Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2514: Foreign trade version theater information monitoring system

At a weapons testing site in Siberia, it was spring in Siberia at the moment, and the ground that had been refrigerated for the whole winter began to thaw, and the whole soil looked wet, and the car drove out deep ruts.

In order to avoid being noticed, Zhang Xiaolei and Zhou Yonghui also put on typical wool-style camouflage and blended into the crowd. If you don't look closely, you really can't find anything special.

Today is the day of testing these weapons and equipment, so many people are attracted. In addition to Yevgeny and Leonid, there are many military officers and some military scientific research experts.

Some of these people came here specially after hearing the news, and wanted to see the performance of these advanced weapons and equipment. There are also some experts specially invited by Yevgeny and Leonid to endorse the experimental results of these weapons and equipment to demonstrate their authority. Of course, I also want to hear more real and objective evaluations from my own experts, which will help them make decisions later.

This batch of weapons and equipment came along with their testers. After all, these weapons and equipment cannot be directly handed over to the opponent for use. Therefore, the entire experimental process was controlled by their people and the soldiers of the other party, which was also to test the authenticity of these weapons and equipment.

Seeing everyone coming, a technician wearing a uniform jacket made an ok gesture to them, signaling that everything was ready.

Seeing this, Zhou Yonghui nodded and said, "Then let's start."

Alright, all units pay attention, turn on the battlefield surveillance system! After hearing the order, the staff member held his own microphone and said.

Following the order, the screen wall composed of more than a dozen large screens lit up in front of everyone. At the same time, several drones also lit up one after another and flew into the air.

On the big screen, several small all-terrain robots were also activated, and under the supervision of the intelligent sentinel system, they sailed into the distance. At the same time, in the field of vision of these small all-terrain robots, these intelligent sentinel systems placed in various places in the test field were also seen.

For Zhang Xiaolei and the others, they have already seen these things. Even Zhang Xiaolei, who had never been involved in the augmentation field before, had already learned about this field before coming here, so she didn't show much curiosity.

But for Yevgeny and Leonid, just this initial scene made all the people present exclaim. They never thought that just one live ammunition test would produce so many tricks, which is really an eye-opener.

Looking at the shocked crowd, Zhou Yonghui immediately introduced with a smile: "The one in front of you is our theater information surveillance system, which mainly consists of aerial surveillance drones scattered in the air and intelligent patrol surveillance unmanned vehicles on the ground. , the intelligent sentinel system, the intelligent patrol advanced unmanned boat on the surface, the intelligent warning sensor under the water, and our main control system.

Through the main control system plus the above-mentioned varying numbers of patrolling and monitoring equipment, real-time control over the information in the entire huge area can be realized, so as to obtain timely news dynamics in the entire area.

It can be said that if there is a slight disturbance in the entire theater, we can gain control through this system. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Yonghui glanced at Yevgeny and Leonid, and then continued to speak with a smile: "I believe that everyone has heard or seen similar battlefield surveillance systems, but our system is different from traditional ones. Systems are very different.

Its biggest difference lies in the diversity of battlefield information monitoring channels, whether it is from the air, land, or surface and underwater, there are our related monitors and sensors. In this way, no matter where the enemy enters the surveillance area, they cannot escape our surveillance.

Second, it is most different from traditional battlefield surveillance systems, and it is also related to its powerful data information integration capabilities. Through this system, we can integrate all the information distributed across the battlefield and display it on these dozens of screens, so that the commander can understand the dynamic information on the battlefield in a timely and clear manner.

Third, the biggest difference between this system and the traditional battlefield surveillance system is its intelligence. We have added intelligent image recognition technology to this system, so that our system can easily identify any troubles in these battlefields.

It can filter out some interference factors very accurately, so as to quickly and accurately identify the enemy's activities in this area, whether it is personnel or some weapons and equipment, such as vehicles, tanks, aircraft, drones, and unmanned boats can be accurately identified.

And it will also track these personnel and weapons and equipment in real time, fully understand their dynamic information, and mark their latitude and longitude in real time.

This also means that as long as we need, we can send combat troops, fighter planes, or drones to attack these enemies who have invaded this area at any time.

Secondly, this system has another major advantage over other systems, that is, it is simple, light, and easy to arrange. Just like now, in such a field, this system can also be built at any time, which is simple and fast. Transfers can be made at any time if needed. And everyone has seen these sensor monitors, except for the fixed smart sentinel system, they can all move autonomously. This also means that UU Reading can control these patrols to move without going deep into the war zone.

Finally, the biggest advantage of this system can also be bridged with other systems to achieve seamless connection. For example, with our unmanned attack aircraft system, or intelligent air defense system and so on.

When the theater information surveillance system finds an active local target in the theater, it will contact the connected combat units according to the type of the target. For example, if fighter planes, helicopters, and drones are found to attack at low altitude and want to cross this monitoring area to attack us, the theater information monitoring system will immediately transmit the information to the air defense force. The troops were ready for interception in time.

In addition, if necessary, the information will also be transmitted to each combat unit synchronously, so that they can conceal in advance to prevent casualties and losses caused by the enemy's surprise attack.

And if ground combat units are dispatched locally, such as ground combat personnel, combat vehicles, and tanks, then if necessary, the theater information insight system will directly connect to attack drones to strike these targets.

It doesn't even require human intervention, it's all done autonomously by the system. "

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