sentence or two-thirds, our intelligent simultaneous interpretation system can quickly respond and translate the other party's words.

In such a short period of time, to complete such accurate translation, and to simulate the tone of the other party, this is not something anyone can do. "

"Looking out, you are very confident in your products." Jiang Nan laughed.

Wu Hao nodded: "Of course, if we are not confident about our own products, then why do consumers believe this product.

So I think that our product is the best intelligent voice product at present, and our simultaneous interpretation technology is the best in the world.

We have this confidence and we have this confidence. "

"Isn't it too much? I don't have any room for myself." Jiang Nan asked immediately after seeing Wu Hao saying so.

Wu Hao shook his head: "We always do n’t like playing gimmicks, and we do n’t deliberately exaggerate the hype. The products and technologies we have come out are really there, if you do n’t believe it, you can experience it yourself , Feel it yourself, and you can even compare it with similar products.

After our generation of products came out, many brand conferences always liked to compare our products with them, saying how much more than us.

In my opinion, these are useless, the user experience is the first.

Less routine, more sincerity.

If you are a product, make your own product. As long as the product is ready, consumers will pay. Instead of blindly playing with any marketing strategy, I can't wait for 365 days a year, and develop conferences every day. "

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