Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2228: alone on the moon

The "Wangshu No. 2" intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle landed smoothly on the moon. This is just the beginning. Although it is said that it has gone through the most difficult initial stage, the next task is not easy.

To a certain extent, the tasks undertaken by the 'Wangshu No. 2' intelligent lunar surface detection experimental vehicle are more arduous than that of the 'Wangshu No. 1'.

As the "Wangshu No. 2" intelligent lunar surface detection experimental vehicle gradually began to unfold, the equipment on the vehicle began to work one after another. Soon, the high-definition compound lens on the erected mast sent back the first pictures of it on the moon.

This high-definition photo has a total of more than one GB, which belongs to a wide-angle photo. Through this black and white photo, I also saw the relevant picture information in the landing area for the first time.

The terrain of the entire landing area is very flat, it can be said to be an endless plain. There are sparse and sparse craters large and small on the plain. The large ones are hundreds of meters in diameter, and the small ones may be a few meters or tens of centimeters.

Of course, these are not the most attractive. The most intriguing nature photo is about three or four kilometers away on the far left of the stunning Rifi Mountains.

Because of the angle, only a small part of the entire Liffey Mountains was photographed, which made everyone very excited, and immediately began to adjust the camera angle, hoping to complete the shooting.

The second set of photos was taken soon, but it took time to transfer such a large photo.

This matter cannot be rushed, and everyone is very patiently watching the big screen, waiting for the pictures to come out.

It didn't take long for the second chapter photos to gradually appear on the big screen.

Finally, in this photo, they saw the Liffey Mountains running north-south. The edge of the entire Liffey Mountains should be said to be relatively steep, like a mountain range that suddenly rises above the plain, which is a bit abrupt.

The entire Liffey Mountains is not a natural uplifted natural mountain range on the moon, but a crater wall on the back edge of the Zhihai crater formed by a huge meteorite hitting the moon.

After the precipitation of history, the edge of the Zhihai crater has gradually become blurred and unclear. Only this Lifi Mountain Range still stands, telling everything about that year.

This photo is not bad, let’s render it and publish it. When Wu Hao saw this photo, he couldn't help smiling and said.

Okay, make arrangements now. Zhou Xiangming nodded and then ordered.

Soon, the photo was posted on social networks by the publicity department using several public platform accounts. The major media and some bloggers and V who have been closely watching their developments also reprinted and posted this photo to their own websites and accounts for the first time.

This also allows people on Earth to see what the mountains on the moon look like at such a close distance for the first time.

In fact, it seems that it is no different from the mountains on the earth, the biggest difference is the desolation. And what's even weirder is that on this mountain range, you can still see some large and small craters.

Seeing that the follow-up work was being carried out in an orderly manner, Wu Hao and the others also said goodbye and left here, not to disturb everyone's work.

Originally, Wu Hao planned to invite Zhou Xiangming and the others to have dinner together, but it looked like they might not have time for a while. So Wu Hao didn't bother, but asked the restaurant to help him prepare a sumptuous dinner to entertain these scientific research and technical personnel.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they didn't leave either. Today's event is worth celebrating, so after Zhang Jun's shout, a few people immediately came to a barbecue stall they often go to, ordered a few bottles of beer and started to celebrate.

Not to mention, in hot weather, drinking a cold beer is definitely a pleasure.

After drinking a drink, the hungry crowd immediately picked up the steaming mutton kebabs that the boss had just brought up in person.

Oh, finally I can get a good night's sleep. I've been worrying about this for the past few days. Zhang Jun said to a few people while licking the skewer.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Yang Fan also smiled and nodded: "When I was busy with the wedding these few days, I was also a little absent-minded, which made our family angry a few times."

How are the wedding preparations going? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Yang Fan smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's too difficult, getting married is really hard, I never knew that there were so many things to prepare. You will know when you experience it later, and I warn you, that is when preparing for the wedding. , don't refute your wife's aesthetic vision, this is a **** experience."

Saying that, Yang Fan raised the back of his hand. There were a few green nail prints and a few red marks on it. It seemed that it was Zhou Xi's handwriting.

Oh, not really. Zhang Jun also jumped when he saw this, and then shook his head: "I'm getting more and more scared now."

Haha, what are you afraid of, this will happen sooner or later. I think I want to understand, anyway, horizontal and vertical is a knife. Saying that, Yang Fan raised his glass and touched one with a few people, then took the lead and drank it all in one go.

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong looked at each other and started drinking. It can be seen clearly that the preparation of this wedding really made Yang Fan drink a pot.

Wu Hao looked at Yang Fan and said with a smile: "Originally, I planned to bring you guys to the next Zhou Haoyu Aerospace listing ceremony. Now it seems like it's okay, you can stay busy with these things at home. "

As for Wu Hao looked at Zou Xiaodong and said, "If he doesn't go, you can forget it. Stay at home and work on the project. We are all waiting."

Hey, hey, it's fine if he doesn't go to me, co-authoring with me is the extra head. Zou Xiaodong cried out in dissatisfaction.

Hahahaha... Wu Hao and the others all laughed when they saw this.

Zou Xiaodong only complained a few words. You can participate in this ceremony or not. Anyway, it doesn't mean much. It's nothing more than showing your face, enjoying the joy of beating the gong, and the satisfaction of being congratulated by everyone.

The job at hand does not allow him to leave and run for a ceremony. So after a few nagging words, I stopped talking.

"This time, the 'Wangshu No. 2' intelligent lunar surface detection experimental vehicle has landed smoothly. With this, I believe that after the launch of Haoyu Aerospace, we will definitely flourish." Zhang Jun said with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, the others also laughed. The higher the stock of Haoyu Aerospace goes up, the more funds they can raise, and the stock price in their hands is just before, so how can you be unhappy when you think of this.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "Not necessarily, it depends on whether the majority of shareholders have confidence in our aerospace business. There will definitely be no problem in a short time, but if the wind passes this gust, will it still be like this? understood."


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