Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2216: Brother's "Partial Money"

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Speaking of this, Wu Hao squinted at Yang Fan and said, "I remember that phantoms usually have to be reserved half a year to a year in advance, right? Is it too late now?"

Hearing his words, Yang Fan smiled and said, "I don't care about that. Anyway, there is no wedding car at that time. I will say that you don't give it. It's also the one who loses you."

Well, it's up to me. Wu Hao laughed and scolded when he heard the words.

Yang Fan flattered him and said, "It may take so long for other people to decide, but who are you, the head of Haoyu Technology, a world-renowned entrepreneur. If you decide, you won't be allowed to join the team or something. , the time is completely in time.”

When Wu Hao heard what he said with a smile, he rolled his eyes, his feelings had already been clearly arranged by him. But who told this kid to speak, he could only helplessly respond.

Okay, I'll go back and ask, and get it for you as much as possible.

Thank you boss. Hearing his words, Yang Fan immediately thanked him, then turned to look at Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong and said with a smile, "You two have a share, and neither of you can escape."

Looking at Yang Fan's appearance, Zhang Jun said angrily: "I have the urge to beat you up right now, tell me, don't make me hold back."

be me. Zou Xiaodong also raised his fist and threatened.

As for Yang Fan, he was unmoved. He first looked at Zhang Jun and said, "Well, Xixi and I have fallen in love with a piano, but we've been reluctant to buy it. You also know that there is no piano in such a big house. It's outrageous, and your nephews and nieces will be able to use it in the future, so this will trouble you."

Is it just a piano, okay? Hearing Yang Fan's words, Zhang Jun breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly.

Seeing Zhang Jun respond, Yang Fan added with a smile, "It's a Hungarian grand piano. It's not very expensive. I'll send you the information later."

I go! Hearing this, Zhang Jun reacted immediately, then grabbed Yang Fan's hand and said, "Tell me how much this piano is, so that I can prepare myself mentally."

Seeing Zhang Jun's appearance, Yang Fan showed his white teeth and shook his head and smiled: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive, it's only a million dollars."

One million dollars? You are fighting a tyrant! Zhang Jun immediately jumped up and scolded as if he had been cut into flesh.

Hey, it's much cheaper than Brother Hao's Phantom. Why don't you two switch? Yang Fan smiled and suggested.

Wu Hao heard the words and looked at Zhang Jun and smiled: "I don't mind!"

I'm very mind! Zhang Jun glared back at Wu Hao, then gritted his teeth at Yang Fan and said, "Go back and send me the information."

Yang Fan immediately thanked him when he heard the words, and then turned his head to stare at Zou Xiaodong. As for Zou Xiaodong, he was stared at by his eyes and stammered: "Don't look at me, I don't have much money. You know, I spent it all."

Not embarrassing you. Yang Fan shook his head with a smile, and then said to him, "We're getting married. Xixi should wear a set of jewelry in her wedding dress. We saw one set, it's pretty, Xixi likes it very much."

Got it, go back and send me the link. When Zou Xiaodong heard the words, he responded, and then he asked him, "How much is this set of jewelry? It won't be better than the two of them."

Not expensive, not expensive, just four or five million. Yang Fan smiled and shook his head.

It's not expensive. What did you buy? It wasn't to buy back the diamonds on the baby queen's crown. Don't buy that stuff, it's worthless, it's all carbon, and it's much purer artificially made now. Zou Xiaodong immediately suggested to Yang Fan kindly.

Hehe, not diamonds, but rubies, a set of very beautiful ruby ​​jewelry, it is said that Princess Na wore it when she got married, very beautiful. Yang Fan introduced with a smile.

Come on, we have been blackmailed by this kid. Seeing this, Zou Xiaodong turned to look at Wu Hao and Zhang Jun in a bad mood.

Don't worry, he will come back. Wu Hao looked at Yang Fan with a bad look.

Zhang Jun also nodded and looked at Zou Xiaodong: "I want him to come back, get married early, have children, and now have let go of childbirth. If you have seven or eight, you don't believe that you can't make money back."

Ha ha ha ha…

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao and the others all laughed. This amount of money is not worth anything to them, it is nothing more than a little uncomfortable to be extorted by this kid. Even if he didn't say anything, the money that Wu Hao and the others prepared for this kid would not be much less than what he asked for, and it might even be higher.

Take Wu Hao as an example. If he is really asked to pay some money, he can't afford it if he doesn't have a lot of money. Obviously, it won't work.

"Time is a little tight, what about your work here?" Zou Xiaodong said after joking. To know that he is now a product manager, he has to cooperate with Yang Fan and their scientific research department. And these projects are relatively tight, and now Yang Fan, who is the head of the department, has to prepare for the wedding. Can he take care of this?

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also looked at him. Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled and shook his head: "It shouldn't be a problem, I've discussed it with Xixi, it's not a big deal, it's just going through the motions, it won't take long.

And Xixi is pregnant now, so the honeymoon trip will definitely not be arranged. So we plan to wait until after the child is born, UU reading grow up a little and then arrange it.

In addition, regarding the wedding, our parents and Xixi will be responsible, and I will basically participate. Xixi and his parents also understand and support me so that I don't affect my work. "

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun nodded slightly. Wu Hao pondered for a moment, and then said to him: "Although, marriage is a major event in life, and you can't ignore everything.

Let's do it this way, then hand over all the work you can hand over to your deputy and the people below. You can spend more time on your side to accompany your wife and organize the wedding.

Although she didn't say it, she still hoped that you could participate. Besides, they are pregnant now, this is your child, you have to be more careful. "

What Haozi said is right, marriage is a major event in life, you should use more snacks. Zhang Jun also followed up: "As for your work at hand, try to hand it over as much as possible. If some administrative work is really impossible, I can temporarily take over it, or go to stay for a while. These are all fine."

Come on, it looks like I'll have to work a bit harder in the next few months. Zou Xiaodong also followed the words of the two and said to Yang Fan with a smile: "You don't have to worry about the mid-to-low-end products, since I am the product manager, then leave it to me to be fully responsible.

Although I am not a reliable person, I have never done anything wrong, don't worry! "

Thank you, thank you all! Hearing the words of the three, Yang Fan quickly thanked him with red eyes.

Come on, don't look like a little woman with red eyes, come on, do it! Wu Hao teased the kid, then raised the bottle and suggested.


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