Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2078: No information is a kind of information

That's right, after receiving this anonymous email, Wu Hao and the others doubted the authenticity of the content of the email, but also wondered whether it was a trap of the enemy. It was all right, if they intervened rashly, they would probably give the other party a chance.

Therefore, they have been very restrained in the handling of this anonymous email. This is also the reason why the Northwest Research Base was not notified, but came directly to investigate in person.

These two are veterans in dealing with this aspect, and they don't need Wu Hao and the others to exhort them too much. So explain a few words, and then let the two go to work. After all, they didn't stay here for a long time, so they had to hurry up.

Once Wu Hao and the others left, and there was no progress in the investigation, then if they stayed here to continue the investigation, there would be no further results.

Watching the two leave, Zhang Jun turned to look at him and said, "Could this anonymous email be just a prank by someone else?"

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words: "No, if it's a prank, it won't be like this anonymous email. Either the content is vague and the number is wrong, or it's very specific, naming names.

As for this anonymous email, it is not so vague, but it has not reached the specific stage of naming names, so there is a high probability that this person must know something, otherwise it is impossible to choose to say so.

Moreover, it is impossible for pranks to hide their identities by all means, send anonymous emails, and it is difficult to find them. "

That is to say, this person is hiding his identity in order to prevent us from finding him, and it is difficult for us to find him. Zhang Jun frowned and said.

Wu Hao shook his head: "It's not necessarily to prevent us from finding him, it may be a form of self-protection."

Self-protection? Zhang Jun was stunned.

Wu Hao nodded: "Yes, assuming the content of the email is true, the person who found out or mastered this information must be very flustered. He must also be hesitant to tell us the news. Finally, he finally made up his mind to tell us. We, but we were afraid that the other party would notice and bring danger to him, so we adopted this method."

But in this way, the difficulty of our investigation has to be greatly increased. Zhang Jun frowned and said worriedly.

Actually it's not difficult. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Although he said he didn't leave any information, it is precisely because he didn't leave a lot of useful information that he left us a lot of useful information, and sometimes we can get more information by leaving less information. thing."

I don't understand why I didn't stay, but I did. Zhang Jun was a little confused.

Hehe, think about it. Wu Hao replied with a smile: "If it is an ordinary person, or an ordinary employee, would he have the ability to send such an anonymous email that it is difficult to find the root cause?"


Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun's eyes lit up, and then he said excitedly, "You mean this is a master who understands computers or networks?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not necessarily a master, but it must be a relevant professional, or someone who understands the professional knowledge in this area. In this way, we can greatly narrow the scope of investigation.

In the entire Northwest Research Center, there are not many Internet and computer practitioners, so it should be possible to find this person from these people, but it will take time. "

"But what we lack right now is time. We don't know whether the other party's plan has been successful, or is in the process of preparing for implementation. No matter what kind, we must find them out as soon as possible. The remedy for the remedy, The blocking that should be stopped, in short, can't give them a chance." Zhang Jun knocked on the table and said angrily.

So, aren't we here? Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao picked up the water glass, took a sip, and said with a smile.

But if we can't find anyone as soon as possible, what's the use of us here. Zhang Jun was angry.

Wu Hao shook his head: "We don't need to look for it, let the other party come and take the initiative to us."

What's the meaning?

"It's very simple, the other party is worried about his own safety, then we are here to tell him that we can ensure their safety. He directly sent us an email to make it clear that he didn't trust others. Since we are here, then if he really is there The inside of the base will know the first time, and it should be able to think that the purpose of our visit must be because of his anonymous email.

Knowing this, he must be thinking whether to meet us or not. I've had someone email him back, and if he sees it, there's bound to be a reaction.

It is best to wait for him to take the initiative to come. If he does not take the initiative to come, then we can also find him through technical means. "Wu Hao explained with a smile.

No omissions, when did you think so much. Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao a little differently, showing a look of admiration.

After listening to their report and seeing this anonymous email, I started to think. Wu Hao replied.

Saying so, you lied to me too. Zhang Jun pouted and said a little unhappy.

Haha, don't tell me to do a comprehensive show, Wu Hao said comfortingly with a smile.

Heh, Zhang Jun glanced at him, then asked, "What are we doing now, we can't just wait like this."

You can do whatever you need to do. We didn't come to the base for this one thing. After Wu Hao finished speaking, he looked at Shen Ning and said, "According to the normal schedule, I will make another arrangement. I will invite some base staff representatives to dinner in the After hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning nodded immediately and replied. .

"What's your schedule this afternoon?" Wu Hao asked Shen Ning.

Shen Ning immediately replied, "According to the itinerary in the afternoon, you will go to Haoyu Aerospace. Some results have been achieved in the research work of the accompanying experimental project of Walker 4. You want to come to inspect and guide the work."

Hearing Shen Ning's words, Wu Hao nodded. This time, the astronauts who followed the astronauts on the Walker 4 also had some experimental projects. After these things accompany the Walker 4 return capsule back to Earth, they will be transported to the laboratory together with the return capsule to open the warehouse, and then carry out relevant targeted research.

And one of the purposes of Wu Hao's visit this time was to see these phased research results. Yu Chengwu had told them several times before, so Wu Hao naturally wanted to come and see. Although this is to go through the motions, at the same time, it is also an expression of an attitude, especially for researchers.

This is also another major purpose of Wu Hao's visit this time, which is to condolence and inspire the researchers who participated in the entire aerospace project and the manned spacecraft rocket project. Although he said that he has met many people at the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center and the South China Sea Launch Site.

But that's only a small part. There are still a large number of researchers who belong to the behind-the-scenes group who silently pay risks. These people are more worthy of cherishing and caring. They are the cornerstones that support the development of these projects.


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