Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2540: The Story of Yang Dongdong (1)

Yang Dongdong, a very ordinary urban white-collar worker, is ordinary and vulgar. There are millions of ordinary people like him in the city of Anxi.

Somewhat lucky, after seven or eight years of struggle in Anxi, he finally bought a small house of 10 square meters with a loan, married a female white-collar worker who was also struggling in Anxi, and soon had a own children.

It's a girl, very cute. The couple liked it very much, but the child was born with a problem, that is, he suffered from congenital heart disease. Although it was discovered in time and surgery was performed. However, as the child grew up day by day, the heart problem appeared again.

Originally, the couple planned to have another child, but based on the current situation of their child and the huge economic pressure brought about by life and medical treatment, this made them discouraged, and they could only devote all their thoughts to loving this daughter among.

Since Haoyu Technology has built a series of smart infrastructure service facilities in Anxi, Yang Dongdong and his family have also been important beneficiaries like many Anxi residents.

Yang Dongdong and his wife are usually busy at work and have a fast pace of life. On weekdays, they basically send their children to school early in the morning, and then rush to work in the company. On rest days, the husband and wife who have been busy for a week are either working overtime or crazily catching up on sleep.

This also leads to their housework, which has been left undone. They are not like the kind of wealthy families who can afford a nanny. So these things are usually done at night after the husband and wife come back from get off work. The two of them were really tired after going to work for a day and a half, but they still fought back their sleepiness to clean up the house. As a result, they overslept several times in the morning and were late for work. Not only fines, but also deducted performance bonuses.

If it's just the two of them, the house will be messed up if it's messy, at worst, we'll clean it up on the weekend.

But they have their daughters at home. Because of heart disease, their daughters have been weak since childhood, which also led to their daughters being replaced by Xiaochuan. If the home is not kept clean and there is dust, it is easy to cause the daughter to suffer from asthma and heart disease.

So every night, no matter how tired they are, the husband and wife will clean the house thoroughly, and will not go to bed until it is spotless.

Later, because the two couldn't hold on anymore, they gritted their teeth and bought a smart home service robot from Haoyu Technology. Although it is more expensive, since her smart home service robot arrived at their home, it has greatly reduced their work.

No matter when they come home, the house is cleaned spotlessly clean, all items are neatly arranged, the table including the dead corners are cleaned very clean, the dirty clothes in the laundry basket are always cleaned very clean and neatly ironed Put it in the closet. In addition, this smart home service robot can also complete a series of other tasks, such as playing with children, tutoring children with homework and so on.

So this smart home service robot gradually integrated into their home and became an important member of their home. Even now, their husband and wife, including their children, are very dependent on this robot, and this smart home service robot is also faithfully performing its tasks.

However, recently, Yang Dongdong has encountered bad things, and one after another, it annoys him unbearably.

First of all, the important member of the family, the smart home service robot, which was working well, suddenly broke down. The reason for the failure may be that the home was flooded last time, which caused the robot to enter water. I thought it would be fine after drying it, but I didn't expect it to be a malfunction in the end.

This also caused the family work to be piled on the shoulders of the husband and wife again. How could the husband and wife who are used to a relaxed life adapt to the hard life before? After two days of work, the husband and wife quarreled Several.

So Yang Dongdong very much hopes to repair this smart home service robot, so as to liberate their husband and wife. However, because the robot's internal integrated circuits were burned due to water entering the house last time, there is only one way to fix it, which is to replace the entire motherboard.

For any machine, the motherboard is very important, from small mobile phones to some large equipment. Because of this, the price of the motherboard is relatively expensive, and the overall repair will cost more than 10,000 yuan.

This is not a small amount of money for Yang Dongdong and the others, it may be equivalent to his monthly salary. So they also gave up the idea of ​​paying for repairs by themselves, and instead started to claim compensation from the neighbors who leaked upstairs.

But this kind of thing is usually very difficult to deal with, so for this matter, they quarreled with the upstairs neighbor several times. Especially when they heard that such a smart home service robot cost more than 10,000 yuan to repair, the upstairs neighbors immediately became reluctant.

If the coordination between the property and the community police station is not good, Xu Dongdong and the others can only find the court. However, there are too many trivial neighborhood disputes like this in the court, and there is a need to queue up, so this matter has been dragging on.

The court mediated once a few days ago, but to no avail. Because at the mediation meeting, the female neighbor upstairs played a rogue directly at the mediation meeting, which led to the end of the mediation meeting.

Originally, the couple planned to spend their own money to repair this smart home service robot and use it first, and save the But considering the difficult nature of the neighbors upstairs, they can only Leave it alone.

So in these days, Xu Dongdong and his husband and wife have to get up early and stay late. While busy with work, they also have to strengthen the family.

The terrible thing is that my company happened to have an important project in the past few days, and he was an important participant. He was not rich in time, so he could only deal with it on both sides, which also made him sleep only three or four times a day. Hour.

Three or four hours may last a day or two, but if things go on like this, Xu Dongdong can't take it anymore, and the premise is that he fell directly in the toilet. Went to the hospital to see, severe lack of sleep, malnutrition, and multiple chronic diseases. If it goes on like this, it will be really fatal.

As for their daughter, they happened to be participating in a competition organized by the city these few days. My daughter attaches great importance to this competition and is very active. For this daughter who has been very sensible since she was a child, they also want to fulfill their daughter's wish, so the couple discussed to help their daughter participate in this competition and strive to get a noun.

Because he is busy with work, his wife is always here to accompany him to rehearsals and prepare for competitions these days. So now he has a new errand every day, which is to drive to the activity center for his wife and children after get off work.

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