Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Eat by strength

At seven o'clock in the evening, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun arrived at the hotel where the annual meeting was held.

Sometimes the size of the company is too big, which is also a trouble.

For this annual meeting, Shen Xiaoxian they contracted a hotel. The entire three floors and six banquet halls were filled with their employees.

In order to facilitate the period, of course, the seat is divided according to the department. However, at the beginning of this, everyone must first gather in the grand banquet hall on the first floor. After all, as an annual meeting, the leader's summary speech is still required.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the grand ceremony of Haoyu Technology officially began in the 2020-2021s. Let us welcome Mr. Wu Hao, the founder, chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology, with a warm applause.

Poppy poppy ...

Among the applause of everyone, Wu Hao came to the stage and looked at the people gathered below, then raised the microphone and laughed: "Dear colleagues, colleagues, all staff of Haoyu Technology, good evening!

I'm glad we all have such a chance to gather together. After a busy year, we gather here to raise a toast together and remember the pains and pains. This is something to be happy and happy.

This is the first formal annual meeting of our company since its establishment. In the past year, with the efforts of everyone, we have achieved remarkable results. The specific results have been explained in my annual thank you letter to you a few days ago, and I will not repeat the waste of time here.

However, how to say this is a joyous moment, I still want to share a few sets of data with you, let us all have fun together.

First of all, the number of employees in our company has increased more than ten times during the year. From a hundred people at the beginning of the year, we are now a big family with more than 1,400 people.

Moreover, the overall growth rate continues to increase, and more people will join in the future, and our family will continue to expand.

To be honest, as a parent in this huge family, I am not only happy and proud, but also feel pressure from time to time. More than 1,400 people also represent this more than 1,400 long mouths, and the cost incurred every day is huge. And these accumulate to a year, it is an amazing number.

Sometimes I am very worried. I am afraid that if there is any problem with the company's business, what to do with the food problem of more than 1,400 people.

So every day, every time I walk on thin ice, be careful, for fear of any accident.

Fortunately, with our joint efforts, the company is developing and expanding step by step. Our various businesses have also achieved very good results, and the annual turnover has reached an impressive result of 56.9 billion. "

Papapapap ... After everyone heard him announce the number, they applauded again. This achievement is dazzling and impressive, and everyone did not expect that their company, which has more than a thousand people, could actually create such a high turnover. So the sense of pride and a sense of belonging sprang up for a while, and everyone couldn't help cheering.

Wu Hao pressed his head to calm everyone down, and then continued: "In this year, we have involved a lot of business. From the initial cluster array control technology, drone technology, to intelligent unmanned storage, Smart unmanned farm.

From our smart voice assistant, to the smart home concept we launched, and the second-generation smart voice assistant we are about to launch.

In addition, there are some other businesses that I will not repeat here.

So many fruitful results are naturally inseparable from everyone's hard work and struggle. In particular, I saw colleagues in the marketing department staying in the company for many days and nights to work overtime in order to face the promotion festivals without complaints.

I see that the laboratory's scientific researchers leave the company at the latest every day, and the laboratory lights are always on all night.

I also saw a lot of colleagues working on the plane for 26 days a month. Some colleagues have been unable to stay home for months.

I have seen many of them, including those that have not been described. Thank you. Thank you for your hard work. This achievement should also have your contribution.

Now let's applaud and thank all of us with warm applause. It is our joint efforts that have made our company achieve today's impressive results. "

Poppy poppy ...

Wu Hao pressed his hand to signal everyone to calm down and said, "After saying so much, you may think I'm too embarrassed, actually I think so too."

Hahahaha ... Everyone in the audience smiles when they hear the words.

"So in order not to be annoying, I won't stop talking nonsense, let's do something practical."

Oh ... when he said that, the whole ballroom was boiling.

"First of all, I announced that all old employees who have worked in the company for one year will receive an additional three salary at the end of the year in addition to performance bonuses. Other companies' companies are paid double salaries, so we will double the salaries. Hard work during the year. "


"Secondly, employees who have worked for less than one year but for half a month will receive double pay at the end of the year, while those who have been less than six months and three months will receive half the salary reward for their positions."


Originally, Wu Hao set them at 5,000 yuan, but after soliciting everyone's opinions, I felt that it was too general. It should be based on the actual situation, so it has been changed to this way, which is also fairer to everyone.

"Second, the company will set up three awards, including the company's outstanding employees, the department's outstanding employees and the project's special contribution award. Among them, the company's outstanding employees will be selected by the company. 100,000 yuan bonus.

Then there are excellent employees in the department, which are selected by various secondary departments. The bonus for each excellent employee in the department is 50,000 yuan!

As for the final project special contribution award, it is used to reward individuals who have made outstanding contributions to various projects. Each project special contribution award winner will receive a prize of 500,000 yuan. "

Wow ... everyone in the room burst into exclamation ~ ~ Then it turned into warm applause.

After the people calmed down, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "I always insist on a credo, that is, you will get as much as you pay, and we will eat by our means.

So please rest assured that the company will not forget your achievements. In addition, I also want to tell you that all the above awards are fair and fair.

We will publish the list of relevant winners for your supervision. If you feel that it is unfair for anyone to get the award, or you are more suitable than him for this award, you can send an email to the special mailbox set up by us.

We will have someone to handle your mail, and we will investigate according to the things you report and explain. Once verified, we will deal with it immediately, and we will never tolerate it. "

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