Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2614: Extensive family of exoskeletons

Chapter 2614 Extensive exoskeleton family

Chapter 2614 of Military Science and Technology Textbook A rich variety of exoskeleton families Hearing Wu Hao and Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present became more interested in these types of equipment. Although everyone has a lot of questions, it is also clear that on this occasion, I can only give an overview. Whether it is everyone, or Wu Hao and Zhang Xiaolei, it is impossible to waste too much time on a weapon and equipment. A lot.

So under the guidance of Zhang Xiaolei, everyone continued to visit.

These exoskeleton products seem to have been displayed at previous exhibitions, but they seem to be different. Luo Kai pointed to several exoskeleton products and asked Zhang Xiaolei.

Hearing Luo Kai's inquiry, everyone present could not help but look over. Indeed, these exoskeleton products are familiar to everyone, but they seem to be somewhat different from the products they have seen before.

Facing Luo Kai's question, Zhang Xiaolei nodded with a smile and replied: "These exoskeleton products have been displayed in previous exhibitions, but they are the first generation of products, and what you are facing is the improvement of these mechanical exoskeletons. model.

These mechanical exoskeleton booster systems all belong to the category of light and ultra-light mechanical exoskeletons. In addition to this full-body model, there are also this half-body model, and this separate limb mechanical exoskeleton product.

For example, this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton booster system has further reduced the overall weight compared to the first-generation product, and enhanced its overall strength and load-bearing capacity.

Like this mechanical exoskeleton booster system, it can carry more than 200 kilograms of cargo and lift 100 kilograms with one hand. It can also improve people's 100-meter running time to six seconds, their sprint and jump ability can reach 13 meters, and their high jump ability can reach four meters.

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In addition, it also has a very strong cushioning performance, which can greatly reduce the impact on the legs when jumping from a high place. This allows our personnel to jump from a height of three floors without any problem.

Finally, this mechanical exoskeleton enhances the stability of the weapon when shooting, reduces the impact of recoil on personnel, and weakens the impact of recoil on shooting accuracy.

For example, this full-body mechanical exoskeleton is similar in size, weight and function to the previous one, but its biggest advantage is that it can be folded and stored.

When we don't need it or carry it, we can fold it up and put it into such an ordinary suitcase. Very light and compact, concealed.

When needed, we only need to open the box, and then pull up the mechanical exoskeleton, the light-weight mechanical exoskeleton assist system will be deployed, and the related tasks can be performed after wearing it quickly.

Its load capacity has decreased compared to the previous one, but its overall performance is basically the same. "

After introducing these two models, Zhang Xiaolei paused for a moment, and then walked to a mechanical exoskeleton booster system that looked lighter and smaller.

"This one here is an invisible mechanical exoskeleton booster system. Of course, it is not really invisible, but can be worn inside our clothes.

Because it is lighter and smaller overall, and more ergonomically designed, it can fit our body curves better, so that it is basically invisible after putting on clothes.

Although it is so light and slender, it seems that it can't help much, but in fact it can increase the strength, speed and reaction ability of our wearer by about 50%. "

At the end of the introduction, Zhang Xiaolei smiled at everyone and said, "This invisible mechanical exoskeleton assist system is more suitable for performing some concealed tasks. It can greatly improve the wearer's physical fitness and make the wearer more powerful.

So I believe everyone can guess the scene it applies to, so I won't go into details here. "

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone nodded in unison. The overall performance of this stealth mechanical exoskeleton booster system is definitely not as good as the previous two light mechanical exoskeleton booster systems, but it also has its huge advantages.

Especially for special operations, it is often necessary to secretly sneak into the enemy's city. Wearing other light and heavy mechanical exoskeleton products is too ostentatious and not conducive to concealment. And this stealth mechanical exoskeleton booster system is just right. It allows special forces to have stronger combat effectiveness in plain clothes, which is conducive to completing tasks and protecting their own safety.

In addition, this invisible mechanical exoskeleton system can also be used for security tasks on some important occasions, as well as some other tasks and work involving hidden fronts.

"These two mechanical exoskeleton assist systems here belong to our medical version. Its biggest advantage is that it can temporarily restore the movement ability of the injured, and it can also help some paralyzed and disabled people to restore their normal movement ability."

After briefly introducing the two medical versions of the mechanical exoskeleton assisting system, Zhang Xiaolei immediately walked to the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic equipment and introduced them to everyone.

"Just like the medical mechanical exoskeleton power system over there, the intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis here is also prepared for some disabled people. UU Reading It can very well simulate the movement of human limbs, and it is very flexible , can be a good substitute for the limbs to perform various actions.

And according to different related needs, we also specially designed this kind of smarter and stronger intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis, which is more powerful and more functional. In a way, they are better than our own limbs. "

Zhang Xiaolei's introduction was very concise, but everyone present also understood what she meant and the significance of these equipment products displayed here.

Indeed, war is very cruel, so it will cause a large number of people to be injured and disabled. Especially in high-intensity wars, too many people were injured and disabled.

These veterans who were disabled due to war injuries usually had to be discharged home because of their disabilities, and then had a hard time living their lives.

Since the emergence of Wu Hao's medical mechanical exoskeleton assist system and intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis, it can greatly help these disabled people return to normal life, so that they can have healthy limbs like normal people, and even "Eye".

But now, Wu Hao and the others have displayed these products here again, and many of them have been sprayed with camouflage paint with better concealment, and their intention is self-evident.

That's right, in the past, after an excellent soldier was injured and disabled, the only thing waiting for him was to be discharged from the army, or to be transferred to some easy positions such as logistics and administration. In this way, on the one hand, of course, it is to take care of the life and work of the soldier, and on the other hand, it is also because the soldier is no longer suitable for the original combat position. No matter how good he was in the past, once he is disabled, everything is equal to zero. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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