Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2635: Live-fire interception test on the big screen

Immediately, Wuyang Wuyang, a group of people, came to the largest tent again, that is, the comprehensive weapons and equipment exhibition area of ​​the largest tent.

Walking into this tent, everyone couldn't help but look at it, compared to the two tents just now. The space in this tent is larger, and there are relatively few exhibits, and there are more large screens, which seem to be used to display some technologies.

Wu Hao and the others came to the middle of the tent and walked in front of a large screen about 100 inches. Wu Hao took an intelligent voice system handed over by the staff and put it on his left ear, and then said to the big screen: " Coco, play the relevant video materials of the live ammunition interception test of the intelligent fire control system."

yes sir. Immediately there was a sound from the speaker on the big screen, and then the video began to play on the big screen.

At the beginning of the video, what is shown is a short-range rapid-fire gun of the Lu Dun series. However, this rapid-fire gun has obviously been modified, and you can see that there are many cables coming out and transmitting it to a white container next to it.

Immediately afterwards, in the test control center in the distance, a group of testers in camouflage uniforms were staring at the screen nervously carrying out various preparations.

As for Wu Hao, he introduced it to everyone with a smile at this time: "We borrowed this Lu Dun rapid-fire gun from the army, and we don't have the equipment for it.

However, after borrowing it, we made some modifications to it, including replacing its optical sighting system and fire control system, etc., and installed an intelligent control system for it.

In order to ensure the safety of the entire test, our testers are observing and controlling from a location one kilometer away. This interception was completely live ammunition. In addition to cruise missiles, there are rockets, air-to-surface missiles, and artillery shells, as well as our best drone.

The cost of the ammunition needed for this experiment alone is a huge number. It can be said that our experiment can be said to cost a lot. "

Following Wu Hao's introduction, the big screen is also constantly displaying and playing the content described in Wu Hao's words. All of this was manipulated by Ke Kelai based on what Wu Hao said.

The video content of these test records is very complex, and it may take several hours to play them all. So what is playing now are all selected by Ke Ke from those complicated recorded videos according to Wu Hao's needs.

"The first thing to do is cruise missiles. Everyone knows that cruise missiles are expensive. We can't use them all. We can't afford it. So we used an old model of cruise missiles, and the rest used a few shore-based anti-ship missiles.

Compared with cruise missiles, shore-based anti-ship missiles fly faster, and in theory, it is more difficult to intercept.

The cruise missile was launched about 500 kilometers away. After the launch, it began to fly close to the ground, and began to increase its altitude about 60 kilometers away from our rapid-fire gun, and then dived down to increase its speed to 2.5 Mach or so.

The effective interception distance of the rapid-fire gun is only 3 kilometers. After installing our intelligent fire control system, the interception distance of the rapid-fire gun may be slightly longer, but it is about 5 kilometers. According to 2.5 times the speed of sound, the flight distance of 5,000 meters is about five seconds, so the interception time is very short.

This puts higher requirements on this intelligent fire control system. There is only one chance. If it fails, it can only be destroyed in the contemporary era. "

"Are these missiles live?" Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Li Weiguo couldn't help asking.

Of course, Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "We brought them directly from the army, together with the army to help launch. If the warhead is dismantled, it will take time and increase the cost. And after dismantling the warhead, it will affect the whole The missile will also have an impact, which will affect the accuracy of this intercept test."


Hearing what Wu Hao said, the word popped up in the hearts of everyone present at the same time. Testing with live ammunition, this is really no one. Among other things, the addition of this Lu Dun rapid-fire gun system and Wu Hao's intelligent fire control system is not a small number.

If the interception fails and is directly hit by a missile, it will really become a ball of fire, a very expensive fireball.

Wu Hao could naturally guess what everyone was thinking, but he didn't care about it, so he continued to introduce it to everyone.

"At the beginning of the interception, our fire control system has detected incoming missiles through radar data, and the fire control system is ready to calculate the optimal interception time and position.

So you can see that the data on the screen is constantly changing. This is actually a real-time interception plan generated by the intelligent fire control system based on the real-time flight trajectory and parameters of the missile.

In other words, different times, different states of incoming missiles, and even the influence of weather factors will give rise to different interception schemes.

After these interception plans come out, the fire control system will make a selection, and finally choose a set of best interception plans and then carry out real-time. "

In Wu Hao's introduction, the incoming cruise missile has already been displayed on the big screen, and it has begun to accelerate. On the radar screen, the incoming cruise missiles are flying faster and faster, and the distance is getting farther and farther.

The image recognition system has also captured the incoming missile, and it seems that the interception will start at any time.

This also made everyone at the scene hold their breath, staring at the content on the big screen, for fear of missing any details.

Beep beep, with a few beeps, Lu Dun's six-barreled rapid-fire gun fired.

buzz buzz...

The machine sound of the rapid-fire gun rotating, UU reading and the uninterrupted sound of the shell being ejected made the whole rapid-fire gun make a sound like a mechanical neighing, and it was also like the sound of canvas being torn.

In the infrared screen, a string of bright spots flew out, creating a bullet screen in the air. Immediately afterwards, the larger bright spot hit the barrage, and a burst of huge bright spots appeared immediately.

However, the screen was changed to a color screen, and everyone could see it more clearly this time. A string of light orange barrages shot out, forming a fire dragon in the air. As for the incoming cruise missile, it hit the barrage all at once, and then exploded and produced a huge fireball.


Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene burst into cheers and applause.

Although most of the special forces may still not know much about it, for Wang Lianggong, Li Weiguo, Luo Kai, and other representatives of exhibitors, this live ammunition interception was really beautiful, clean and accurate!

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