Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Grab the paper!

Mr. Wu, other aspects also said that this paper... Zhang Qinghong frowned and said euphemistically.

Wu Hao put down the water glass in his hand, then smiled at the two of them and said, "Or you can send the patient directly to Linghu. There should be vacant beds in the medical research center."

Yes, we have enough beds here. Hearing Wu Hao's words, Wu Jiuzhi nodded quickly and said.

They are also working on related papers, but they don't want to be preempted by Xu Shenghua and Zhang Qinghong. So hearing Wu Hao's words, Wu Jiuzhi responded quickly.

Well, well, I have no problem. Xu Shenghua was stunned for a moment, then responded with a wry smile. When Zhang Qinghong saw this, he immediately responded. Wu Hao's attitude is relatively tough, and they naturally have no choice, who let the dominant power be held by others. And now there are many hospitals and specialists coveting this project, they don't want to miss such an opportunity.

Seeing that both of them responded, Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then turned to look at Wu Jiuzhi and said, "As for the idiopathic osteolysis patient you mentioned, you can come here first, and then slowly research.

However, it is necessary to make it clear to patients that there is no way anyone can do this kind of rare disease. We can only try it, it may not be cured, and there may even be dangers during the treatment. "

OK, I'll get in touch when I get back. Wu Jiuzhi responded with a smile when he heard the words.

And this also makes Xu Shenghua and Zhang Qinghong extremely envious. It really is the first to get the moon. For any project, they can't win it at all if they do it first. But if you think about it, you can only talk about it. After all, the Cooperative Medical Research Center itself is a joint project of the Air Force Medical College and Haoyu Technology. If you don't want to use your own people, you should use outsiders first.

Well, by the way, Professor Xu's patient, Wang Shanshan, right? Wu Hao looked at Xu Shenghua.

Yes, Wang Shanshan. Xu Shenghua replied.

Well, this is called Wang Shanshan, and I decided to exempt her from the expenses related to our side during the treatment process. Please have a good talk with the patient's family after you go back, and ask them to send us the relevant information as soon as possible, and we will have a special person for docking. After saying that, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning who was following him, and Shen Ning nodded knowingly to show his understanding.

Mr. Wu, can I ask, when do you plan to release this technology? Zhang Qinghong asked him, and this was the question he was most concerned about at the moment.

Wu Hao looked at Zhang Qinghong and said with a smile: "This matter is not urgent, we still need to look at the relevant research results. If the relevant results are progressing well, we will naturally release them. If they are not ideal, then there is no rush to the public. published.

You can't rush things like scientific research, you still have to give them enough vision. "

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't answer this question directly, Zhang Qinghong and Xu Shenghua were both disappointed, but this slight emotion was quickly concealed, and a smile appeared on their faces again.

After a few more chats, Xu Shenghua and Zhang Qinghong said their goodbyes and left. But Wu Jiuzhi stayed, apparently still wanting to talk to Wu Hao.

There was only Wu Jiuzhi left at the scene, so Wu Hao got up at will. The same goes for Wu Jiuzhi. He has a lot of dealings with Wu Hao and the others, so he is also very casual.

Mr. Wu, these two people are completely based on this project. Wu Jiuzhi said with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then looked at Wu Jiuzhi and jokingly said, "Hold on tight here, don't let the papers be robbed by others, you don't even have a place to cry."

You can rest assured that we have been carrying out related work, and will definitely give you several high-quality papers at that time. However, according to your request, these papers will be carried out after the release of this technology. What should we do if several companies are ready at that time.

Wu Hao gave Wu Jiuzhi a relieved look and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will add the relevant rules when I sign the relevant cooperation agreement. Whoever finishes writing it first will send it to us, and we will evaluate and revise the same content. We will select the two papers according to the time of delivery.

Of course, the quality of the articles is very good. If the quality of the content is too different, we will definitely choose the best. "

Don't worry, we won't let you down. Wu Jiuzhi kept his posture low and assured Wu Hao.

Wu Hao looked at him with a smile and nodded, then thought about it and explained: "Zou Feifei, you need to pay more attention, now the treatment has reached the second half, don't have problems at this stage, it will not be worth the loss. .

Lingwei, Zou Feifei has a lot of attention on the Internet. I have noticed that she records related treatment and hospital life every day. You should pay attention to this aspect. It is best to talk to her. The specific content of the treatment should not be leaked as much as possible. Let her calm down and receive treatment, don't be so impetuous.

Until the technology is officially released, it's better to keep it a little mysterious.

Now because of Zou Feifei's exposure, she and this technology have received a lot of attention, which is not good. "

Got it, I'll deal with it when I get back. Wu Jiuzhi put away his smile and said seriously.

Well, on the other side of the media reporters, you should be careful not to accept any interviews, let alone put some reporters in. Wu Hao asked again.

Regarding Zou Feifei's condition and this technology, it has indeed aroused the interest of many media, and they have proposed to conduct relevant interviews and, but they were all declined due to affecting the treatment of patients. But these media did not give up, but adopted many methods.

Some media even contacted Zou Feifei's parents and relatives, hoping to get some content, which also caused some disturbances.

That's why Wu Hao specifically warned him again today, indeed because these media reporters are too annoying.

Don't worry, I will emphasize it again at the meeting when I go back, and then keep an eye on it all the time to make sure there are no problems. Wu Jiuzhi nodded in response.

Well, so be it. Wu Hao nodded, then picked up the water glass and drank.

Seeing this, Wu Jiuzhi got up and left immediately. Of course, this guy didn't go, but walked to the restaurant in the park with ease. Since everyone came to the Haoyu Technology Company Park, how could they not have a meal? Although the food in the restaurant in the treatment research center is also good, compared to the food in the restaurant in Haoyu Science and Technology Park, it is really heaven and earth.

So what Wu Jiuzhi and the others like the most is to go to Haoyu Technology Company's campus for a meal, and don't miss any opportunity.

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