Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2571: military exploits

Half of you are also included in the Military Technology Chapter 2571.

Okay, okay, prospective daughter-in-law, prospective daughter-in-law, fiancee, let's go.

Wu Hao dodged and explained again and again, and Lin Wei stopped patting.

Seeing this, Wu Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead in a sheepskin, and then said to everyone in the audience: "I don't know how your family status is at home. Anyway, I don't have any family status at home. My wife ranks first. The dog at home is second, and I am third!"

Ha ha ha ha…

Everyone in the audience burst into laughter.

Wu Hao continued with a smile, "Of course, it's not about fear of guilt, it's about caring for my wife. I believe everyone here is like this.

Many of our employees, especially scientific researchers, work very hard. They often cannot go home for half a year or even more than half a year for some projects and tasks. After going out for a few months, I believe that there are many people who have been separated from the two places for a long time.

No way, because of the particularity of the aerospace project, some work must be carried out in various places. Some jobs require going to the sparsely populated Gobi Desert, or the seaside at the southern tip of the motherland.

Therefore, it is also because of this that our employees get together less with everyone and leave more. I even heard that some wives were not at home after giving birth, and when they returned, the children were several months old.

What's more, after the wedding, the two places live apart, and life is very hard.

Some family members even fell ill and were hospitalized, and they did not take care of them at home. Hearing this series of facts, my eyes are red.

I am not a hard-hearted capitalist, but a young man of flesh and blood. I also have a family, and I also have parents. So I can understand this feeling, and I feel owed to everyone in my heart.

Yes, just feeling indebted to everyone. This is not hypocrisy, but a real feeling. So, I also try my best to do something for you.

For example, increase the salaries and benefits of these long-term workers, so that they can all earn something. Another example is to reimburse those who have been working outside for a long time and cannot return home, and try to let them go home once a month for a reunion, or arrange a special flight for pick-up and drop-off.

For everyone, I also urge relevant departments to take extra care, such as setting up a mutual assistance community for employees' families to provide you with some convenience within their ability.

For example, if someone's water pipe is broken, someone's electrical box is tripped, someone's house is broken into by a thief, etc., we will arrange a special person to be responsible for the docking.

In this family mutual aid community, many touching things have also happened. For example, we have a family member whose wife is in labor, but this employee is at the Northwest Space Launch Center, performing an important launch mission, and cannot come back.

The family members of some of our other employees learned about the wife of this family member, and immediately provided help, and sent her to the hospital in advance to wait for delivery, and even arranged shifts to take care of her.

There was also a family member whose grandfather had a cerebral infarction, and the family member asked for help urgently, and a dozen cars came quickly, all of which were spontaneously rushed by us, the family members of the employees. Finally, thanks to everyone's efforts, the family's grandfather was sent to the hospital in time. After timely rescue, he was out of danger and slowly recovering.

There are too many such examples, so I won't list them all here. What I want to say is that it is the selfless help of everyone that makes our family mutual aid community so beautiful.

I also visit our community from time to time, and I see a lot of interesting posts, there are children posting there asking for help to solve problems, and some family members are sharing delicious food there. There are also family members who invite them to go fishing there.

Everyone is very kind, and there are no disputes like those on the forums outside. This makes me very relieved and I like this atmosphere very much.

I even tell you a little secret, my wife and I are both loyal users of our employee family mutual aid community, and my wife is the secretary-general of our employee family mutual aid community.

The two of us have learned a lot of life tips from the community, including the cooking methods of many delicacies. "


The family members of the employees in the audience all smiled knowingly. It is true that the good atmosphere of the family mutual assistance community also makes everyone like to share their daily life on it. Among them, many family members with good cooking skills shared food and food cooking tutorials, and many people followed to learn and communicate. Unexpectedly, Wu Hao revealed today that he and his wife are also loyal users and fan students, which made everyone feel warm and closer to them while smiling knowingly.

Wu Hao stopped and waited for everyone's laughter to fade away, and then continued: "Thank you, thank you for your support and understanding. Without your support and understanding, your family, our employees would not be able to work in their respective positions. It is even more impossible for the higher-ups to work with peace of mind and achieve such excellent results time and time again.

Therefore, among the series of outstanding achievements that we Haoyu Aerospace has achieved today, this is certainly the result of the joint efforts of all our Haoyu Aerospace employees, but it is also inseparable from the silent support, understanding, and patience of all of you behind the scenes.

It can be said that this golden military medal has half of them, and UU reading also has half of yours.

In order to thank everyone for their dedication and contribution, we specially designed and produced a medal to reward those employees and their families who have made beneficial contributions in their respective positions.

We will announce the evaluation and awarding method of this medal later in the company's internal mail and the community. What I want to say is that it is only a matter of time before everyone here has the opportunity to receive such a medal. The first batch of employees and family members who won the medals are basically the initial technical team of Haoyu Aerospace and the subsequent employees who have made outstanding achievements in various projects.

In addition, this medal will also be awarded to the family members of the employees who have made outstanding contributions in the mutual support community of the employees' families. "

After a burst of applause and cheers, Wu Hao watched the audience continue to preach.

Before, we met a spouse of an employee who took her daughter to visit the Linghu headquarters park of Haoyu Technology. Her daughter’s words touched me, asking him what his father does and why he doesn’t play with her.

To be honest, I was really embarrassed because I really didn't know how to answer this question. It's easy to explain clearly, but the problem is how to explain her father's work to this cute little girl, instead of leaving a bad impression on her, as if I snatched her father away, so that his father can't stay with her at home.

That's why I came up with this idea, hoping to organize everyone, and then come to the South China Sea to play and watch the rocket launch together. I also hope that everyone can proudly announce to their daughters, parents, and relatives by pointing to the soaring launch vehicle when the rocket is launched.

Look, this is what my dad, my mom, my husband, my wife, my son, my daughter, my grandparents are doing, this is what they're doing, and this is what they're doing!

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