Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2518: Huge and rich 'Battlefield Sweeper' family

Speaking of this, Zhou Yonghui hooked his hands at the staff over there. The staff over there understood, and immediately carried a few black plastic boxes to the open space in front of everyone, and opened them immediately.


When the box was opened, the scene immediately caused a burst of amazement.

Zhou Yonghui introduced to everyone with a smile: "Although our 'Battlefield Sweeper' suicide attack drone is good enough, it still has some shortcomings, such as its size and weight limitations, and its battery life. And the time is relatively limited, it can only be used for reconnaissance and attack within five kilometers, and the cruising time of 25 minutes in the air. It is also limited by its size and weight, and the amount of charge in its warhead is relatively small , which also greatly limits its power, so it can only be used to attack some personnel, small positions and other targets.

Facing large targets, or targets with relatively strong protection, it will be a bit difficult.

Therefore, in response to this situation, we have specially developed "Battlefield Sweeper" suicide attack drones of different sizes and different powers.

For example, this 10-kilogram "Battlefield Sweeper" suicide attack drone can last up to 10 kilometers and stay in the air for about 50 minutes, which is three times more powerful than the previous drone.

Use it to deal with some light armored targets, or some protective fortifications, and it can have a very good damage effect. The important thing is that this ten-kilogram-level "Battlefield Sweeper" suicide attack drone can still be carried by a single soldier, and its carrying quantity is also very impressive. A two-person combat team can carry up to eight of these ten-kilogram-level 'Battlefield Sweeper' suicide attack drones.

This one here is larger and longer than the 20kg-class 'Battlefield Sweeper' suicide attack drone. It can still be carried by a single soldier, and its cruising range has increased from ten kilometers to twenty-five kilometers. , The battery life has also increased to about one hour, and its power is three times that of the ten kilograms level.

It can be used for some daily precision strike missions, and its cost is very low, only one-third of the same level of precision-guided munitions.

As for the models here, they are medium-sized 'battlefield sweepers' suicide attack drones of the 50kg class. The anti-fragmentation model for type positions, the armor-piercing model for heavy armor targets and fortifications, and finally the ground-penetrating model for underground bunker fortifications.

This medium-sized "Battlefield Sweeper" suicide attack drone in the 50 kg class can fly a distance of 120 kilometers to 150 kilometers. The endurance time in the air can reach two and a half hours to which hour or so.

As for the power, I don't need to talk about it, but everyone can judge its power from the weight and volume. "

After glancing at everyone, Zhou Yonghui continued: "Except for the previous 'Battlefield Sweeper' suicide attack drones that can be carried by a single soldier, the latter ones can all be launched through multiple platforms. That is to say , They can be launched by individual soldiers, can also be launched by vehicles, and can also be hung on fighter planes to launch in the air, attacking beyond visual range.

In addition, these drones are highly anti-jamming, so they will be immune to some jamming equipment of the enemy, which also means that they can also be used in more complex combat environments.

At the same time, because it is a family of drones, they can actually communicate with each other, and they can also realize cluster combat missions of different models.

It is even possible to independently select the corresponding model to launch an attack according to different targets. Of course, how to use and how to match it depends on how you choose.

It is very flexible to use, no matter how it is used. And even if it is used on a large scale, you don't have to worry about it, because it is cheap enough compared to other ammunition. "

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yonghui took a special look at Yevgeny. His last words were for Yevgeny.

Sure enough, Yevgeny also had a smile on his face when he heard Zhou Yonghui's words. This should be the best news he has heard. As the person in charge of this negotiation, he was under a lot of pressure.

On the one hand, of course, it is because of the pressure from the military, especially the frontline troops represented by Leonid, and on the other hand, it is the pressure from the logistics support department.

There is no way, the funds are limited, and this is not a family that does not know how expensive it is. With such limited funds, he naturally wanted to deduct every penny.

In fact, the performance of these drones has already conquered him. What he is thinking about now is how to cut down the prices of these drones. It is best to be able to obtain relevant technical authorizations and build factories in the country for production. This is the best.

Dear Ms. Zhang, you have opened my eyes to the power of these drones, I think we should talk about the contract of these drones now.

Yevgeny glanced at Zhou Yonghui, but still locked his target on Zhang Xiaolei who looked younger. In his opinion, Zhang Xiaolei, who looks very young and beautiful, is obviously easier to conquer than Zhou Yonghui, who ignited the wind.

Of course, my General Yevgeny, I am all ears. Zhang Xiaolei, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately showed a bright smile and said enthusiastically.

"This way, please." Yevgeny made a gesture of invitation, and UU Reading immediately took Zhang Xiaolei, a translator and a few entourages, left the crowd, and began to walk on the grass next to it .

It is spring in Siberia at this moment, and the entire grassland has regained its green vitality. In addition, there are large patches of purple, red, and white jokes on the grassland, decorating the entire grassland.

We like this batch of weapons and equipment very much. I don't know when you will be able to supply them. Our soldiers on the front line are bleeding. We hope to use them as soon as possible to end this **** war. Yevgeny didn't exchange too many greetings, and went straight to the topic and asked.

Hearing that Yevgeny got straight to the point, Zhang Xiaolei said with a smile: "Of course, I sympathize with and admire your **** soldiers fighting on the front line. We also hope that these weapons and equipment can be delivered to the front line battlefield as soon as possible to end this war." A war that's been around long enough.

But, my dear General Yevgeny, we have not signed a contract yet. Reach an agreement and sign a contract as soon as possible, and these high-performance weapons and equipment can arrive at the front line one day earlier and be handed over to your soldiers.

With all due respect, we are wasting every minute and every second, wasting the lives of frontline soldiers. "

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