Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2508: Queen of Arms

But, but I don't understand anything, I'm afraid I can't do well. After listening to Wu Hao's words, Zhang Xiaolei struggled for a while, and then said weakly to Wu Hao, like a child who did something wrong.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "If you don't understand, can you learn? I will leave you enough time to get in touch and learn. In fact, it is very similar to your current job. It is still in charge of operations. There is no difference. Both are Goods."

Can this be the same? One is a digital product and the other is a weapon. How could it be the same? When Zhang Xiaolei heard Wu Hao's words, she couldn't help complaining in her heart, but these complaints must not be shown.

Wu Hao glanced at the silent Zhang Xiaolei, and then continued: "As for the ability, don't worry, we have confidence in you.

Furthermore, these factors, while important, are not the most important. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Xiaolei and said seriously: "The most important thing is loyalty and trust. This position is relatively sensitive and very important, so we need to find someone we can trust to take responsibility for this mess. You Do you understand what I mean?"

After listening to Wu Hao's words, Zhang Xiaolei looked at him immediately, and understood everything in her heart. Indeed, the military industry, as the company's supporting industry, has always been in charge of Wu Hao himself. Now because his personal energy is limited, he has to find a suitable person to take charge of this mess.

Other aspects of this person are also important, but the most important thing is that he must be loyal, reliable, and trustworthy, so that Wu Hao can hand over this mess to the other party.

And among the group of people trusted by Wu Hao, everyone has made achievements in their respective fields, and is responsible for a lot of things, so they can't get away. Even Shen Ning, the former celebrity around Wu Hao, is also in charge of Haoyu's agricultural affairs.

So after some consideration, she stood out from the candidates and re-entered Wu Hao's field of vision. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaolei couldn't help being a little moved. It seemed that the boss still had himself in his heart and was willing to believe in himself, so he entrusted her with such an important position.


Seeing Zhang Xiaolei's appearance, Wu Hao was relieved, but he still shook his head slightly and said, "Don't rush to answer, just listen to me first.

First of all, I would like to congratulate you. Once you accept this job, you will be the top executive of Rongsheng Company, on an equal footing with other subsidiaries and project leaders, and you will also have a certain dry stock dividend incentive.

Regardless of your position or income, it will be several levels higher than it is now. Even among all the industries under the company, you rank among the best.

In addition, the military industry, as an important pillar industry of the company, is also one of the most influential businesses of the company, and its every move has attracted worldwide attention.

If you assume this position, you will naturally attract the attention of everyone, become the star in everyone's hearts, and the focus of talking, and the influence will naturally be huge.

Even some countries and some regions have to act according to your face and please you. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Xiaolei, then changed his tone and said: "Of course, if you want to get these, you have to pay something accordingly.

For example, from the moment you accept this position, your every move will attract attention, not only from us, but also from relevant departments, units, and even overseas.

And because of this special location, your personal safety may not be as safe as before. Because of various problems, there will be people who hate you, fear you, and even target you.

Of course, we will also send special security personnel to protect you, and you will also become one of the special security personnel in the company besides us.

In addition, all your future trips need to be reported in advance, whether domestic or international. Also because of your position, if you want to go abroad, you need to report and approve in advance, and you need to go through some procedures.

In addition, you also need to sign a series of related confidentiality regulations and restrictions. For example, within a few years, you cannot go abroad personally, and your family members will also be restricted from going abroad.

Even if you are in a relationship, you need to make a report. We need to review the identity of the other party, so as to prevent people with ulterior motives from approaching you and using you. "

Looking at Zhang Xiaolei with a solemn face, Wu Hao joked with a smile: "Of course, this is also a bit delicious for you, for example, it can avoid the chance of encountering scumbags to the greatest extent, so as not to be cheated. "

Hehehe... Hearing Wu Hao's joke, Zhang Xiaolei couldn't help laughing bitterly. This is indeed a small benefit.

Seeing Zhang Xiaolei smile wryly, Wu Hao smiled and continued: "Besides these, you also need to keep a low profile, whether it's at work or in life.

You may achieve many brilliant achievements in this position in the future, but it is impossible to publicly remove these things, and it is impossible to publicly commend them to you. The relevant public honor awards will not be with you.

So, whether you can accept all this, I need you to think carefully and give me the answer. "

After listening to Wu Hao's words, Zhang Xiaolei became silent. Wu Hao didn't urge her, but turned around and looked at the red mountains in the distance, leaving her enough time to think.

About ten minutes later, Wu Hao turned his head, looked at Zhang Xiaolei and said, "So do you have an answer now? Don't worry, this is just a conversation outside of work. No matter what choice you make, it won't matter." It will affect your current job and future development."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Xiaolei nodded, and then met Wu Hao's gaze with a firm expression: "Mr. Wu, I want to try!"

Oh, UU reading www.uukanshu. com does not consider it? Wu Hao asked with a smile on his lips.

Zhang Xiaolei shook her head: "No, I've already thought about it. This is indeed a huge challenge for me, but if you need it, I will do my best to do it well.

No matter what kind of difficulties I encounter, I will follow in your footsteps and move forward together. "

OK, I trust you. Wu Hao fixed Zhang Xiaolei's gaze and nodded, "Don't worry, I won't let you face all this alone, I'm here.

In this way, after you go back, sort out the work at hand first, and someone will go to hand over to you tomorrow. Give you a month to hand over the work at hand, and then start to invest in the new work.

It just so happens that we have a project, which is now in the charge of the Aviation Technology and UAV Research Institute. You can use this time to communicate with him more. After you complete the work handover, you will also participate in this project.

At the beginning, you don't need to be responsible, you just need to help you learn and adapt from the side. Adapt to the new identity as soon as possible, become a mature arms queen, and take responsibility for this mess. "

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