Military Technology

Vol 4 Chapter 2004: will


With the farewell of Chu Tianyou and others, Wu Hao took Shen Ning and the others away from the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology.

He saw what he should have seen, he said what he said, and he also beat those who should be beaten by the way, so there is no point in staying there anymore.

In general, this 'Gou Chen-class' intelligent combat robot still met his expectations and requirements, and even exceeded expectations in some aspects.

However, there are also many problems. Fortunately, this is only a prototype, and these problems need to be solved in subsequent prototypes. As for the manned intelligent combat armor, this is a task Wu Hao assigned to them, and it is also a direction to guide.

In fact, there is no question of who is more advanced between manned and unmanned types. It should be said that each has advantages and disadvantages, and each has its own advantages. In the future, troops or users can make targeted choices according to different tasks and different usage environments.

You can, but not without. As a military science and technology enterprise, Wu Hao's mission is to develop more advanced and excellent weapons and equipment for the military and the country, so as to build and consolidate national defense and protect national interests from being violated.

Although they are only a private military enterprise, they are also part of the entire military industry, and the relevant responsibilities and obligations must be fulfilled.

So far, Wu Hao's trip to the northwest has come to an end. He did not delay, and immediately boarded the special plane that had been prepared for a long time.

Although the airport was covered with snow and the visibility was a bit poor, the wind stopped anyway.

In the morning, the base management department began to clear snow on the airport runway, and now the entire runway has been cleared. As long as the visibility is suitable, the plane can take off at any time.

Although the special planes are all old pilots who have retired from the Air Force, they have the ability to fly blindly. But to be on the safe side, it is impossible to take this risk unless absolutely necessary.

So after boarding the special plane, the plane did not take off, but gliding to the runway, waiting for the latest notification from the meteorological department.

Seeing this, Wu Hao was not in a hurry. After getting on the plane, he took it out and took out a transparent folding tablet, unfolded it, and got busy working. Through the company's intelligent office system, he can work anytime, anywhere and handle various documents.

So although he came to the northwest side for a few days, the work on the company's side did not fall behind. Of course, some of the more important affairs are dealt with here, such as some daily affairs, which are shared by Zhang Jun and the others.

"Mr. Wu, the special plane can take off." A flight attendant walked over to Wu Hao and leaned over and said softly.

He was at work when he heard the words and looked up at the flight attendant's delicate face, then nodded with a smile, put away his transparent folding tablet and said, "Let's take off."

"Okay, please fasten your seat belt." Said, the flight attendant was about to lean over to help him fasten the seat belt, but he stopped him in time, because this action was too intimate. This also caused a disappointed look on the flight attendant's face and walked away lightly, and Shen Ning, who was sitting opposite him, couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

"I'm still laughing, and I don't know how to stop the fence." Wu Hao said angrily when he heard the words.

"Hehe, I don't want to disturb your good deeds." Shen Ning replied, then looked around, then put his head in front of Wu Hao and said softly: "Actually, you can relax occasionally, as long as you want, I think They will be happy to 'serve' you."

"Go, it's getting more and more outrageous, wait until you go back and see how your sister Wei takes care of you." Wu Hao said angrily.

"Oh, Sister Wei won't." Shen Ning replied with a smile.

Just as they were talking, the captain's announcement came from the cabin broadcast, and then the plane began to taxi on the runway. The speed is getting faster and faster, and one pulls up into the sky and flies into the distance.

When the plane reached the predetermined altitude and started cruising, the flight attendant just walked over with another flight attendant, and then handed the menu to Wu Hao and said softly, "Mr. Wu, for this flight, we are here for you. Northwest specialties and western food are prepared.

Among them, the northwestern delicacies include hand-shredded mutton, stewed yak meat with carrots, vinegared cabbage, pepper and hemp tofu, sheep soup, and the staple foods include rice, beef noodles, potato rubs, and mutton stewed noodles. For drinks, I have prepared local unique aged liquor and beer for you.

The western food prepares you charcoal-grilled cod with mushrooms, grilled beef tongue with broccoli, red soup, vegetable salad, and the main dishes are pasta and curry rice. Drinks include red wine, whiskey, and sake. "

After listening to the flight attendant's introduction, Wu Hao looked at the menu and thought about it, and then said, "Bring me a portion of beef stew with carrots, tofu with pepper and hemp, vegetable salad, lamb soup, a portion of roast beef tongue, and a potato rub. Small portion, and some curry rice."

"Okay, what do you want for drinks?" The stewardess asked Wu Hao immediately after recording it.

Wu Hao thought for a while, then said, "Just have a glass of wine."

After finishing speaking, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning and said, "Order what you want to eat."

"Haha, then I'm welcome." After saying that, Shen Ning began to point to himself. The same goes for the other people accompanying them, and they all start to order what they want to eat. This is also one of the benefits of following Wu Haolai, being able to take a business jet and taste the luxurious travel meals that are only available on business jets.

If it was Wu Hao himself, he might just take it easy, and he wouldn't be so extravagant. But he was surrounded by other people, and he couldn't ignore the feelings of others. He can be frugal at will, and he can be frugal, but just because he is frugal, he cannot force others to follow him to be frugal and frugal. In this regard, he rarely imposes his will on others, and respects everyone's personal wishes.

Of course, as a business leader and person in charge, whether he likes it or not, his will has always been there, and it has never ceased to influence many people.

Soon, these steaming meals were served by the stewardess, and Wu Hao ate them immediately.

These meals are actually specially ordered from the hotel, and then sent to the special plane for storage, and then reheated when they are eaten. And in order to avoid that the second heating will affect the taste of the food, these meals are half-cooked, so it is almost the same after the second heating. For some that have strict requirements on the temperature, there are special chefs on the plane to cook, which is not a treatment on ordinary flights.

As for Shen Ning, he took out his delicate transparent foldable mobile and took a picture of the food served by the flight attendant, and also put out a scissors hand.

Looking at Shen Ning's appearance as a little girl, Wu Hao laughed and joked, "If you let those fans and admirers see you outside, you will definitely be shocked."

Who let them see it, I just appreciate it myself. After finishing speaking, Shen Ning put away her delicate transparent folding mobile phone, picked up a piece of food with chopsticks, and ate it happily.

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