Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2529: If the tiger doesn't show its power, we really think we are Tom

The summer in Anxi is always very sudden. After a heavy rain, the weather becomes hotter and hotter. Everyone scrambled to take off their spring clothes and put on summer clothes.

The same is true for Wu Hao, who also changed into summer clothes. In fact, his dress is relatively simple, just a short sleeve, paired with a pair of casual pants, and a pair of more comfortable casual shoes.

Unless it is a very formal occasion, the person in charge will not wear formal leather shoes. Because he feels restrained and not free enough, which may also have a lot to do with his personality.

When they came to the company, most of the employees also put on summer clothes. Only a few people are still wearing spring clothes.

The employees in the company also dress casually, and the company doesn't have too many complicated requirements in this regard, just being generous and decent. Of course, some things will also be banned, such as flip-flops that boys like to wear, and tight shorts and miniskirts that girls like to wear. It's okay to express your personality, but not too much.

Although freedom is advocated within the company, there is no absolute freedom, and freedom without system guarantees is not real freedom.

The spring flowers in the park have withered, leaving only a piece of greenery. The trees planted at the beginning have now fully grown, making the entire park look like a forest.

There was nothing to do this morning, which made it rare for Wu Hao to have leisure time. Originally, he would definitely go to the laboratory at this time, but not today.

Instead, he came to the park and found a place to enjoy the scene while drinking tea.

It didn't take long for Zhang Jun and Yang Fan to arrive. They glanced at Chen Ke'er who was kneeling at the table making tea with some differences, then looked at Wu Hao and laughed and joked.

I said, why do you have the leisure and elegance to drink tea and enjoy the scenery here today? After speaking, Zhang Jun and Yang Fan also walked up to Wu Hao and sat down. Chen Ke'er immediately poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

Try it, the new tea that just arrived is rare. Wu Hao greeted the two with a smile.

What's so good about this tea. Even so, Zhang Jun took a sip from the teacup, closed his eyes and thought about it, and then said: "It is different from ordinary tea, it has a fragrance."

Hehehe, know the goods. Wu Hao said with a smile when he heard the words.

As for Zhang Jun, he looked at him and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, talk about what we are doing together."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, just relax with the two of you, drink tea, enjoy the scenery, and live a leisurely life."

"You...I still have a lot of things to do. If you have nothing to do, I won't accompany you." Zhang Jun couldn't help being annoyed, and he stood up and said.

Sit down, it's not too late. Wu Hao comforted with a smile.

Zhang Jun heard Wu Hao's words, and then sat down and looked at him again.

Wu Hao ignored this guy, but looked at Yang Fan: "What about you, how is this super dad doing?"

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Yang Fan couldn't help but smiled wryly: "It's good, it's not as embarrassing as it was at the beginning."

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun immediately burst into laughter. When Yang Fan left his own child, he was officially promoted to super dad. But the job of this baby daddy is not so easy.

Especially when it came to greeting the children, it really made him very embarrassed. Changing the baby's diapers, cleaning up the baby's poop, especially the crying of the baby at night, all these tasks were all his work, which made him very embarrassed for a while, and he was depressed every day, with two dark circles under his eyes. long shifts.

It seems to be okay for a while, and I should have gotten used to it.

Why not let the child's grandparents or grandparents help take care of it. Wu Hao asked with a smile.

My parents take care of my grandma in my hometown. My grandma is not in good health this year, so the two of them have been there all the time, and I can't take care of it. As for my father-in-law and mother-in-law, my father-in-law is busy with work, and my mother-in-law has come to take care of me for a while, and I have just returned. Yang Fan complained to the two of them.

Then hire a nanny? It's such a simple thing. Zhang Jun couldn't help saying.

Zhou Xi refused, and she didn't know where she saw it, saying that the nanny abused the child, so she was determined not to hire a nanny. Yang Fan said helplessly with a mournful face.

Ha ha ha ha…

Hearing Yang Fan's complaint, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun laughed again.

Seeing the two laughing happily, Yang Fan was not annoyed, but continued to say to the two: "It's much better now, I've learned those skills and learned a lot, so I'm proficient in taking care of them. When will the child drink?" I know when to pee, when to poop, and when to poop. As long as I manage these well, it will be much easier.

You know, the moment I saw the child smiling, I felt that all the embarrassment and hard work before were worthwhile. Blood and family affection are really amazing things. "

Speaking of this, Yang Fan looked at the two and joked: "You two don't have children yet, so you must not realize this."

Look, this kid is starting to get flustered. Zhang Jun tilted his head and said to Wu Hao.


Wu Hao smiled, and then said to Yang Fan: "If that's the case, you should get on the right track as soon as possible in terms of work, and there are still a lot of things waiting for you."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Yang Fan immediately put away his smile, nodded seriously and said: "Don't worry, I have already started to deal with those matters that were delayed before, and I will finish it soon."

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Wu Hao nodded, then looked at him and said: "Our company is a scientific research and innovation company, so your scientific research department is actually under a lot of pressure. Only when you make achievements, can we expand Using them to create value is the foundation of our company."

Speaking of this, UU Reading Wu Hao turned his head to look at Zhang Jun and said: "I heard that several headhunting companies have been very active recently, and they have begun to privately contact some important scientific research talents and experts of our company, poaching, Make small moves."

Seeing Wu Hao's question, Zhang Jun also put away his smile, and replied with a serious face: "There is such a thing, there are several headhunting companies who have recruited our company's employees, and have poached many excellent talents.

The price offered by the other party is very attractive. Some key positions and some important talents directly offer twice as much as ours, which is completely beyond the law of the market and very unreasonable.

Rather than saying that they are competing for these outstanding talents, it is better to say that they are using the relevant technologies mastered by these talents. To put it bluntly, there are still people who have taken a fancy to our related technologies and hit us with crooked brains. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun showed a murderous look and said: "I have already made people prepare to deal with it, this time not only to make these unscrupulous headhunting companies look good, but also to make the masters behind them look good.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, it really thinks we are Tom. "

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