Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2119: Melon and fruity fragrance

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, then picked up his fork and greeted everyone, "Come on, let's try it!"

As he said that, he also forked a piece of the seven-to-eight ripe peach that Zhang Jun had picked and put it in his mouth. At first, a sweetness filled his mouth. With the rejection, the sweetness soon spread to the taste buds. The peaches are very crisp. This crispness is close to that of cantaloupe, and the crispness of melon is not like the firm taste of ordinary peaches. So even people with bad teeth can accept this.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Hao forked another piece of the fully ripe peach that Yang Fang had picked. The taste is soft and rotten, put it in the mouth and bite it gently, it will dissolve, and the juice will fill the whole mouth at once, very sweet.

This kind of sweetness is not too sweet, not greasy, or sweet, but it is full of strong fruity aroma. For Wu Hao who doesn't like sweets very much, this kind of peaches is acceptable, so he also forked another piece to taste.

The taste is very good. Wu Hao nodded and praised: "If it is put into the market, it will definitely be welcomed by the public.

Not only does it taste good, but it is also more festive and has a better meaning. When the elders in the family celebrate their birthdays, they can buy one or several to go back. This is much better than those birthday cakes made of cream and noodles. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present smiled and nodded. Qin Yongchuan said with a smile: "When will this kind of peaches be available, I will buy this for my birthday in the future."

"If you like it, we will give you a few for your birthday every year from now on."

Yang Fang replied with a smile, and then said to the crowd: "For us, of course we hope that this kind of peaches can be planted and marketed on a large scale as soon as possible. But, after all, this is a genetically modified product, and the country is not interested in genetically modified agricultural products. The supervision is relatively strict, so if we want to go public, we must pass the relevant audits of the agriculture and technology and food and health departments, and only after obtaining the license can we put it on the market for promotion.

At present, we are already doing the relevant preparations in this regard. On the one hand, we are actively promoting the approval for the marketing license of this Xiantao variety. On the other hand, we have built a large-scale scientific research farm in the countryside of Anxi, which is more than 100 kilometers away. This farm is specialized in growing such genetically modified agricultural products.

On the one hand, it is an experimental field for our large-scale planting, and it is also a breeding and cultivation base for subsequent promotion. Of course, we will also try to promote and sell the agricultural products in this farm after obtaining the license.

If all goes well, this time next year, everyone will be able to see such peaches and other fruits in some supermarkets. "

If such a big peach is to be sold, I am afraid the price will be no less than two or three hundred. Qin Yongchuan couldn't help sighing when he looked at the peaches hanging on the peach tree.

Yang Fang smiled and shook his head: "In the early stage, the quantity is relatively small, so the price will be higher, but in the later stage, with the large-scale planting, the price will definitely drop. However, this kind of peach is not an ordinary variety, after all, it is cultivated and cultivated. It is complicated, so the unit price is definitely more expensive, but not much.

However, some of them are big in size, the fruit looks good, and if they come in a gift box, the price will naturally be much higher. "

Is this an apricot here? Zhang Jun looked at a fruit tree not far from the peach tree and asked.

Yang Fang smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is also an apricot tree species we cultivated, and we named it Xianxing No. 1."

Smashed and brought a fairy character. Zhang Jun couldn't help asking, apparently not satisfied with the name.

Hehe, this is mainly for convenience and easy to remember, and it is also taken from the fairy apricot in fairy tales. After explaining it, Yang Fang led the crowd to the apricot tree. This tree is about the same height as a peach tree, and it is also covered with yellow apricots.

And the fruit is very large, a bit like an apple, each about eight or nine centimeters in diameter, and some of the larger ones are over ten centimeters in diameter. The whole apricot is round, golden yellow and very bright.

Like the peach tree, its branches are also supported by brackets and ropes to prevent the branches from being bent by the fruit.

Yang Fang walked directly to the fruit tree, picked an apricot, and gently opened it in front of everyone. The whole process is very easy, revealing the golden-yellow flesh inside, and full of juice. The oval pit was picked by Yang Fang, and there was no pulp on it.

"The flesh of our fairy apricot is very dense, a bit like eating a patch cake. It melts in the mouth and is extremely sweet. The sweetness of the fruit is also very high, and it can reach 212 degrees after maturity."

Yang Fang handed the split apricot to the staff, she wiped her hands with a tissue, and then led the crowd to continue: "These are new varieties that we have cultivated, such as the plums here, which are also very Yes, the taste is completely different from the previous two.

There is also the Sydney we have cultivated here. The whole Sydney is egg-shaped, with a big belly on the top, and the skin of the Sydney is bright yellow with some very light pockmarks on it.

The whole fruit is also very huge, just a little bit smaller than the Xiantao in front. The pulp is juicy and the sweetness is very high. When seven or eight are ripe, the addition can reach about 20. If it is fully ripe, the filling can reach 28, 9 or even 30. The fruit is cut open for a while, UU read www. can see the kind of fructose frosting.

Let's pick some of these and taste them together later. "

Quickly skipping this fruit forest, Yang Fang led everyone to a melon and fruit planting field, and then introduced to everyone: "In addition to these fruit trees, we have also cultivated some new varieties.

For example, this watermelon tree here is a new variety that we have cultivated. Everyone knows that watermelon is an annual vine. Basically, after the melon is received, the melon vine will wither and die.

And we, inspired by scientists who cultivated perennial tomato trees through grafting technology, cultivated this watermelon tree. "

While listening to Yang Fang's introduction, everyone looked at this unusual watermelon tree. The melon vines of the entire watermelon tree were very thick and thick, and the more they were eradicated, the thicker they became. The branches are dry.

The melon vines are supported by the whole bracket, forming a big tree like an umbrella. There are some watermelons hanging on the tree. These watermelons are not big, but they are very round, and there are many watermelons hanging. The whole watermelon has a golden color.


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