Military Technology

Vol 4 Chapter 2369: short-sighted mockery

【Military Technology】【】

it is good!

clap clap clap...

Immediately, there were enthusiastic cheers and applause from the scene. For these people, it was not easy for this experiment of this technology to be successful. Now everyone's hanging heart has finally landed, and everyone can no longer hold back the emotions in their hearts, and they are venting.

Not only on the rooftop, but also in the entire command and control center of the landing site, there was cheers, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations on the complete success of your second-stage rocket return landing experiment! Wu Hao turned around and held Yu Chengwu's hand to congratulate him.

Thank you Mr. Wu, the success of this experiment is inseparable from the strong support of you and the company. Yu Chengwu smiled politely.

Wu Hao glanced at him with a smile when he heard the words, and after shaking hands with several other people at the scene, he walked down the rooftop and came to the command and control management hall.

When everyone in the hall saw Wu Hao and the others come in again, they all applauded their mother.

Wu Hao greeted everyone with a smile, and clapped himself.

Arriving at the scene, Wu Hao smiled and stood in the front row of a group of chief teachers and the person in charge shook hands and greeted them. This is also a kind of tradition, and he cannot be exempted from it.

After shaking hands with everyone, Wu Hao was invited to speak on stage by everyone.

Facing the crowd looking at him in the audience, Wu Hao said hello with a smile, and began to organize language content in his mind at this time.

First of all, on behalf of myself and the company's board of directors, I would like to congratulate everyone on the successful launch, return, and landing experiment of the reusable core two-stage launch vehicle. While we don't yet know the final official results, from what I can see, this was a very successful experiment.

At least we have successfully sent this core two-stage rocket into space, and then returned it to land on the ground. Based on this alone, we have created many world and industry firsts and firsts, A remarkable miracle has been created.

The success of the reusable core two-stage carrier rocket launch, return, and landing experiment marks that we will become the world's largest enterprise to acquire and master the recovery and reuse technology of normal rockets. Very impressive achievements, walking in the forefront of the world and the industry.

Having said this, Wu Hao paused for a while, then looked at the audience and said in a relaxed tone: "A few years ago, when we announced that we would enter the aerospace field, we had received countless voices of doubt.

Domestic, foreign, out-of-industry, and in-industry abound. Everyone looks down on us, thinking that we are joking, or that we are slandered as a so-called capital misappropriation project.

Someone even sent a private message to attack me directly, saying that I don’t know how high the sky is, a young boy with such a little achievement, and two or three spare money dare to enter the field of aerospace technology, which is a high-tech field, and I don’t know my surname. . "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone at the scene chuckled lightly. This is not to laugh at Wu Hao, but to laugh at how short-sighted the person who attacked him was.

The swallow bird knows the ambition of Honghu.

What they think can't be done, others can't. Or they think that Chinese people are not good enough, that is, they are not as powerful as foreigners. The things of the foreigners are good, and they are all advanced.

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【Military Technology】【】

"Don't laugh, in fact, there are many such people, and some people persuaded me not to get involved in this industry, it is too expensive, and it has no economic benefits. Even if there is, I am afraid it will take a long time to be effective. Why not Invest in some industries with less investment, quick results, and profitable business.

Many of these persuasion people are netizens who don’t know each other on the Internet. They may really like me and don’t want to see me go astray, so they persuade me with persuasion, and I am moved by a lot of things.

There are also many friends I know, seniors in the industry, some leaders who care and support me, and some elders, including my relatives and friends around me. It can be said that this project should be said to be the most dissenting voice of all projects we have been involved in.

And really ready to enter this industry, when we started to implement, we did encounter all kinds of problems. One of the big problems is where do the talents come from. Today you are familiar with the technical giants in Haoyu Aerospace, including Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming who stood in front of everyone. , These people are all grass-stage teams formed by digging from various places. At first, these people didn't even have a decent office. We rented a factory for them in the suburbs as a work experiment site.

In this way, they carried out work and research in this field, and launched our first commercial launch vehicle in a very short time, which is known as Jianmu-1.

But even the launch of Jianmu No. 1 did not allow us to truly stand on the heels of the industry. Because at that time, there were still several outstanding private aerospace companies in the Everyone had their own launch vehicles.

And in terms of carrying capacity, our Jianmu-1 rocket is completely incomparable to other people's launch vehicles, and has no technical advantages. The advantage of being located is that our shipping prices are cheap.

Of course, on the one hand, our rocket costs are relatively cheap, on the other hand, we also want to make a breakthrough in the fierce market competition. So in the end, we decided to reduce the profit, or even not to make the profit, and let the market down first.

And after our research, we found that if we follow the footsteps of these companies to engage in launch vehicles, there will be no future. So we had to find another way, so we set our sights on reusable launch vehicles.

At that time, reusable rockets had the famous Falcon rocket abroad, and there were also small thrust reusable launch vehicles in China. If we want to stand out from them, then we must have our own technology and have an advantage over them.

Therefore, under the diligent public relations of the relevant technical project team, our Jianmu No. 2 core-stage reusable rocket was finally developed and successfully launched, which also gave us a firm foothold in the industry.

With this successful experience, we immediately decided to stop the development of one-off commercial launch vehicles and concentrate on the field of reusable launch vehicles. In my opinion, reusable launch vehicles that can be reused and greatly reduce the cost of delivery are the future development trend of the industry.

Therefore, with our great investment and the joint efforts of everyone, we have successively launched the bundled model of Jianmu 2, Jianmu 5, and the high-thrust medium-sized launch vehicle Jianmu 7, as well as the upcoming Jianmu 9. Heavy launch vehicle. "

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