Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2577: An important stroke in the history of aerospace development

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2577 An important stroke in the history of aerospace development

it is good!

All of a sudden, the entire aerospace command and control hall became a sea of ​​joy. Everyone stood up and began to cheer and celebrate. Everyone threw the peaked caps on their heads and the little white caps on the launch system into the air.

Mr. Wu, congratulations!

Gao Jinguang came down from the stage, shook hands with Wu Hao and congratulated him.

Haha, congratulations, congratulations. This success is inseparable from the hard work and hard work of Deputy Director Gao, and I would like to express my gratitude to you. Wu Hao thanked Gao Jinguang while holding Gao Jinguang's hand.

Hahaha, your rockets are better, we just launched them.

Ha ha ha ha…

Outside the aerospace command and control hall, all the family members of the employees who watched the live broadcast, as well as the thousands of family members of the employees who watched the live broadcast on the beach of the hotel a few kilometers away, cheered and jumped for joy. They are no less happy than the employees in the lobby and in various positions.

Perhaps for these employees, they have experienced several or even dozens of missions, so they are numb, and at most they can be happy. But for the family members of these employees, this is the first time for most of them to witness the rocket launch so closely.

This is the rocket and spaceship that their family participated in, and the pride in everyone's hearts is born.

Not only the family members of these employees, but also the tourists who are still gathering on the beach, as well as the audience and netizens who are watching the live broadcast are also extremely happy and excited.

This is another important stroke in the history of our country's aerospace development, and it is also an important stroke in the field of civil aerospace in our country.

Back at the space command and control hall of the South China Sea launch site, although the launch was successful, there are still some finishing work to be done. Wu Hao and the others didn't want to continue disturbing here, so they said goodbye to everyone and left.

Because the launch time was relatively early this time, Wu Hao asked the restaurant to prepare a rich dinner. Of course, this is not a celebration banquet. Because everyone has been working hard for this mission for several months, especially in the half month before the launch, everyone sticks to their posts, day and night, very hard.

Now that the launch is finally over, Wu Hao didn't waste everyone's time. Let everyone have a comfortable dinner, and then go back to have a good sleep. As for the celebration banquet, let's hold it in the next few days after everyone has recovered. At that time, we will definitely let everyone drink and eat well, and have a good time celebrating.

Wu Hao who came out of it also happened to meet Lin Wei and the others who sent away the families of these employees.

Wu Hao looked at the time, then waved his hand at everyone and said, "Let's go, let's have a meal."

After speaking, Wu Hao brought Lin Wei, Zou Xiaodong and others to the Rocket System Restaurant, but there were not many people here at the moment. But because of Wu Hao's special arrangement, a sumptuous dinner has been prepared here.

All kinds of seafood, grilled skewers, and various snacks are available.

Wu Hao and the others took some at random, and then found a table to make it.

The seafood in the South China Sea is fresh. The ones we ate in Anxi are not seafood at all, they can only be regarded as rotten fish and rotten shrimp. Zou Xiaodong gnawed on Pippi Shrimp, and complained to Wu Hao and the others.

Ha ha ha ha…

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's complaints, Wu Hao, Lin Wei and others all laughed.

Lin Wei smiled at Zou Xiaodong: "Of course there is no comparison. These seafood are all fresh from the fish market. They are all fresh fish from the fishermen's sea. Of course, they are not the stagnant water raised in captivity in Anxi. Inventory is comparable."

Sister Wei, I heard that you have bought several properties here. Let me visit sometime. If it is all right, I will also buy one here. At that time, I will bring my girlfriend over for vacation, eat seafood, and enjoy the sea breeze. Zou Xiaodong responded with a smile, suddenly thought of something, and then said to Lin Wei.

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, Lin Wei replied with a smile: "No problem, I'll send you the address later, and you can just go directly. The rooms are reserved for you, you can live as you like.

But that is to say, if you are really interested, you can buy a set or two here. Anyway, real estate is unlikely to depreciate too quickly, so it should be regarded as financial management.

It's also good to come to the South China Sea to play from time to time. "

After Lin Wei finished speaking, Wu Hao, who was sitting next to Lin Wei, smiled at Zou Xiaodong and said, "Then you'd better hurry up, we plan to bring our family over for a vacation in autumn or winter, and play for ten days. Then you If you are interested, you can bring your parents to play with you.

Moreover, the climate here is Yin people in four seasons, which is very suitable for winter. In winter, let parents come over to survive the winter, which is also good for their health and avoids various diseases. "

There is an old saying that winter is hard, and it refers to the elderly. Many elderly people have various problems because the weather is too cold in winter. For example, if you catch a cold, especially the elderly are weak and have poor resistance. Once you get a cold, you are easy to catch a cold.

Colds in the elderly are usually very troublesome and can easily cause complications such as pneumonia. Especially for some elderly people with underlying diseases, it is even more difficult in winter. UU Reading In addition, winter is also a period of high incidence of stroke, especially in cold regions such as the Northeast, where the probability of stroke increases greatly. This is also the reason why people in the Northeast are keen to go to the South China Sea to survive the winter. The South China Sea is about to join the four Northeast provinces, not because they complain about it on the Internet.

Wu Hao also persuaded his father and stepmother more than once to come to the South China Sea to spend the winter in winter, but the old couple didn't want to.

I hope that taking them to the South China Sea for vacation this year can change their attitude.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zou Xiaodong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take a look around these two days. Sister Wei, send me the contact information of the real estate agent I introduced you."

No problem, I'll send it to you later. Lin Wei responded readily.

Zou Xiaodong nodded, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "Then I won't go back with you this time, and stay here in the South China Sea for a few days. I finally came here once, so I can't help but let me play for a few days."

You can take it easy for me, don't make any fancy news, it will be difficult to collect. Wu Hao was a little confused when he heard the words.

Don't worry, you don't know me yet. Walk among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf sticks to your body, you are guaranteed to be fine. Zou Xiaodong said confidently.

Seeing Zou Xiaodong's appearance, Lin Wei couldn't help complaining: "I think you are pure scum, that girl is pretty good, but after a few days, she blows up again. And every time she said true love, every time she said The last one, can you still believe your words?"

I can't help it either. Zou Xiaodong spread his hands and showed a helpless expression, "I'm not Haozi, so I was lucky enough to meet you. I haven't met anyone who can make me give up. Maybe it's because of fate."

Vomit... Lin Wei made a look of vomiting, obviously sniffing at Zou Xiaodong's words and would not believe it.

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